Advanced Attributes Management

Notes for release 23.0.8880.35324


  • Task 9299 - Bug 9297 - Item with Lot No. Attribute/s is in error when change the Item No on Purchase line
  • Task 11153 - Bug 11152 - Error when applying an Item Template
  • Task 12191 - Bug 12083 - Lot attributes values not Recorded in Lot No Information list
  • Task 11218 - Bug 11215 - Duplicate priority (n°2) in customer - vendor and lots attributes
  • Task 11222 - Bug 11194 - Error printing inventory put away or pick away
  • Task 10760 - User Story 10754 - Posted Sales Shipment
  • Task 10764 - User Story 10753 - Posted Purchase Receipt
  • Task 10773 - User Story 10769 - Posted Sales Invoice
  • Task 10781 - User Story 10777 - Inventory Pick
  • Task 10789 - User Story 10785 - Inventory Put-Away
  • Task 10797 - User Story 10793 - Sales Blanket Order
  • Task 10805 - User Story 10801 - Purchase Blanket order
  • Task 10813 - User Story 10809 - Sales Quote
  • Task 10821 - User Story 10817 - Sales Order
  • Task 10829 - User Story 10825 - Purchase Order
  • Task 10638 - Bug 10632 -
  • Task 10656 - User Story 10653 - Automated Creation of Lot Information on Production
  • Task 10928 - Bug 10927 - Vendor Attribute no more accessible
  • Task 9558 - Bug 9557 - Error when assigning a trading file category when BC set is french
  • Task 10395 - User Story 10394 - Allow external acces to GetTranslatedName on attribute Table
  • Task 5548 - Bug 5545 - The Item Attribute (Integer) is not displayed on Item List
  • Task 6812 - User Story 6811 -
  • Task 7097 - Bug 7096 -
  • Task 7106 - Bug 7105 - When assigining a category the promoted attribute predifined value are not reflected
  • Task 7143 - User Story 7141 - Check empty date assignation on attribute value
  • Task 7507 - User Story 7492 - Trading File Copy
  • Task 7743 - User Story 7742 - Extend promoted attributes from 5 to 10
  • Task 9266 - User Story 9265 -
  • Task 9459 - User Story 9458 - Review translations
  • Task 9460 - User Story 9458 - Review translations
  • Task 7374 - User Story 1370 - Initial Appsource Publishing
  • Task 7172 - User Story 7171 - Enable Application Area on Install App
  • Task 6999 - User Story 6997 - 'internal' Code review
  • Task 6567 - Bug 6566 - Create Sublot/Merge Lot - Attributes Inconsistencies
  • Task 6820 - User Story 6819 - Translations
  • Task 6913 - Bug 6912 - When creating an empty value (space) manually by the user for Attributes (Customer, Vendor, Lot No.) the system return an error
  • Task 7011 - User Story 7010 - Rename apps to Bricklead + Logo
  • Task 7016 - Bug 7015 - Create Sublot - Attribute Values showing Blocked Attributes
  • Task 7034 - Bug 7033 - Error when modify a value for an attribute (type Text) in Purchase line
  • Task 7036 - Bug 6301 - In Purchase line the values for Attribute type Option are not available
  • Task 1371 - User Story 1370 - Initial Appsource Publishing
  • Task 6954 - Bug 6953 -
  • Task 6924 - Bug 6923 -
  • Task 5912 - User Story 5905 - Advanced Attributes Integration
  • Task 6835 - Bug 6834 - Can't create purchase order when creating purchase order from Order Planning, Planning Worksheet or Requisition Worksheet
  • Task 6593 - Bug 6592 -
  • Task 6750 - Bug 6749 -
  • Task 6775 -
  • Task 6809 - Bug 6808 -
  • User Story 6819 - Feature 1362 -
  • Task 6821 - User Story 6819 - Translations
  • Task 6822 - User Story 6819 - Translations
  • Task 6774 - User Story 3633 - Create granular permission sets
  • Task 6709 - Bug 6708 -
  • Task 6740 - Bug 6739 -
  • Task 6501 - User Story 6497 - Assign aatibutes values when spliting line on Warehouse Documents
  • Task 6579 - Bug 6569 -
  • Task 6711 - Bug 6710 -
  • Task 6480 - User Story 6471 - Get Lot No. Attributes on Warehouse Receipt Lines
  • Task 6432 - User Story 5568 -
  • Task 6602 - Bug 6601 -
  • Task 6325 - Bug 6323 -
  • Task 6478 - User Story 6471 - Get Lot No. Attributes on Warehouse Receipt Lines
  • Task 6319 - Bug 6318 - New Logic In Attribute Categories when already assigned to entities for LOT No category
  • Task 6360 - User Story 6359 - Setup Wizard
  • Task 6398 -
  • Task 6302 - Bug 6301 - In Purchase line the values for Attribute type Option are not available
  • Task 3647 - User Story 3633 - Create granular permission sets

Events available

Event Type Object Function Description
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_DestCategory OnLoadAttributesFactBoxDataOnBeforeInsert(var AttributeValueMapping: Record “briAAT_AttributeValueMapping”; var AttributeFactBox: Record “briAAT_AttributeValue” temporary)
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_DestCategory OnAfterPropagateAttributeToShortcut(TableID: Integer; var Propagate: Boolean);
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_DestCustomer OnLoadAttributesFactBoxDataOnBeforeInsert(var AttributeValueMapping: Record “briAAT_AttributeValueMapping”; var AttributeFactBox: Record “briAAT_AttributeValue” temporary)
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_DestCustomer OnAfterGetPriorityCaption(TypeNo: enum briAAT_AttributeType; PriorityNo: enum briAAT_AttributePriority; var Caption: Text[250])
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_DestCustomer OnAfterPropagateAttributeToShortcut(TableID: Integer; var Propagate: Boolean);
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_DestItem OnLoadAttributesFactBoxDataOnBeforeInsert(var AttributeValueMapping: Record “briAAT_AttributeValueMapping”; var AttributeFactBox: Record “briAAT_AttributeValue” temporary)
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_DestItem OnAfterPropagateAttributeToShortcut(TableID: Integer; var Propagate: Boolean);
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_DestLotNo OnLoadAttributesFactBoxDataOnBeforeInsert(var AttributeValueMapping: Record “briAAT_AttributeValueMapping”; var AttributeFactBox: Record “briAAT_AttributeValue” temporary)
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_DestLotNo OnAfterGetPriorityCaption(TypeNo: enum briAAT_AttributeType; PriorityNo: enum briAAT_AttributePriority; var Caption: Text[250])
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_DestLotNo OnBeforeAttributeValueMappingModify(var AttributeValueMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping; AttributeValue: Record briAAT_AttributeValue; pRelatedRec: Variant)
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_DestLotNo OnAfterAttributeValueMappingModify(var AttributeValueMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping; pRelatedRec: Variant)
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_DestLotNo OnAfterPropagateAttributeToShortcut(TableID: Integer; var Propagate: Boolean);
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_DestNone OnAfterPropagateAttributeToShortcut(TableID: Integer; var Propagate: Boolean);
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_DestTradingFile OnLoadAttributesFactBoxDataOnBeforeInsert(var AttributeValueMapping: Record “briAAT_AttributeValueMapping”; var AttributeFactBox: Record “briAAT_AttributeValue” temporary)
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_DestTradingFile OnAfterGetPriorityCaption(TypeNo: enum briAAT_AttributeType; PriorityNo: enum briAAT_AttributePriority; var Caption: Text[250])
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_DestTradingFile OnAfterPropagateAttributeToShortcut(TableID: Integer; var Propagate: Boolean);
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_DestVendor OnLoadAttributesFactBoxDataOnBeforeInsert(var AttributeValueMapping: Record “briAAT_AttributeValueMapping”; var AttributeFactBox: Record “briAAT_AttributeValue” temporary)
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_DestVendor OnAfterGetPriorityCaption(TypeNo: enum briAAT_AttributeType; PriorityNo: enum briAAT_AttributePriority; var Caption: Text[250])
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_DestVendor OnAfterPropagateAttributeToShortcut(TableID: Integer; var Propagate: Boolean);
Integration Event table briAAT_Attribute OnBeforeCheckNameUniqueness(var NewAttribute: Record “briAAT_Attribute”; Attribute: Record “briAAT_Attribute”)
Integration Event table briAAT_Attribute OnAfterHasUsage(var Attribute: Record briAAT_Attribute; var AttributeHasUsage: Boolean)
Integration Event table briAAT_AttributeValue OnAfterHasUsage(var AttributeValue: Record briAAT_AttributeValue; var AttributeHasBeenUsed: Boolean)
Integration Event page briAAT_AttributeValueList OnBeforeCheckAttributeName(var AttributeValueSelection: Record briAAT_AttributeValueSelection; RecordRelated: Variant);
Integration Event page briAAT_AttributeValueList OnLoadAttributesOnBeforeTempAttributeValueInsert(var TempAttributeValue: Record briAAT_AttributeValue temporary; AttributeValueMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping; RecordRelated: Variant; TableID: Integer);
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_AttributeValueMgt OnBeforeRemoveUniqueAttributesFromRecordSelection(var TempAttributeValue: Record briAAT_AttributeValueSelection temporary; DestinationType: Enum briAAT_DestinationType; SystemIds: List of [Guid]; IsHandled: Boolean) Get all the Attribute Values for the selected Records
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_AttributeValueMgt OnAfterRemoveUniqueAttributesFromRecordSelection(var TempAttributeValue: Record briAAT_AttributeValueSelection temporary; DestinationType: Enum briAAT_DestinationType; SystemIds: List of [Guid]) Get common Attribute Values for the selected Records
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_AttributeValueMgt OnAfterAttributeValueMappingDelete(AttributeToDeleteID: Integer; RelatedRecordSystemId: Text; AttributeValueSelection: Record briAAT_AttributeValueSelection; TableIdRelated: Integer)
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_AttributeValueMgt OnBeforeAttributeValueMappingModify(var AttributeValueMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping; DestinationType: Enum briAAT_DestinationType; RelatedRecordSystemId: Text)
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_AttributeValueMgt OnAfterAttributeValueMappingModify(var AttributeValueMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping; DestinationType: Enum briAAT_DestinationType; RelatedRecordSystemId: Text)
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_AttributeValueMgt OnBeforeAttributeValueMappingInsert(var AttributeValueMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping; AttributeValue: Record briAAT_AttributeValue; AttributeValueSelection: Record briAAT_AttributeValueSelection)
Integration Event table briAAT_AttributeValueSelection OnPopulateAttributeValueOnBeforeInsert(AttributeValueSelection: Record briAAT_AttributeValueSelection; var TempAttributeValue: Record briAAT_AttributeValue temporary);
Integration Event table briAAT_AttributeValueSelection OnInsertRecordOnBeforeAttrValueSelectionInsert(var AttributeValueSelection: Record briAAT_AttributeValueSelection; TempAttributeValue: Record briAAT_AttributeValue temporary)
Integration Event table briAAT_AttributeValueSelection OnBeforeFindAttributeCaseInsensitive(var Attribute: Record briAAT_Attribute; var AttributeValueSelection: Record briAAT_AttributeValueSelection)
Integration Event table briAAT_AttributeValueSelection OnValidateChangedAttributeOnBeforeValidateValue(Attribute: Record briAAT_Attribute; var AttributeValueSelection: Record briAAT_AttributeValueSelection)
Integration Event page briAAT_CategoryAttributes OnInsertRecordOnBeforeAttributeValueMappingInsert(var AttributeValueMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping; var AttributeValue: Record briAAT_AttributeValue; AttributeValueSelection: Record briAAT_AttributeValueSelection)
Integration Event page briAAT_CategoryAttributes OnLoadAttributesOnBeforeTempAttributeValueInsert(AttributeValueMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping; var TempAttributeValue: Record briAAT_AttributeValue temporary)
Integration Event page briAAT_CategoryAttributes OnSaveAttributesOnBeforeAttributeValueMappingInsert(var AttributeValueMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping; AttributeValue: Record briAAT_AttributeValue)
Integration Event page briAAT_CategoryLookup OnAfterSetCategoryFilter(var Category: Record briAAT_Category)
Integration Event briAAT_OnAfterItemTrackingCodeUseLot(Item: Record Item; var Available: Boolean); Procedure to update tracking values option using Attributes
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_UpdateLotAttributes OnBeforeSetListOfSystemIDsFromLotInformation(var Rec: Record “Lot No. Information”)
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_UpdateLotAttributes OnBeforeSetListOfSystemIDsFromItem(var Rec: Record “Item”)
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_UpdateLotAttributes OnBeforeSetListOfSystemIDsFromVendor(var Rec: Record Vendor)
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_ItemTrackingLine OnAfterInheritLotNoInfoFromTrackingSpecification(TrackingSpec: Record “Tracking Specification”; var LotNoInformation: record “Lot No. Information”); This event allowes to have specific rules for inheriting attributes
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_ItemTrackingLine OnAfterIsDocumentNeedsCreateLotNoInfoFromTrackingSpecification(TrackingSpec: Record “Tracking Specification”; var Allowed: boolean) This event allowes to extend the type of document that need to create Information Lot
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_ItemTrackingLine OnBeforeCreateLotNoInfoFromTrackingSpecification(var LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; TrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification”; var IsHandled: Boolean);
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_ItemTrackingLine OnAfterCreateLotNoInfoFromTrackingSpecification(var LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; TrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification”);
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_ItemTrackingLine OnAfterCreateNewLotNoInfoFromTrackingSpecification(var LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; TrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification”);
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_ItemTrackingLine OnBeforeOnShowCardOnAfterLotNoInfoNewSetFilters(var LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; TrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification”; var IsHandled: Boolean);
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_ItemTrackingLine OnAfterOnShowCardOnAfterLotNoInfoNewSetFilters(var LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; TrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification”);
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_WhseTrackingLine OnAfterIsDocumentNeedsCreateLotNoInfoFromTrackingSpecification(TrackingSpec: Record “Whse. Item Tracking Line”; var Allowed: boolean) This event allowes to extend the type of document that need to create Information Lot
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_WhseTrackingLine OnBeforeCreateLotNoInfoFromTrackingSpecification(var LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; TrackingSpecification: Record “Whse. Item Tracking Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean);
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_WhseTrackingLine OnAfterCreateLotNoInfoFromTrackingSpecification(var LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; TrackingSpecification: Record “Whse. Item Tracking Line”);
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_WhseTrackingLine OnAfterInheritLotNoInfoFromTrackingSpecification(TrackingSpec: Record “Whse. Item Tracking Line”; var LotNoInformation: record “Lot No. Information”); This event allowes to have specific rules for inheriting attributes
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_WhseTrackingLine OnAfterCreateNewLotNoInfoFromTrackingSpecification(var LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; TrackingSpecification: Record “Whse. Item Tracking Line”);
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_AttributeMgt OnBeforeLoadAttributesFactBoxData(var AttributeValue: Record briAAT_AttributeValue temporary; DestinationType: enum briAAT_DestinationType; RelatedRec: Variant; var Handled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_AttributeMgt OnAfterLoadAttributesFactBoxData(var AttributeValue: Record briAAT_AttributeValue temporary; DestinationType: enum briAAT_DestinationType; RelatedRec: Variant)
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_AttributeMgt OnInsertBufferedAttributeValueMappingOnBeforeAttributeValueMappingInsert(var TempAttributeValueToInsert: Record briAAT_AttributeValue temporary; var AttributeValueMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping)
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_AttributeMgt OnBeforeBufferedAttributeValueMappingInsert(var AttributeValueMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping; var TempAttributeValueMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping temporary)
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_AttributeMgt OnBeforeAttributeValueMappingInsert(AttributeValueMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping; TempAttributeValueToInsert: Record briAAT_AttributeValue);
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_AttributeMgt OnBeforeInsertAttributeValueMappingFromPriority(RelatedRec: Variant; Type: Enum briAAT_AttributeType; Priority: Enum briAAT_AttributePriority; Value: Variant; pForcedTableID: Integer; pForcedSystemID: Guid; Handled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_AttributeMgt OnAfterInsertAttributeValueMappingFromPriority(RelatedRec: Variant; Type: Enum briAAT_AttributeType; Priority: Enum briAAT_AttributePriority; Value: Variant; pForcedTableID: Integer; pForcedSystemID: Guid)
Integration Event Codeunit briAAT_CategoryMgt OnBeforeAttributeValueMappingInsert(var AttributeValueMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping; var TempAttributeValue: Record briAAT_AttributeValue temporary)
Integration Event Codeunit briAAT_CategoryMgt OnSearchCategoryForAttributeOnBeforeSearchByParentCategory(CategoryGuid: Guid; AttributeID: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_PriorityMgt OnAfterResolveCaptionClass(CaptionArea: Text; CaptionExpr: Text; Language: Integer; var Caption: Text; var Resolved: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_PriorityMgt OnAfterDeleteRecordAllShortcut(DestinationType: Enum briAAT_DestinationType; var RelatedRecRef: RecordRef)
Integration Event briAAT_OnBeforeChangeWillHaveNoEffectMessage(PurchaseLine: Record “Purchase Line”; var Msg: Text; var Handled: Boolean) Allow to change the message when changing Lot No. Attribute on a purchase line.
Integration Event briAAT_SetBuyFromAttributeFilters(var SellTo_AttributeMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping) Set filters on sell to customer attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetBilltoAttributeFilters(var BillTo_AttributeMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping) Set filters on bill to customer attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetItemAttributeFilters(var Item_AttributeMapping: Record “Item Attribute Value Mapping”) Set filters on Item attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetLotNoInformationAttributeFilters(var LotNo_AttributeMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping) Set filters on purchase line lot attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetBuyFromAttributeFilters(var SellTo_AttributeMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping) Set filters on sell to customer attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetBilltoAttributeFilters(var BillTo_AttributeMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping) Set filters on bill to customer attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetItemAttributeFilters(var Item_AttributeMapping: Record “Item Attribute Value Mapping”) Set filters on Item attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetBuyFromAttributeFilters(var SellTo_AttributeMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping) Set filters on sell to customer attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetBilltoAttributeFilters(var BillTo_AttributeMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping) Set filters on bill to customer attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetItemAttributeFilters(var Item_AttributeMapping: Record “Item Attribute Value Mapping”) Set filters on Item attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetLineLotNoInformationAttributeFilters(var LotNo_AttributeMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping) Set filters on purchase line lot attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetBuyFromAttributeFilters(var SellTo_AttributeMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping) Set filters on sell to customer attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetBilltoAttributeFilters(var BillTo_AttributeMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping) Set filters on bill to customer attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetItemAttributeFilters(var Item_AttributeMapping: Record “Item Attribute Value Mapping”) Set filters on Item attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetSellToAttributeFilters(var SellTo_AttributeMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping) Set filters on sell to customer attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetBilltoAttributeFilters(var BillTo_AttributeMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping) Set filters on bill to customer attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetItemAttributeFilters(var Item_AttributeMapping: Record “Item Attribute Value Mapping”) Set filters on Item attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetSellToAttributeFilters(var SellTo_AttributeMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping) Set filters on sell to customer attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetBilltoAttributeFilters(var BillTo_AttributeMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping) Set filters on bill to customer attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetItemAttributeFilters(var Item_AttributeMapping: Record “Item Attribute Value Mapping”) Set filters on Item attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetLotNoInformationAttributeFilters(var LotNo_AttributeMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping) Set filters on Lot No attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetSellToAttributeFilters(var SellTo_AttributeMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping) Set filters on sell to customer attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetBilltoAttributeFilters(var BillTo_AttributeMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping) Set filters on bill to customer attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetItemAttributeFilters(var Item_AttributeMapping: Record “Item Attribute Value Mapping”) Set filters on Item attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetSellToAttributeFilters(var SellTo_AttributeMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping) Set filters on sell to customer attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetBilltoAttributeFilters(var BillTo_AttributeMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping) Set filters on bill to customer attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetItemAttributeFilters(var Item_AttributeMapping: Record “Item Attribute Value Mapping”) Set filters on Item attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetSellToAttributeFilters(var SellTo_AttributeMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping) Set filters on sell to customer attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetBilltoAttributeFilters(var BillTo_AttributeMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping) Set filters on bill to customer attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetItemAttributeFilters(var Item_AttributeMapping: Record “Item Attribute Value Mapping”) Set filters on Item attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetSellToAttributeFilters(var SellTo_AttributeMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping) Set filters on sell to customer attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetBilltoAttributeFilters(var BillTo_AttributeMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping) Set filters on bill to customer attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetItemAttributeFilters(var Item_AttributeMapping: Record “Item Attribute Value Mapping”) Set filters on Item attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetLotNoInformationAttributeFilters(var LotNo_AttributeMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping) Set filters on Lot No attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetItemAttributeFilters(var Item_AttributeMapping: Record “Item Attribute Value Mapping”) Set filters on Item attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetLotNoInformationAttributeFilters(var LotNo_AttributeMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping) Set filters on purchase line lot attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetItemAttributeFilters(var Item_AttributeMapping: Record “Item Attribute Value Mapping”) Set filters on Item attributes
Integration Event briAAT_SetLotNoInformationAttributeFilters(var LotNo_AttributeMapping: Record briAAT_AttributeValueMapping) Set filters on purchase line lot attributes
Integration Event codeunit briAAT_WhseActivityLineMgt OnAfterInsertLotNoInfoOnCreateLotNoInformationFromWarehouseActivityLine(var LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; WhseActivityLine: Record “Warehouse Activity Line”)