Privacy Policy

Bricklead collects data from you, through our interactions with you and through our products. You provide some of this data directly, and we get some of it by collecting data about your interactions, use and experiences with our products. The data we collect depends on the context of your interactions with Bricklead and the choices that you make, including your privacy settings and the products and features that you use. If you want to access or control personal data processed by Bricklead you can always contact us at the address below:


PIBS, 1 Allée Gabriel Lippmann, CP34, 56038 VANNES CEDEX, FRANCE

+33 297682279

Personal information

You can also make choices about the collection and use of your data by Microsoft. You can control your personal data that Bricklead has obtained, and exercise your data protection rights, by contacting Bricklead or using various tools we provide. In some cases, your ability to access or control your personal data will be limited, as required or permitted by applicable law.

About cookies

Cookies are small text files placed on your device to store data that can be recalled by a web server in the domain that placed the cookie. We use cookies and similar technologies for storing and honoring your preferences and settings, enabling you to sign in, providing interest-based advertising, combating fraud, analysing how our products perform and fulfilling other legitimate purposes.

You have a variety of tools to control the data collected by cookies and similar technologies. For example, you can use controls in your internet browser to limit how the websites you visit are able to use cookies and to withdraw your consent by clearing or blocking cookies.

Google Analytics

We use cookies and other identifiers to gather usage and performance data. For example, we use cookies to count the number of unique visitors to a web page or service and to develop other statistics about the operations of our products.

Social Media

Our website include social media cookies, including those that enable users who are signed in to the social media service to share content via that service.

  • Sharing buttons (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube)
  • Videos published on our website (YouTube, Vimeo)