How to setup Associated Document Lines?


Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature icon, enter Associated Document Lines Setup. Then choose the usage (Purchase, Sales, Service) in which you want to setup the extension.

On the Associated Document Lines Setup page, choose the New action.

Following fields are used for setup

Field Description Comment
Code Free text code (10 digits) for the line.
Description Free text description onf the setup line (20 digits). Description will replace document line description. Note that a Description 2 field is available via customization.
Item Filter Table filter that can be used to filter on any fields of the item card.
Availability Option field to define how this setup line will interfere with document lines.
Inactive: This line does not apply on document.
Active: This line applies on document. When the associated document line is created on the document, its default content can’t be changed.
Active - allow changes: This line applies on document. When the associated document line is created on the document, its content can be changed.
Setting this field Active or Active - allow changes enables Customer Filter, Header Filter and Line Filter fields.
Customer Filter Table filter that can be used to filter on any fields of the customer card. On purchase, Customer is replaced by Vendor
Header Filter Table filter that can be used to filter on any fields of the header document.
Line Filter Table filter that can be used to filter on any fields of the line Document.
Type Defines the type of the associated document line to be created. can be
* Item
* G/L Account
* Resource
No. Depending on chosen Type, can be an
* Item No.
* a G/L Account
* a Resource No.
Quantity Calculation formula to be applies for the quantity field of the created associated document line. Use shortcuts and operators to create a formula. Possible shortcuts are : Q=Quantity, B=Base Quantity, U=Unit price/cost, A=Amount, V=Volume,N=Net weight,G=Gross weight.
See Examples page for more details.
Unit of measure Code Choose a unit of measure code for the line to be created.

No further setup is required,

Once setup is done, associated document lines are automatically created for document lines matching the selected filter.

See applicable associated document lines on the item card

Once setup is done you can easily check which associated document lines setup is applicable for an item.

From the Item List, on the Item Detail - Invoicing factbox, see the associated document lines counters (3). When cliking on it you see the applicable results.

From the Item Card, on the Related menu select the domain (Purchase, Sales, Service) then Associated document lines.


In order to rename an item, a resource or a general account, you must delete the element you wish to rename from all active documents. If you forget this rule, an error message will appear.
