Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_AdvancedLotNoInfoMgt |
OnBeforeShowLotNoInformationCard(var LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”) |
Change/Extend filters on Record “Lot No. Information” before opening the Lot No. Information Card on procedure ShowLotNoInformationCard |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_AdvancedLotNoInfoMgt |
OnBeforeCreateAdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer(var AdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer: Record briALM_AdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer; LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; var FillLotInspectionStatus: Boolean; var FillLotPromotedAttributes: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite procedure CreateAdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer for a specific Record “Lot No. Information” |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_AdvancedLotNoInfoMgt |
OnBeforeInsertAdvancedLotNoInfoBufferWithoutLocation(var AdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer: Record briALM_AdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer; LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite procedure InsertAdvancedLotNoInfoBufferWithoutLocation |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_AdvancedLotNoInfoMgt |
OnAfterSetItemLedgerEntryFilterOnInsertAdvancedLotNoInfoBufferWithoutLocation(var ItemLedgerEntry: Record “Item Ledger Entry”; LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”) |
Change/Extend filters on Record “Item Ledger Entry” on procedure InsertAdvancedLotNoInfoBufferWithoutLocation. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_AdvancedLotNoInfoMgt |
OnBeforeInsertAdvancedLotNoInfoBufferOnInsertAdvancedLotNoInfoBufferWithoutLocationByPackageNo(var AdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer: Record briALM_AdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer; ItemLedgerEntry: Record “Item Ledger Entry”; LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; PackageNo: Code[50]) |
Change values on “briALM_AdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer” Record before insert it on procedure InsertAdvancedLotNoInfoBufferWithoutLocation by Package No. from the related Item Ledger Entry |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_AdvancedLotNoInfoMgt |
OnBeforeInsertAdvancedLotNoInfoBufferOnInsertAdvancedLotNoInfoBufferWithoutLocation(var AdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer: Record briALM_AdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer; ItemLedgerEntry: Record “Item Ledger Entry”; LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”) |
Change values on “briALM_AdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer” Record before insert it on procedure InsertAdvancedLotNoInfoBufferWithoutLocation. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_AdvancedLotNoInfoMgt |
OnBeforeInsertAdvancedLotNoInfoBufferByBin(var AdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer: Record briALM_AdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer; LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite procedure InsertAdvancedLotNoInfoBufferByBin |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_AdvancedLotNoInfoMgt |
OnAfterSetBinContentFilterOnInsertAdvancedLotNoInfoBufferByBin(var BinContent: Record “Bin Content”; LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”) |
Change/Extend filters on Record “Bin Content” on procedure InsertAdvancedLotNoInfoBufferByBin. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_AdvancedLotNoInfoMgt |
OnBeforeInsertAdvancedLotNoInfoBufferOnInsertAdvancedLotNoInfoBufferByBinAndPackageNo(var AdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer: Record briALM_AdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer; BinContent: Record “Bin Content”; LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; WarehouseEntry: Record “Warehouse Entry”; PackageNo: Code[50]) |
Change values on “briALM_AdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer” Record before insert it on procedure InsertAdvancedLotNoInfoBufferByBin by Package No. from the related Warehouse Entries on the Bin Content |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_AdvancedLotNoInfoMgt |
OnBeforeInsertAdvancedLotNoInfoBufferOnInsertAdvancedLotNoInfoBufferByBin(var AdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer: Record briALM_AdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer; BinContent: Record “Bin Content”; LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”) |
Change values on “briALM_AdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer” Record before insert it on procedure InsertAdvancedLotNoInfoBufferByBin. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_AdvancedLotNoInfoMgt |
OnBeforeInsertAdvancedLotNoInfoBufferByLocation(var AdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer: Record briALM_AdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer; LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite procedure InsertAdvancedLotNoInfoBufferByLocation |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_AdvancedLotNoInfoMgt |
OnAfterSetItemLedgerEntryFilterOnInsertAdvancedLotNoInfoBufferByLocation(var ItemLedgerEntry: Record “Item Ledger Entry”; LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”) |
Change/Extend filters on Record “Item Ledger Entry” on procedure InsertAdvancedLotNoInfoBufferByLocation. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_AdvancedLotNoInfoMgt |
OnBeforeInsertAdvancedLotNoInfoBufferOnInsertAdvancedLotNoInfoBufferByLocationAndPackageNo(var AdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer: Record briALM_AdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer; ItemLedgerEntry: Record “Item Ledger Entry”; LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; PackageNo: Code[50]) |
Change values on “briALM_AdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer” Record before insert it on procedure InsertAdvancedLotNoInfoBufferByLocation by Package No. from the related Item Ledger Entry |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_AdvancedLotNoInfoMgt |
OnBeforeInsertAdvancedLotNoInfoBufferOnInsertAdvancedLotNoInfoBufferByLocation(var AdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer: Record briALM_AdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer; ItemLedgerEntry: Record “Item Ledger Entry”; LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”) |
Change values on “briALM_AdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer” Record before insert it on procedure InsertAdvancedLotNoInfoBufferByLocation. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_AATIntegrationHandler |
OnBeforeIsAdvancedAttributesInstalled(var IsInstalled: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_AATIntegrationHandler |
OnBeforeLookupLotAttributes(var AttributeId: Integer; var AttributeName: Text[250]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_AATIntegrationHandler |
OnBeforeGetVendorLotAttributeValueByName(var VendorLotAttributeValue: Text[250]; VendorSystemId: Guid; VendorAttributeName: Text[250]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_AATIntegrationHandler |
OnBeforeGetAttributeValueSelection(var AttributeValueSelection: Record isaTLS_AttributeValueSelection; DestinationType: Enum isaTLS_DestinationType; TableIDLink: Integer; SystemIDLink: Guid; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_AATIntegrationHandler |
OnBeforeGetLotNoInformationPromotedAttributeValues(var TempLotNoInformationPromotedAttributes: Record isaTLS_LotNoInfoPromAttrbutes temporary; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_INSIntegrationHandler |
OnBeforeIsInspectionStatusInstalled(var IsInstalled: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_MBSIntegrationHandler |
OnBeforeIsManufacturingBatchSizeInstalled(var IsInstalled: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_ItemTrackingMgt |
OnBeforeAssignLotNoOnWarehouseActivityLine(var WarehouseActivityLine: Record “Warehouse Activity Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite procedure AssignLotNoOnWarehouseActivityLine |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_LotReportSelectionMgt |
OnBeforeFindSpecificLotReportSelection(var LotReportSelection: Record briALM_LotReportSelection; LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; var SkipMessage: Boolean; var LotReportSelectionFound: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite/Change procedure FindSpecificLotReportSelection behaviour |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_PrintLotLabel |
OnBeforeRunLotLabelReport(ReportID: Integer; var LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Integration Event |
page briALM_AddToExistingLotWizard |
OnBeforeFinishAction(LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; DestinationLotNo: Code[50]; ExpirationDate: Date; PostingDate: Date; NewQuantity: Decimal; UnitOfMeasureCode: Code[10]; PackageNo: Code[50]; LocationCode: Code[10]; BinCode: Code[20]; NewLocationCode: Code[10]; NewBinCode: Code[20]; var AddedToExistingLot: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite procedure FinishAction on page AddToExistingLotWizard and close the page. |
Integration Event |
page briALM_AddToExistingLotWizard |
OnAfterFinishAction(LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; DestinationLotNo: Code[50]; ExpirationDate: Date; PostingDate: Date; NewQuantity: Decimal; UnitOfMeasureCode: Code[10]; PackageNo: Code[50]; LocationCode: Code[10]; BinCode: Code[20]; NewLocationCode: Code[10]; NewBinCode: Code[20]; AddedToExistingLot: Boolean) |
Extend behavior on procedure FinishAction on page AddToExistingLotWizard before closing the page. |
Integration Event |
page briALM_AddToExistingLotWizard |
OnAfterInitializePageData(var SourceLotNo: Code[50]; var SourceItemNo: Code[20]; var SourceVariantCode: Code[10]; var SourcePackageNo: Code[50]; var SourceLocationCode: Code[10]; var SourceBinCode: Code[20]; var NewQuantity: Decimal; var SourceUnitOfMeasureCode: Code[10]; var PostingDate: Date) |
Extend behavior on after the procedure InitializePageDate on page AddToExistingLotWizard. |
Integration Event |
page briALM_CreateNewSublotWizard |
OnBeforeFinishAction(LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; NewLotNo: Code[50]; ExpirationDate: Date; PostingDate: Date; NewQuantity: Decimal; UnitOfMeasureCode: Code[10]; LocationCode: Code[10]; BinCode: Code[20]; NewLocationCode: Code[10]; NewBinCode: Code[20]; var NewSublotCreated: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite procedure FinishAction on page CreateNewSublotWizard and close the page. |
Integration Event |
page briALM_CreateNewSublotWizard |
OnAfterFinishAction(LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; NewLotNo: Code[50]; ExpirationDate: Date; PostingDate: Date; NewQuantity: Decimal; UnitOfMeasureCode: Code[10]; LocationCode: Code[10]; BinCode: Code[20]; NewLocationCode: Code[10]; NewBinCode: Code[20]; NewSublotCreated: Boolean) |
Extend behavior on procedure FinishAction on page CreateNewSublotWizard before closing the page. |
Integration Event |
page briALM_CreateNewSublotWizard |
OnAfterInitializePageData(var SourceLotNo: Code[50]; var SourceItemNo: Code[20]; var SourceVariantCode: Code[10]; var SourcePackageNo: Code[50]; var SourceLocationCode: Code[10]; var SourceBinCode: Code[20]; var NewQuantity: Decimal; var SourceUnitOfMeasureCode: Code[10]; var NewLotNo: Code[50]; var PostingDate: Date) |
Extend behavior on after the procedure InitializePageDate on page CreateNewSublotWizard. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_CreateSublotAction |
OnBeforeRun(LotNo: Code[50]; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; LocationCode: Code[10]; BinCode: Code[20]; Quantity: Decimal; UnitOfMeasureCode: Code[10]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite procedure Run for action CreateSublot from Advanced Lot No. Information List. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_CreateSublotAction |
OnBeforeOpenCreateNewSublotWizard(LotNo: Code[50]; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; PackageNo: Code[50]; LocationCode: Code[10]; BinCode: Code[20]; Quantity: Decimal; UnitOfMeasureCode: Code[10]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite procedure OpenCreateNewSublotWizard on action CreateSublot from Advanced Lot No. Information List. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_CreateSublotAction |
OnAfterOpenCreateNewSublotWizard(LotNo: Code[50]; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; PackageNo: Code[50]; LocationCode: Code[10]; BinCode: Code[20]; Quantity: Decimal; UnitOfMeasureCode: Code[10]; NewSublotCreated: Boolean; NewLotNo: Code[50]) |
Add behavior after the procedure OpenCreateNewSublotWizard on action CreateSublot from Advanced Lot No. Information List. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_CreateSublotAction |
OnBeforeCreateNewSublot(LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; NewSubLotNo: Code[50]; NewExpirationDate: Date; PostingDate: Date; Quantity: Decimal; UnitOfMeasureCode: Code[10]; PackageNo: Code[50]; LocationCode: Code[10]; BinCode: Code[20]; NewLocationCode: Code[10]; NewBinCode: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite procedure CreateNewSublot for action CreateSublot from Advanced Lot No. Information List. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_CreateSublotAction |
OnAfterCreateNewSublot(LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; NewSubLotNo: Code[50]; NewExpirationDate: Date; PostingDate: Date; Quantity: Decimal; UnitOfMeasureCode: Code[10]; PackageNo: Code[50]; LocationCode: Code[10]; BinCode: Code[20]; NewLocationCode: Code[10]; NewBinCode: Code[20]) |
Add behavior after the procedure CreateNewSublot on action CreateSublot from Advanced Lot No. Information List. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_CreateSublotAction |
OnBeforeOpenAddToExistingLotWizard(LotNo: Code[50]; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; PackageNo: Code[50]; LocationCode: Code[10]; BinCode: Code[20]; Quantity: Decimal; UnitOfMeasureCode: Code[10]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite procedure OpenAddToExistingLotWizard on action CreateSublot from Advanced Lot No. Information List. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_CreateSublotAction |
OnAfterOpenAddToExistingLotWizard(LotNo: Code[50]; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; PackageNo: Code[50]; LocationCode: Code[10]; BinCode: Code[20]; Quantity: Decimal; UnitOfMeasureCode: Code[10]; AddedToExistingLot: Boolean; DestinationLotNo: Code[50]) |
Add behavior after the procedure OpenAddToExistingLotWizard on action CreateSublot from Advanced Lot No. Information List. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_CreateSublotAction |
OnBeforeAddToExistingLot(LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; DestinationLotNo: Code[50]; NewExpirationDate: Date; PostingDate: Date; Quantity: Decimal; UnitOfMeasureCode: Code[10]; PackageNo: Code[50]; LocationCode: Code[10]; BinCode: Code[20]; NewLocationCode: Code[10]; NewBinCode: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite procedure AddToExistingLot for action CreateSublot from Advanced Lot No. Information List. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_CreateSublotAction |
OnAfterAddToExistingLot(LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; DestinationLotNo: Code[50]; NewExpirationDate: Date; PostingDate: Date; Quantity: Decimal; UnitOfMeasureCode: Code[10]; PackageNo: Code[50]; LocationCode: Code[10]; BinCode: Code[20]; NewLocationCode: Code[10]; NewBinCode: Code[20]) |
Add behavior after the procedure AddToExistingLot on action CreateSublot from Advanced Lot No. Information List. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_CreateSublotAction |
OnBeforeCheckMultipleRecordsSelected(var AdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer: Record briALM_AdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer; var IsHandled: Boolean; var Continue: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite procedure CheckMultipleRecordsSelected for action CreateSublot from Advanced Lot No. Information List. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_CreatSublotNotification |
SkipLotTemplateCodeExistsNotification(var SkipNotification: Boolean) |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_AssignLotTemplate |
OnGetLotNoFromTemplate(var LotNo: Code[50]; LotTemplateNo: Code[20]; Type: Enum briALM_LotTemplateLineType) |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_AssignLotTemplate |
OnGetReferenceDateFromLotTemplateLine(var ReferenceDate: Date; TemplateLineReferenceDate: Enum briALM_ReferenceDate) |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_UpdateExpDateAction |
OnBeforeRun(var AdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer: Record briALM_AdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer; var ExpirationDateUpdated: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the procedure Run for action UpdateExpirationDate from Advanced Lot No. Information List. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_UpdateExpDateAction |
OnAfterRun(var LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; ExpirationDateUpdated: Boolean; NewExpirationDate: Date; PostingDate: Date; var ProcessCompletedText: Text) |
Add behavior after the procedure Run for action UpdateExpirationDate from Advanced Lot No. Information List. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_UpdateExpDateAction |
OnBeforeUpdateExpirationDatePerLotNoInformation(var LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; PostingDate: Date; NewExpirationDate: Date; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite procedure UpdateExpirationDatePerLotNoInformation from Update Expiration Date Action |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_UpdateExpDateAction |
OnAfterPrepareExpirationDateItemJournalTemplateAndBatch(var ItemJournalTemplate: Record “Item Journal Template”; var ItemJournalBatch: Record “Item Journal Batch”) |
Overwrite Item Journal Template or Batch after the procedure PrepareExpirationDateItemJournalTemplateAndBatch from Update Expiration Date Action |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_UpdateExpDateAction |
OnBeforeCheckItemTrackingCodeFromItem(ItemNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite procedure CheckItemTrackingCodeFromItem from Update Expiration Date Action |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_UpdateExpDateAction |
OnBeforeCheckOpenEntriesWithoutExpirationDate(ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; LotNo: Code[50]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite procedure CheckOpenEntriesWithoutExpirationDate from Update Expiration Date Action |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_UpdateExpDateAction |
OnBeforePostItemJournalLines(var ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; var LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; var ExpDatePerLotNoBuffer: Record briALM_ExpDatePerLotNoBuffer; NewLotExpirationDate: Date) |
Add behavior before the procedure PostItemJournalLinesPerLotNoInformation from Update Expiration Date Action |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_UpdateExpDateAction |
OnAfterPostItemJournalLines(var ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; var LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; var ExpDatePerLotNoBuffer: Record briALM_ExpDatePerLotNoBuffer; NewLotExpirationDate: Date) |
Add behavior after the procedure PostItemJournalLinesPerLotNoInformation from Update Expiration Date Action |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_UpdateExpDateAction |
OnAfterUpdateExpirationDatePerLotNoInformation(var LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; PostingDate: Date; NewExpirationDate: Date) |
Add behavior after the procedure UpdateExpirationDatePerLotNoInformation from Update Expiration Date Action |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_UpdateExpDateAction |
OnBeforeCreateItemJournalLineWithoutLocation(var ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the procedure CreateItemJournalLineWithoutLocation from Update Expiration Date Action |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_UpdateExpDateAction |
OnAfterSetItemLedgerEntryFilterOnCreateItemJournalLineWithoutLocation(var ItemLedgerEntry: Record “Item Ledger Entry”; LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”) |
Change/Extend filters on Record “Item Ledger Entry” on procedure CreateItemJournalLineWithoutLocation. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_UpdateExpDateAction |
OnBeforeCreateItemJournalLineByBin(var ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the procedure CreateItemJournalLineByBin from Update Expiration Date Action |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_UpdateExpDateAction |
OnAfterSetBinContentFilterOnCreateItemJournalLineByBin(var BinContent: Record “Bin Content”; LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”) |
Change/Extend filters on Record “Bin Content” on procedure CreateItemJournalLineByBin. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_UpdateExpDateAction |
OnBeforeCreateItemJournalLineByLocation(var ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the procedure CreateItemJournalLineByLocation from Update Expiration Date Action |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_UpdateExpDateAction |
OnAfterSetItemLedgerEntryFilterOnCreateItemJournalLineByLocation(var ItemLedgerEntry: Record “Item Ledger Entry”; LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”) |
Change/Extend filters on Record “Item Ledger Entry” on procedure CreateItemJournalLineByLocation. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_UpdateExpDateAction |
OnBeforeShowUpdateExpirationDatePage(CurrentExpirationDate: Date; var NewExpirationDate: Date; var PostingDate: Date; var Proceed: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the procedure ShowUpdateExpirationDatePage from Update Expiration Date Action |
Integration Event |
codeunit briALM_UpdateExpDateAction |
OnAfterShowUpdateExpirationDatePage(CurrentExpiration: Date; NewExpirationDate: Date; PostingDate: Date) |
Add behavior after the procedure UpdateExpirationDatePerLotNoInformation from Update Expiration Date Action |