Price Analysis

Price Analysis is a helpfull tool to help you

  • Create your customer tariffs: This provides per customer / per item list of applicable prices and discounts.
  • Get an overview of price changes. As price analysis can be saved, it can also be compared.
  • Check your margin.

To create a price analysis please proceed as follows,

Using Recurring Sales Lines

Recuuring sales lines will be used as the basis for Price Analysis. They will define the list of item that would be used to create a Price Analysis for a specific customer.

  1. Search for Recurring Sales Lines, then create a new code.
  1. Go to Manage, Edit, and fill the list with the Item No. you’d like to get on Price Analysis.
  1. Link the Recurring Sales Lines to the customer. Open the customer card and select Related, Sales, Recurring Sales Lines.
  1. Then select the appropriate Recurring Sales Line code.

Creating Price Analysis

  1. Search for the Price Analysis List page.
  1. You can either create Price Analysis by using the Calculate Price Analsysis job (from the Process menu)


The posting date field defines the date for which the price analysis is calculated.

You can also create a Price Analysis for a specific customer, just by addin a new one, select customer and posting date then choose Process and Calculate prices.

In the lines you’ll retrieve all the items defined in the Recurring Sales Codes linked to the customer. For each line you’ll find:

Field Description
Item No. Item No. retrieved from the Recurring Sales Codes
Description Item’s description
Quantity The quantity for which this price / discount is applicable
Unit of measure code The item’s unit of measure for which this price / discount is applicable
Gross Unit Price Price calculated per unit of measure prior discount application
Discount Level % 1 to 5 Discount % group per level as defined in the Advanced Price Template
Discount Global Total Discount % from level 1 to 5
Net Unit Price Price calculated per unit of measure after discount application
Price line status Could be Increase, Decrease, Same, New. This highlights the net unit price change versus a prior Price Analysis made for the same customer
Unit Cost Unit Cost for the item, retrieved from the item card on processing date
Margin % Net Unit Price / Unit Cost
Margin Amont Net Unit Price - Unit Cost
Margin line status Could be Increase, Decrease, Same, New. This highlights the margin line change versus a prior Price Analysis made for the same customer

Analysis Line Details

Price calculation in Price Analysis runs with exactly the same engine as on the sales documents. This means that for each Price Analysis Line you can ask for the Line Details and get an Analysis Line Details page similar to the Sales Line Details Page

Creating price list

A Price List is an extract of the Price analysis for the end customer. Basically it reports all pricing fields of the Price Analysis except all the Unit Cost and other margin related fields. It can be generated in both pdf (report 8120272 - word based can be customized) and Excel Format. Using the pdf report, it can be directly mailed to the customer.
