Advanced Price Lists

Price Lists

Advanced Price Lists (or APM Price Lists) are the cornerstone of the Advanced Price Management apps. When apps is installed, those price lists superseed the standard Sales Price Lists for all item sold.

You can create as many Advanced Price Lists as you need. You can either decide to create an Advanced Price Lists for pricing and discounts in the same list, or decide to split in two different lists or more.

Price List Header

On the Advanced Price Lists header you’ll find following informations.

Field Description
Code By default number serie for the price lists. See Price List Nos in APM Setup. Can be a manual code.
Description Free text description for the price list.
Price List Template APM Template to be used for that specific price list. See Templates.
Source Type Can be: All customers,Customer,Customer Price Group,Customer Discount Group,Customer Treeview.
If All customers then Source No. doesn’t need to be filled in. For other options please fill in to specify on which customers the price list will apply.
Source No. To select the correct source on which the price list will apply
Status Can be: Draft,Active,Inactive. Only Active price list will be handled in the pricing and discount calculations.
Promotion Code To be used to link a specific promotion code to a price list. Price list with promotion code will get higher priority in the search engine. Promotion code is also reported on the related sales line detail to analyse sales linked to a specific promotion.
Currency Code Currency code for that specific price list.
Starting Date Start date for that specific price list.
Ending Date End date for that specific price list.
Allow manual pricing If enabled then user can specify a manual price on the sales document line that will replace the calculated price. See Working with manual price and manual discount.
Allow manual discount If enabled then user can specify a manual discount on the sales document line that will replace the calculated discount. See Working with manual price and manual discount.

Price List Line

On the Advanced Price Lists lines you’ll find following fields. These lines need to be populated manually depending on the selected Advanced Price Template.

Field Description
Product Type Price list lines can be defined to specific Item (for a Line Type of type Price or Discount) or for All Items or a specific Item Discount Group (for a Line Type of type Discount only) or a specific Item Filter.
Product No. To be specified only when Product Type is Item or Item Discount Type.
Item Filter To be specified only and mandatory when Product Type is Item Filter. The Item filter let’s you create complex filter based on all item card fields (including custom fields when existing).
Description Description for that price line. Default description from Item or Item Discount Type can be overtyped if needed.
Unit of measure Unit of measure for this price list line. If filled in the price/discount will only apply for the sales line with same unit of measure.
If left blank this means, if Line Type is of type Price that price will be expressed in item’s base unit of measure and therefore if any other unit of measure is on the sales document line price will be calculated against the item’s base unit of measure quantity per sales unit of mesaure.if Line Type is of type Discount, the line will apply for all Units of Measure.
Price Type Code to be selected depending on the selected Price List Template on the price list header.
Price Type Description Descripton of the price type (Provided by the Price List Template, can’t be edited).
Line Type Can be Price or Discount(Provided by the Price List Template, can’t be edited).
Calculation Mode Defines how Discount lines are processed. See Working with manual price and manual discount.
Calculation Apply Code Only for lines of type Discount. Defines on which line the Calculation mode applies.
Application Base Used to define which value will support the levels that will tigger price/discount application. Can be:
Quantity: The sales document line quantity will be used to define levels.
Base Quantity: The sales document line base unit of measure quantity will be used to define levels.
Net Weight: The sales document line net weight will be used to define levels.
Gross Weight: The sales document line gross weight will be used to define levels.
Parcel Quantity: The sales document parcel quantity will be used to define levels.
Application Base Details Click on the link to open sub page to enter level details (see Price Level, see Discount Level, Free Item Conditions).
Allow Line Discount Disable to block line discount (Provided by the Price List Template, can’t be edited).
Allow Invoice Discount Disable to block invoice discount (Provided by the Price List Template, can’t be edited). Future feature to be developed.

Price Level

Field Description
Miminum The minimum quantity to trigger the price
Price The price expressed in price list currency code

Discount Level

Field Description
Miminum The minimum quantity to trigger the discount
Line Discount % The discount expressed in percentage

Free Item Conditions

If the selected Line Type is of type Free Item, then you can define more specifically you free item strategy. Note that free item can only be defined for a specific item and unit of measure.

Free Item Card Header,

Level Quantity: This defines the factor quantity to trigger the free item conditions. So each time a multiple quantity of Level Quantity is reached, the free item conditions has described in the Free Item Details is fired.

Free Item Details

Note that you can enter several lines. So basically, when you sales an item you can offer 1 or more items subsequently.

Field Description
Item No. The item No of the item that will be offered when the Level Quantity is reached.
Item Description The item description of the item that will be offered when the Level Quantity is reached.
Unit of Measure The unit of measure of the item that will be offered when the Level Quantity is reached.
Quantity The quantity (expressed in unit of measure) of the item that will be offered when the Level Quantity is reached.
Gllobal Line Discount For the free item you can decide if you want to offer it for free (discount 100%) or just a part of it is free (50% for example).

Subsitution Details

If the selected Line Type is of type Substitution, then you can define more specifically you substitution strategy. Note that free item can only be defined for a specific item and unit of measure.

Substitution is pretty straightforward. Just define the item and unist of measure that will be substituted to the item and unit of measure of the sales line. This will be a one for one substitution. Price and discount of the originating item/unit of measure of the sales line will be applicable for the the new item.
