Working with manual price and manual discount

In some business scenario’s, user might need to overrule the price calcultation by defining manually a special price or discount for a specific deal. Here also Bricklead’s Advanced Price Management offers additionnal features to track those specific changes.


Manual Price: This means that user change Unit Price Excl. VAT on the sales document line. This can happen when user wants to grant a specific price for a deal. Manual Discount: This means that user change either Line Discount % field or Line Amount Excl. VAT field value on the sales document line.

Setting up Manual Price and Discounts

On the Advanced Price Management Setup page you’ll find specific parameters the define the right setup.

  • Manual Price Code: This will be used to define the specific Discount Type that will be assigned to the specific Sales Line Detail that will track the manual price change.

  • Manual Discount Code: This will be used to define the specific Discount Type that will be assigned to the specific Sales Line Detail that will track the manual discount change.

  • Manual Discount Stat Level: As Manual discount are not part of an APM Template, specific stat level for reporting should be specified here.

  • Manual Discount Print Level: As Manual discount are not part of an APM Template, specific print level for printing discount in the right invoice column should be specified here.

  • Add Specific Line Discount:

When enabled the manual discount will be handled as an additional in Sales Line Details.
If disabled manual discount will be erase and replace all existing discount lines in Sales Line Details.


Setting a Manual Price is only possible if the originating price list from the sales detail line that defines the price is set with “Allow Manual Price”. This means, you can block Manual Price for a specific price list by disabling Allow Manual Price (1) .

Setting a Manual Discount is only possible if the originating price lists from all the sales detail lines (type Price and Discount) are set with Allow Manual Discount. This means, you can block Manual Discount by just setting one of the originating price lists with Allow Manual Discount (2) as disabled.
