Advanced Comments


Advanced Comments can be set on both sales and purchase processes. When working in sales process we name it Standard Sales Comments, when working in purchase process we name it Standard Purchase Comments.

Standard Sales Comments


You can can access the Standard Sales Comments page on two ways,

  • Choose the lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature icon, enter Standard Sales Comments. This would provide an overview of all the Standard Sales Comments defined in the company.
  • From the Customer page, under the Related menu, choose Sales then Standard Sales Comments. In this case, only the Standard Sales Comments applicable to the selected customer.

Defining a Standard Sales Comment

When on the Standard Sales Comments page, select the New action, this would open the following Extended text page.

You can now create your Standard Sales Comment as follows,

Field Optional/Mandatory Description
Language Code Optional Specifies the language for which the Standard Sales Comment is applicable. The language is filtered depending on the sales document header language. If left blank then the sales comment is applicable for any language.
All Language Codes Optional When enabled this would blank the language code field.
Description Optional Standard Sales Comment description. Informational field.
Starting date Optional Applicable starting date of the comment. The sales Order Date is used for filtering.
Ending date Optional Applicable ending date of the comment. The sales Order Date is used for filtering.
Type Mandatory Header: Then Standard Sales Comment will apply to sales document header.
Line: Then sales comment will apply to sales document line. In this case an Item Filter field will appear.
Entity Filter Optional You can define here a complex filter based on all customer table fields (Customer No., Customer posting group, etc….). If left blank or '*' then Standard Sales Comment is applicable to all customers.
Item Filter Optional You can define here a complex filter based on all item table fields (Item No., Item Category Code, etc….). If left blank or '*' then Standard Sales Comment is applicable to all items.
Lines Optional Define here your sales comments as free text lines.
Sales Quote Optional When enabled, standard sales comment is copied on the sales quote comments (header is Type Header is selected, line is Type line is selected.)
Sales Blanket Order Optional When enabled, standard sales comment is copied on the sales blanket order comments (header is Type Header is selected, line is Type line is selected.)
Sales Order Optional When enabled, standard sales comment is copied on the sales order comments (header is Type Header is selected, line is Type line is selected.)
Sales Shipment Optional When enabled, standard sales comment is copied on the sales shipment comments (header is Type Header is selected, line is Type line is selected.)
Sales Invoice Optional When enabled, standard sales comment is copied on the sales invoice comments (header is Type Header is selected, line is Type line is selected.)
Sales Return Order Optional When enabled, standard sales comment is copied on the sales return comments (header is Type Header is selected, line is Type line is selected.)
Sales Credit Memo Optional When enabled, standard sales comment is copied on the sales credit memo comments (header is Type Header is selected, line is Type line is selected.)


When you create a sales document, the Standard Sales Comment table is screened the filter applicable Standard Sales Comment. If some existing applicable Standard Sales Comment then this ones are added to the Sales Document comments.

Comments fields are displayed at header (1) and line (2) level, is value is Yes then you can click on it to get comment details.

Standard Sales Comments are automatically generated on document creation according to the previous setup. If you change manually one of the Standard Sales Comment lines, this one will not be duplicated to the next document even if this one as been defined in the setup. Only Standard Sales Comment lines as defined in the setup will be generated in the next document.

If you add your own manual comment lines on header and lines, (as extra lines on top of the Standard Sales Comments), this ones might be duplicated according to the setup defined on the Sales & Receivable Setup card (the Copy Comments … checkboxes.)

Standard Purchase Comments

Standard Purchase Comments are basically working the same way as Standard Sales Comment. Main difference is that they will be available on a limited number of purchase documents.
