
Over-Receipt behaviour

Over-Receipt is a standard behaviour - it is possible to receive more than what was ordered, through an over-receipt code.

However, with the optimizations brought on the sales side with over-shipment we decided to align the standard behaviour of over-receipt, to match the behaviour of over-shipment andprovide a similar user experience on both business flows.

Business Esssntials Setup

Over-Receipt fields will only appear on Purchase documents if, on Business Essentials Setup, the Enable Over-Receipt toggle is enabled:

Purchase Orders

The standard functionality allows to fill the Over-Receipt Code and quantity, no matter the location code or the need to have Warehouse Documents.

With this app, if a Purchase Order is set to a location that requires Warehouse documents, it is not possible to fill the Over-Receipt Code or Quantity fields on Purchase Lines (fields are non editable):

In these cases, the Over-Receipt code and quantity must be filled in respective Warehouse Document:

Warehouse Receipts

If location requires Warehouse Receipt, it’s possible to fill the Over-Receipt Quantity and Over-Receipt Code on Warehouse Receipt or on Purchase Lines, if Warehouse document is not already created. If Warehouse document is created, fields will be disabled on Purchase Lines.

When the Over-Shipment Quantity and Over Shipment Code are adjusted in the Warehouse Receipt line, they’re directly reflected on the source Purchase order line.

Inventory Put-away

If location requires Inventory Put-away, it’s possible to fill the Over-Receipt Quantity and Over-Receipt Code on Inventory Put-away or on Purchase Lines, if Put-away document is not already created. If Put-away document is created, fields will be disabled on Purchase Lines.

When the Over-Shipment Quantity and Over Shipment Code are adjusted in the Inventory Put-away line, they’re directly reflected on the source Purchase order line.