Over-Shipment Settings

Over-Shipment Codes Table

Use this table to define a percentage by which a shipped quantity can exceed the ordered quantity.

To acess to this table, search for Over-Shipment Codes

Field Description
Code Specifies a code for over-shipment;
Description Specifies the description for the defined code;
Default Specifies if the over-shipment code will be used by default. It can only be defined one over-shipment code as default.
Over-Shipment Tolerance % Specifies the percentage by which the ordered quantity is allowed to be exceeded.
There are rules to define and use over-shipment codes, such as:

  • It is possible to define as many over-shipment codes as needed.
  • It is also possible to have two over-shipment codes with the same tolerance. In that case, the code can be used to define the source of the deviation (rather than the tolerance).
  • Only one default over-shipment code can be set.
  • In case that no specific over-shipment code is set at the customer or item level, the default over-shipment code will be used.
  • It is not mandatory to set an over-shipment code as default;
  • It is not possible to overship by default if there is no stated default over-shipment code.

Assign Over-Shipment Code to an Item

On the Item card, it is possible to define the over-shipment Code on Inventory tab (choose the code that contains the percentage that allows over-shipments for that specific Item).

Assign Over-Shipment Code to a Customer

On the Customer card, it is possible to define the over-shipment Code on Shipping tab (choose the code that contains the percentage that allows over-shipments for that specific Customer).
