Catchweight Items
Setup Item as a Catchweight Item
Units of Measure
Units of Measure have a new “Catchweight” column, to choose the Units that will be used on Catchweight.
The Units of Measure selected as Catchweight, will appear on “Handling UoM” fields on Catchweight tab.
On the Item card a new field “Catchweight” is created, to identify Catchweight Items:
Enabling this field, the following fields will be visible:
Field | Description |
Sales Handling UoM | Any Unit of Measure defined in the item’s Units of Measure that is not Catchweight UoM. This field is mandatory when the item is marked as “Catchweight item”. |
Purchase Handling UoM | Any Unit of Measure defined in the item’s Units of Measure that is not Catchweight UoM. This field is mandatory when the item is marked as “Catchweight item”. |
Weight Tolerance (%) | Define the Weight Tolerance in percentage for the item. By default, is filled with the same Default Weight Tolerance (%) value configured in the Inventory Setup. However, is possible to manually modify this value. This value should always be positive and expressed in percentage. If value is 0 or blank, no weight tolerance is permitted. |
Inventory Setup will be set with the parameters chosen on Setup Wizard:
The following rules are added:
Error when the Base/Purchase/Sales Unit of Measure of the catchweight Item its changed to a Unit Of Measure with Catchweight = false:
Error when choosing Catchweight Units of Measure on Handling fields.
With these rules, is not possible to have the same Unit of Measure as Base/Sales/Purchase UoM and Handling UoM.
Disable/Enable Catchweight Items
It’s possible to disable an Item from being a Catchweight Item. For that, it’s necessary to set th “Catchweight” boolean to false:
If the Item is set as “Catchweight” Item again, then a new page appears, where the user can confirm the existing setup for catchweight or overwrite with the values from the inventory setup:
If the user presses “OK”, the new setup will be saved. If the user presses “Cancel”, the existing setup on the item will not change.
The New Sales Handling UoM and New Purchase Handling fields are mandatory if the user press OK.
The following error shows if they are not filled: