Manage Catchweight on Sales Documents

Catchweight on Sales Documents

Catchweight will work together with Over-shipment module from Business Essential extension to allow Over-shipment on Sales side, together with the related warehouse activities: Inventory Pick, Warehouse Shipments and Warehouse Picks.

For more information on this function, please check the Business Essentials documentation.

Sales Quotes

On Sales Line, two fields are added:

  • “Handling Quantity” - quantity necessary (in Unit of Measure defined on the “Handling UoM”) - to be filled by the user;
  • “Handling UoM”- automatically filled with the Unit of Measure defined on “Sales Handling UoM” on Item Card.

When creating a Sales Quote with Catchweight Item:

Unit of Measure Code = Sales Unit of Measure (Item card) – non editable field.

Handling UoM = Sales Handling UoM (Item card).

It’s possible to fill the Quantity in two ways:

  1. Fill the “Handling Quantity” field - automatically the conversion to the “Quantity” field will be made (based on the Normative conversion);
  2. Fill the “Quantity” field with the intended quantity;
It’s only possible to fill the Quantity field for Catchweight Items if the Handling Quantity has a value. If 0 or empty, the “Quantity” field is non editable.

When filling the “Quantity” field, system will check if conversion ratio matches the accepted tolerance defined on item card. If not, an error message appears:

When a Sales Quote is converted into a Sales Order, Sales Invoice or Archived the the Quantity (in Handling UoM) and the Handling UoM will be inherited.

On Sales Quote:

On Sales Order:

Sales Blanket Orders

Same information described for Sales Quotes is applicable for Sales Blanket Orders.

When creating a Sales Order from a Blanket Order:

  • The Quantity field to fill is “Qty to Ship (Handling UoM)". The “Qty. to Ship” field will be calculated based on the normative weight conversion.

  • However, it’s possible to change the “Qty. to ship”, inside the tolerance. If “Qty. to Ship” exceeds the tolerance, an error message appears:

When a Sales Order is created from Blanket Sales Order, or the Blanket Sales Order is archived, the Quantity (in Handling UoM) and the Handling UoM will be inherited, as well as the fields “Qty to Ship (Handling UoM)” and “Qty. to Ship”.

Sales Orders

Same information described for Sales Quotes is applicable for Sales Orders.

Sales Invoices

Same information described for Sales Quotes is applicable for Sales Invoices.

Sales Credit Memos

Same information described for Sales Quotes is applicable for Sales Credit Memos.

Sales Return Order

Same information described for Purchase Quote is applicable for Sales Return Orders. Please review the Purchase Quotes for further information.

Recurring Sales Lines

On standard table “Recurring Sales Lines”, fields “Handling Quantity” and “Handling UoM” are added:

The rules for filling these fields on Sales Lines are also applied on Recurring Sales Lines.

Copy Sales Documents

When using the action “Copy Document” on the Sales document the fields “Handling Quantity” and “Handling UoM” from the selected document are inherited on the New Sales document line.

This applies for all the following documents:
