Manage Catchweight on Planning, Reservation and Inventory Documents

Purchase Handling Unit of Measure (as “Handling UoM”) and the Handling Quantity fields are available on Requisition / Planning Worksheet / Order Planning. The Handling Quantity field is calculated based on the Quantity field divided by normative weight.

Requisition Worksheet

Similar to a purchase line, it’s possible to modify the quantity field inside the conversion ratio on Requisition Worksheet, and when a catchweight item is chosen, the Base Unit of Measure cannot be altered.

When creating Requisition Line from the action “Calculate Plan”:

  • Handling UoM is filled with the “Item Purchase Handling UoM”.

  • Handling Quantity is calculated using the Normative Conversion based on Quantity field.

When creating a Requisition Line from the actions “Get Sales Order” from “Drop Shipment” or “Special Orders”:

  • Handling UoM is filled with the Item Sales Handling UoM.

  • Handling Quantity is populated with the value from the Sales Line.

When creating the purchase order, the Handling Quantity and the Handling Unit of Measure from the requisition worksheet are reflected on the purchase order.

Planning Worksheet

Similar to a purchase line, it’s possible to modify the quantity field inside the conversion ratio on Planning Worksheet, and when a catchweight item is chosen, the Base Unit of Measure cannot be altered.

When creating the purchase order, the Handling Quantity and the Handling Unit of Measure from the Planning worksheet are reflected on the purchase order.

Order Planning

Same information described for Requisition Worksheet is applicable for Order Planning.

Physical Inventory Order

To ease Inventory count, the recording document is extended with two new fields:

Handling UoM: When using Catchweight Items, this field is initiated with Purchase Handling UoM field from the Item card. It can be manually updated but only with a Unit of Measure marked as catchweight.

Handling Qty: When this field is filled in, the Quantity field is updated with the calculated value Handling Qty * Normative weight.

When a record is created, the Unit of Measure Code will be filled with the Base Unit of Measure of the item. It is not possible to modify the Unit of Measure Code while working with Catchweight Items.

When the Item is identified as a Catchweight Item, is possible to record physical inventory by registering Handling Quantities only.

In that case, the Quantity field will be calculated using normative conversion.

If the user adjusts the Quantity manually, a check is made to see if the quantity matches the normative weight conversion (within tolerance).

If is not within the tolerance, an error message appears:

If respects the tolerance, is possible to register.

When the record is registered, only the Quantity field is used and reported as the Qty Recorded (Base).

Catchweight Items on Reservation process

Catchweight items management is compatible with the standard reservation process on purchase and sales document. For that, additional information is added on Reservation Worksheet.

Following fields are added to the Reservation Worksheet, to show the convertion between the base unit and the handling unit of measure:

  • Estimated Total Qty. Handling UoM: Specifies the estimated total quantity in the handling UoM of the item in inventory.

  • Estimated Total Reserved Qty Handling UoM: Specifies the estimated total quantity in the handling UoM of the item that is reserved on documents or entries.

  • Estimated Total Available Qty Handling UoM: Specifies the estimated quantity in the handling UoM that is available for the user to reserve from entries of the type.

  • Estimated Quantity Allocated in Warehouse Handling UoM: Specifies the estimated quantity in the handling UoM of the item that is allocated to activities in the warehouse.

  • Estimated Current Reserved Quantity Handling UoM:Estimates how many items in the entry are reserved in the handling UoM for the line opened in the Reservation window.

  • Handling UOM: Specifies the handling UoM. If the reservation is done for Purchase, then the Purchase Handling UoM is used; if the reservation is done for Sales, then Sales Handling UoM is used.
