

To use this extension, all users need permissions:

  • (BRICWT_BASIC) - with this permission set, users can do all the needed setup and use the app;

Wizard Setup

A Setup Wizard was developed to assist users in setting up the Catchweight module in a basic way.

Once finished, it will be necessary, per individual item, to specify which should be treated as catchweight items.

To access to Setup Wizard, go to Assisted Setup and search for “Catchweight”:

Catch Weight Setup Wizard page will open:

Pressing Next, is necessary to define Catchweight Units of Measure and the Default Unit of Measure to be used on Catchweight Items (based on Units of Measure list):

If no Catchweight Unit of Measure is defined, the “Next” button will be disabled.

On the Next Page, is possible to define the Default Weight Tolerance that will be applied to all new Catchweight Items.

A weight tolerance indicates that a deviation from the normative conversion specified in the item unit of measure will be permitted.

If on the field “Init Weight Tolerance From” is selected the option Inventory Setup, then the Default Weight Tolerance is displayed on the page and can be filled with a value considered at Company Level.

If on the field “Init Weight Tolerance From” is selected the option Item Category Setup, then is necessary to press next, to open the page where can be set up the Default Weight Tolerance from Item Category. In this page will be displayed as a list the Item Categories + Default Weight Tolerance, to be able to define the Default Weight Tolerance per Item Category:

Pressing “Next”, validate the Over-Receipt and Over-Shipment, from the Business Essentials Setup – the interdependent extension.

Pressing “Next”, the “Finish” page will open. Press Finish to complete the setup:

Setup Catchweight Units of Measure

If a Unit of Measure has been enabled as a Catchweight UoM, it is possible to disable it. However, if this UoM is already used as a base/sales/purchase Unit of Measure of a “Catchweight” item, the following message appears, informing the user of the risk of disabling:

If Catchweight Unit of Measure is defined at company level on Inventory Setup:

  • if the Unit of Measure setup is disabled as “Catchweight Unit of Measure”, a warning message appears:

If click on “Yes”, the “Catchweight Unit of Measure” field will be empty:

Item Categories

If on Inventory Setup, the field “Init Weight Tolerance from” is set with “Item Category Setup”, the Item Categories field will have a new field “Default Weight Tolerance (%)":

This setup field will be used to setup the default weight tolerance for new items to be created (the default value is to be inherited on the item card).

If the setup is to be done per Item Category, it should be set for all item categories.

Setup Normative Weight

It is necessary to establish the Normative Weight conversion on “Item Units of Measure” table.

The “Catchweight Unit of Measure” specified in the “Inventory Setup” should always be the starting point for the Base Unit of Measure for Catchweight Items. That default unit of measure will always be used to set up normative conversions.

In this example the setup is that a piece of Salmon has a Normative Weight of 1.5 kilo, and also was defined the conversion between KG and BOX.
