Manage Catchweight on Warehouse Documents

Inventory Put-away

When creating an Inventory Put-away, the “Handling Quantity” and “Handling UoM” are inherited from the source document.

When filling in the “Qty to Handle” and “Qty to Handle (Handling UoM)” with the actual quantity and weight, then the conversion checked is executed based on the ratio Qty to Receive / Qty to Receive (Handling UoM). This would result in two situations:

  1. If the quantity is not within Item Catchweight Tolerance, an error message will appear:

In this case, is required a line adjustment to cope with Weight Tolerance.

  1. If the quantity is within Weight Tolerance, the line is validated and the Inventory Put-Away posted.

Inventory Pick

Same information described for Inventory Put-away is applicable for Inventory Pick.

Warehouse Receipt

Same information described for Inventory Put-away is applicable for Warehouse Receipt.

Warehouse Shipment

Same information described for Inventory Put-away is applicable for Warehouse Shipment.

Warehouse Pick

To create a Warehouse Pick, is necessary to create first the Warehouse Shipment.

The fields “Handling Quantity” and “Handling UoM” are inherited from the Source Document, but the adjustment must be done in the Sales Order line/s.

The system will create the Warehouse Shipment and Warehouse Pick with the Quantity and Handling Quantity defined on the Sales Order.

Warehouse Put-away

Warehouse Put-Away is created after the Warehouse Receipt is posted.

The fields “Handling Quantity” and “Handling UoM” are inherited from de Source Document, but the adjustment must be done in the Purchase Order line/s.

The system will create the Warehouse Receipt and Warehouse Put-Away with the Quantity and Handling Quantity defined on the Purchase Order.

Splitting Lines

On Inventory Pick it may be needed to Split Line (different lot or location/bin to pick).

To split the Line, the field Qty. to Handle must be filled with the Quantity to handle at the moment.

After that, click on function “Split Line”.

When splitting line, the Quantity and Qty. to Handle (Handling UoM) fields will display the remaining quantity of the Warehouse Pick.

If necessary, it’s possible to edit the Qty. to Handle, even if the line has been splitted.
