Connection Setup

Open Service connections window

You can open the Service Connections windows:

  • using the Advanced Settings page (use the gear button on the top right corner), then select Services Connections.
  • via the Tell me window, type “Services Connections”, and select Services Connections.

Open Documents Storage Connection setup window

In the list of the available connections, just click on Documents Storage Connection.

Fill in the Documents Storage connection form

  1. Choose the type on Azure Storage entity you want to use
  2. Insert the Storage Account name
  3. Insert the Shared Access Signature (SAS Token)
  4. Insert the Container or File Share name
  5. You can check that all the settings are corrects using the Test Connection function. If the Container or File Share do not exist, you will be asked to create it. If the connection is successful, then you have the Enable flag on.

There you go ! Ready to use Documents Storage
