GL Entry Default Description

GL entry default description feature allows you to define templates for default GL Entry Description. This feature is available for general journals as well as for sales and purchase documents.

Value parameters

Description template setup is made using value paramaters. Following table describes the information matching to each value.

Value Source Information
%1 Document type / Entry type
%2 Document No
%3 Document date
%4 Posting date
%5 Account type / ‘Customer’ / ‘Supplier’
%6 Account No / Bill-to / Paid
%7 Account Name / Billed / Paid
%8 Account Name 2 / Billed / Paid
%9 Account Name / Sell-to account no / Ordered by
%10 Account Name Sell-to account name / Ordered by
%11 Due date
%12 Payment method code
%13 External document No

General journals

GL entry default description feature can be used for any kind of entry in general journals (GL Account, customer, supplier or bank).

General journal template setup

You can create one custom default description per journal template. Open the General Journal Templates list. In the additional field Default Description enter value parameters to form the desired default description string.

Check result

When creating a G/L Entry line in the general journal you’ll now get automatically the description filled in according to the defined value parameters.

Sales Documents

Sales and receivables setup

You can define the new default description for sales document in the field Default Posting Description on the Sales & Receivable setup card.

Check result

You can check the result on a sales order (after adding the posting description field using the Personalize/Design functions):

Purchase Documents

Purchases and payables setup

You can define the new default description for purchase document in the field Default Posting Description on the Purchase and payables setup card.

Check result

You can check the result on a purchase return order (after adding the posting description field using the Personalize/Design functions):

On any kind of documents, if you want to manually update the posting description, you need to add the field in the page (using the Personalize/Design functions) as by default the field is not visible.