Customer/Vendor Ledger Entry Comments

Comments are free text field on customer or vendor ledger entries that can be edited (or not) without altering the GL posting itself. It can be used for example to register an information over a sales invoice that is under customer claim. Using Finance Essentials, you’ll also be abble to print that information on customer/vendor statement of account.


  • If not visible, you have to add the comment field on the Sales or Purchase Journals and on the Customer and Vendor Ledger Entries screens using the Settings/Personnalize function of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
  • You can either enter a comment into a sales/purchase documeny, a sales/purchase journal (This comment will be included when posting) or directly in the customer/vendor entry. Comment can always be updated/removed when needed.

Customer ledger entry comment

Entry of a comment in the Sales Journals:

Comments are included in the customer ledger entries:

Vendor ledger entry comment

Creation from a purchase invoice: Fill in the On Hold to block payment, and enter a Ledger Entry Comment to explain reasons of the block:

When the invoice or the purchase journal is validated, this comment is included in the vendor ledger entry:
