Examples of using Item Transaction Check

Check items is matching customer requirements

In the following scenario, customer has defined its requirement to only order/receive veggie products. We want to check when ordering that only “veggie” products can be ordered.

Definition of the item treeview

Using the Treeview Management we define our own groups of items as follows:

  • A node named “VEGGIE” grouping together veggie products
  • A node named “STANDARD” grouping together non-veggie products

Setting up item transaction check rule

Open the Item Transactions Check page.

And create the following line:

This setting must block the sale of “STANDARD” items (therefore non-vegetarian to customer 20000).

Note that the following setup provides the same result. It can nevertheless be used as a basis for finer tuning.

Check result

When creating a sales order, you may see the following blocking message when entering a “STANDARD” item.

Alert during transfers to a warehouse that only manages pallets

Setting up item transaction check rule

Open the Item Transactions Check page.

And create the following line:

This setup should trigger a warning message when creating a transfer order for non-palletized goods to the “PRINCIPAL” warehouse.

Check result

When creating a transfer order, you may see the following alert message when entering a non-palletized item.

This setting can also be extended on purchase order entry check which will inform the user when entering non-palletized order line on the “PRINCIPAL” warehouse.
