Landed Costs Invoice Registration

Landed Costs Invoice

Landed Costs will impact item costing (following the same logic as Item Charges).

Landed Costs invoicing will only occur after Item Receipt/Shipment and will cause an increase in the Item’s cost.

The Landed Costs will be filtered by the Currency Code of the Invoice.

To post an Invoice of the Landed Costs, the steps to follow are:

  1. Create a Purchase Invoice for the Landed Cost Vendor, with the respective Invoice Number and posting date;

  2. From the Purchase Invoice Line, click on action “Get Landed Costs”:

    The Get Landed Costs function is only enabled if vendor is set with Prices Including VAT as False. It is possible to change this value on a specific purchase invoice (set Prices Including VAT as false on document). However, once a Landed Cost line is inserted, then it is not possible to change the Prices Including VAT field value on purchase invoice.

  3. When clicking in this action, it will appear all the Landed Costs related to the selected vendor and will be suggested the amount to invoice, based on Open Amount* - choose the ones that apply, by filling the fields “Amount to Invoice” or clicking on action “Apply” :

When filling the “Amount to Invoice” or “Apply” action, then the “Applied User” is filled with the user that is invoicing the Landed Cost:

NOTE: if a Landed Cost is applied to an invoice, it is not possible to edit the Amount to Invoice - it is necessary to “UnApply” a Landed Cost Application Line to make a change:

After that, it is necessary to click on “Create Invoice Lines” to add the Landed Costs to Invoice:

When clicking on this action, only the applied Landed Costs will be inserted on Invoice. The remaining ones will still be on holding.

The document lines will be filled with Quantity and Amount:

Open Amount* = Posted Landed Cost Amount - Invoiced Amount - Amount on Invoice*

This Amount on Invoice is due to the possibility to have more than one invoice for the same Landed Cost. This amount will be set if the remaining amount of a Landed Cost is on the line of another invoice and it will no longer appear in “Apply Landed Cost”.

For example:

  • Landed Cost exist, with an amount of 300€.
    • User A is invoicing a Landed Cost for 100€ on Invoice X.
    • User B is invoicing the same Landed Cost on Invoice Y, for 200€.
  • Since the Landed Cost amount is all on Invoice Lines, it will no longer appear on “Apply Landed Cost” page.

Since the moment a Landed Cost is inserted on Purchase Invoice Line, the standard behavior of Item charges will be applicable - it is possible to check the Item Charge Assignment (which will be automatically filled with the Purchase Receipt/Shipment that is related):

Partial Invoicing of Landed Costs

it is possible to only invoice a part of the Landed Cost. In that case, on “Amount to Invoice”, fill with the value to invoice - the remaining will still appear on Landed Costs.

For example:

  • On entry no. 10, instead of invoicing 220, we will only be invoicing 200:

  • When clicking on “Create Invoice Lines”, the amount of “200” is on an invoice, and the remaining “20” still appear on Landed Costs Application page:

Close Landed Costs

If an invoice is going to be partially invoiced, but the remaining value will be invoiced later, it is only necessary to change the field “Amount to Invoice”.

However, if the remaining value will never be invoiced (vendor won’t invoice this amount) or a Landed Cost will not be invoiced as a whole, it is necessary to close the Landed Cost, so it won’t appear as pending.

For that, there’s 2 ways of doing it:

On Posted Landed Cost

In this table, click on action “Close” - this action will close the corresponding Posted Landed Cost entry, even if that Landed Cost still has “Open Amount” > 0.

  1. Click on action “Close”:

  2. A warning message pops-up:

  3. Landed Cost Line will be marked as “Open” = False.

These Posted Landed Cost will no longer be available to be invoiced, so will not appear on “Get Landed Costs”.

On Get Landed Cost:

On “Get Landed Cost” function, Boolean “Force Close” exists - when selected, it will close the remaining of the invoice.

NOTE: this will only affect partial invoicing. To close a Landed Cost per se, it is necessary to use the “Close” function on Posted Landed Cost. If we’re partially invoicing a Landed Cost and want to close the remaining, then it is possible to use the “Force Close” on Get Landed Costs.

For that, on “Get Landed Costs”:

  1. Change the “Amount to Invoice” and click on “Force Close”, “Apply” and “Create Invoice Lines”:

  2. The line is created on invoice, with the Amount to invoice defined:

  3. After posting the Invoice, the Landed Cost line is closed and the amount to invoice is set to “0”:

Reopen Landed Costs

it is possible to reopen Landed Costs that were previously closed.

However, it is only possible to Reopen a Landed Cost if “Invoiced Amount” is different than “Amount”
