Recurring Costs

Recurring Costs table is used make the necessary setups for Landed Costs to be automatically calculated on sales and purchase documents. You may create a Recurring Costs definition for any kind of Landed Cost that may be calculated automatically. Recurring Costs definition contains, filters to define for which document, third party or item the Recurring Cost should apply.

To create a Recurring Cost setup, search for Recurring Costs on the Search bar and open the related page. The Recurring Cost page is also available from the Customer or Vendor pages.

Recurring Cost Setup

Field Mandatory Description
Code Yes Specifies the Code for the Recurring Cost. See Setup.
Scope Yes Specifies the scope of the Recurring Cost. Options are: Document or Line. If Document is selected it means that one Landed cost will be created for the whole document. If Line is selected it means that a Landed cost will be created per document line.
Source Yes Specifies the Source of the Recurring Cost. Options are Customer or Vendor. If Customer, the Recurring Cost will be applied on sales documents. If Vendor, the Recurring Cost will be applied on purchase documents.
Source Filter No Depending on the selected Source, it is possible to filter for any field on Customer/Vendor card.
Item Filter No Fill this field if it is intended to filter the Recurring Cost to a specific Item/group of Items. It is possible to filter for any field on Item card.
Landed Cost Vendor No. Yes . Fill in the Vendor No. that will invoice that Recurring Cost
Landed Cost Vendor Name Specifies the value of the Landed Recurring Cost Vendor Name.
Tariff Code Yes Specifies the Tariff Code associated with the Recurring Cost. Only Active Tariff Codes having the same currency as the selected Vendor No. are available for selection.
Example: Landed Cost Vendor No. is set up with Currency Code = USD. Only Tariff Codes with Currency Code = USD can be selected.
Currency Code No Fill with Currency code when it is different than the Local Currency Code. If Currency Code is the same as the Local Currency, this field will be empty.
Item Charge No. Automatically filled with the item charge No. associated to the selected Tariff Code.
Document Type Yes Select the documents on which this Recurring Cost will be applied. Possible documents are:
- If Source is Vendor: Purchase Blanket Orders, Purchase Orders, Purchase Return Orders, Purchase Quote
- If Source is Customer: Sales Blanket Orders, Sales Orders, Sales Return Orders, Sales Quote.
Default Assignment Method Yes Specifies the item charge assignment method that is applicable. Options are: Equally, By Amount, By Weight or By Volume. Landed cost assignment (cost allocation per document line is scope is document) will be created when releasing document.
It is possible to edit/delete these Recurring Costs. However, if the Recurring Cost that is being modified/deleted is already applied to a document, the changes won’t affect the existing documents.