

  • (BRILCO_ADMIN) - Landed Costs Admin - Can do everything with Landed Costs (including manipulating Tariffs);
  • (BRILCO_USER) - Landed Costs User - Can add Landed Costs manually or automatically when creating a document. Can’t create Tariff nor Recurring Costs.

Landed Costs Setup

Search for “Landed Costs Setup” on Search bar and open the related page:

Fill the following fields:

Field Description
Tariff Nos. Specifies the number series to be used for the Landed Cost Tariffs.
Recurring Cost Nos. Specifies the number series to be used for the Recurring Costs Registration.
Confirm on Document Release If enabled, when releasing a document, a confirmation message appears to the user, asking if it’s intended to calculate Landed Costs. The user can click on Yes or No options. If disabled, the calculation of Landed Costs is automatically made.

Landed Costs Assisted Setup

It’s possible to setup Landed Costs using Assisted Setup.

For that, on Assisted Setup, search for “Set up Landed Costs”:

The main page opens:

NOTE: If any setup has previously been done manually, the following warning notice pops-up, before the main page opens:

Click on Next and define the series setup for Landed Costs:

If No Landed Cost Tariffs and / or Recurring Costs exists, a page appears, to create a default demo/test dataset to evaluate the Landed Cost application and create Landed Cost Tariffs and Recurring Costs. If the following information is already created, then this page won’t show up:

Setup is made. Click on Finish to close the page:

The following information was created:

  • Recurring Costs:

  • Landed Cost Tariffs:
