Landed Cost Tariffs

Landed Cost Tariffs are used to define several costs for Item Charges.

However, an Item Charge can be used on more than one tariff.

To create Landed Cost Tariffs, search for “Land Cost Tariffs” on Search bar and open the related page:

It’s also possible to access to Landed Cost Tariffs through Item Charges page:

Click on “New” and fill the fields:

General Tab:

Field Description
Code Specifies the Tariff Code.
Description Specifies Tariff Description.
Item Charge No. Specifies Item Charge No. associated to the Tariff.
Status Specifies the Status of the Tariff. Options are: Draft, Active, Inactive. It’s only possible to calculate Landed Costs from Active Tariffs; It’s only possible to edit tariffs if they’re with status “Draft”.
Currency Code Specifies the Currency Code assosciated to the Tariff. If Currency Code is the same as the Local Currency, this field will be empty.
Starting Date Specifies the Starting Date of the Tariff.
Ending Date Specifies the Ending Date of the Tariff.
Calculation Basis Specifies the Calculation Basis of the Tariff. Options are: Amount, Quantity, Quantity (Base) and Gross Weight. See below the differences between these options.
Tariff Type Specifies the Type of the Tariff. It’s automatically filled according to Calculation Basis. Options are “%” and “Rate”. % will only be applied if Calculation Basis = Amount

Lines Tab:

Field Description
Minimum Qty. Specifies the value of the Minimum Qty. field. The calculation Basis defines the unit of measure for the quantity.
Unit Cost Specifies the value of the Unit Cost field.
Fixed Charge Specifies the value of the Fixed Charge field.

NOTE: Fixed Charges and Unit Costs cannot both be “Zero.” One of the variables may be filled up with"0,” but if both are, the following error message displays:

Calculation Basis options are:

  • Amount - when this tariff is applied on Landed Cost calculation, the line Amount (converted in the currency code of the tariff) is used as basis. If no line is specified, then the document Total Amount is used as basis. When this option is selected, Tariff Type is automatically changed to “%".

  • Quantity (default value) - when this tariff is applied on Landed Cost calculation, the line quantity is used as basis for calculation. If no line is specified, then the document sum of quantities is used as basis. When this option is selected, Tariff Type is automatically filled with “Rate”.

  • Quantity (Base) - when this tariff is applied on Landed Cost calculation, the line base quantity is used as basis for calculation. If no line is specified, then the document sum of base quantities is used as basis. When this option is selected, Tariff Type is automatically filled with “Rate”.

  • Weight - when this tariff is applied on Landed Cost calculation, the line weight is used as basis for calculation. If no line is specified, then the document sum of weights is used as basis. When this option is selected, Tariff Type is automatically filled with “Rate”.

Tariff Type options are automatically filled with “Rate” or “%". If it’s “Rate”, the Value of field “Unit Cost” will be multiplied with the field “Quantity” on document Lines. If it is”%", the value in the “Amount” column will be multiplied by the percentage, whose value is specified in the “Unit Cost” field.

It’s possible to edit/delete Tariffs. However, if the Tariff that is being modified/deleted is already applied to a document, the changes won’t affect the existing documents.
