Integration Event |
report briLCO_LandedCostAccruals |
OnAfterGetOpenAmountCaption(var OpenAmountCaption: Text) |
Possibility to change the Open Amount caption. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostAccrualsMgt |
OnBeforeInsertGenJournalLine(var GenJournalLine: Record “Gen. Journal Line”; GenJournalTemplateName: Code[10]; GenJournalBatchName: Code[10]; DocumentNo: Code[20]; AccountNo: Code[20]; VendorCode: Code[20]; VendorName: Text; ItemChargeCode: Code[20]; Amount: Decimal; ExpirationDate: Date; DimensionSetID: Integer; PostedLandedcostDate: Date; PostedLandedCostCurrencyCode: Code[10]) |
Possibility to add logic to InsertGenJournalLine before inserting the line |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostAccrualsMgt |
OnAfterInsertGenJournalLine(var GenJournalLine: Record “Gen. Journal Line”) |
Possibility to add logic to InsertGenJournalLine |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostAccrualsMgt |
OnBeforeRunJournalPageOnOpenRecurringGeneralJournal(GLDetails: Enum “briLCO_G/L Details”; RecurringTemplateName: Code[10]; GenJournalTemplate: Record “Gen. Journal Template”; GenJournalLine: Record “Gen. Journal Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to add logic to or skip OnOpenRecurringGeneralJournal |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostAccrualsMgt |
OnAfterOpenRecurringGeneralJournal(GLDetails: Enum “briLCO_G/L Details”; RecurringTemplateName: Code[10]; GenJournalTemplate: Record “Gen. Journal Template”; GenJournalLine: Record “Gen. Journal Line”) |
Possibility to add logic to OpenRecurringGeneralJournal |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostAccrualsMgt |
OnBeforeRunPageOnOpenRecurringGeneralJournal(GLDetails: Enum “briLCO_G/L Details”; RecurringTemplateName: Code[10]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to add logic to or skip OnOpenRecurringGeneralJournal |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostAccrualsMgt |
OnAfterRunPageOnOpenRecurringGeneralJournal(GLDetails: Enum “briLCO_G/L Details”; RecurringTemplateName: Code[10]) |
Possibility to add logic to OpenRecurringGeneralJournal |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostAccrualsMgt |
OnBeforeConverOpenAmount(PostedLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Posted Landed Cost”; PostedLCAssignment: Record briLCO_PostedLCAssignment; AmountRoundingPrecision: Decimal; var OpenAmount: Decimal) |
Possibility to change the value of the OpenAmount parameter before converting it the local currency. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostAccrualsMgt |
OnBeforeConvertPostedLandedCostOpenAmount(PostedLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Posted Landed Cost”; AmountRoundingPrecision: Decimal; var PostedLandedCostOpenAmount: Decimal) |
Possibility to change the value of the PostedLandedCostOpenAmount parameter before converting it the local currency. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostAssigmtMgt |
OnBeforeInsertPostedLandedCostAssignment(var PostedLCAssignment: Record briLCO_PostedLCAssignment) |
Possibility to adjust field values before inserting PostedLCAssignment |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostAssigmtMgt |
OnBeforeInsertApplicationEntry(var ApplicationEntry: Record “briLCO_LC Application Entry”) |
Possibility to adjust field values before inserting ApplicationEntry |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostAssigmtMgt |
OnBeforeGetLandedCostsRecRefFilteredForSourceDocument(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; var GetLandedCostsForSourceDocument: Boolean) |
Possibility to change the value of the GetLandedCostsForSourceDocument for a SourceType that is not supported by default. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostAssigmtMgt |
OnBeforeGetGrossWeightOrUnitVolumeForLine(RecRef: RecordRef; FieldName: Text; SourceType: Integer; var GrossWeightOrVolume: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the GetGrossWeightOrUnitVolumeForLine method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostAssigmtMgt |
OnBeforeGetTotalGrossWeightOrUnitVolumeForLines(RecRef: RecordRef; FieldName: Text; SourceType: Integer; var TotalGrossWeightOrVolume: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the GetTotalGrossWeightOrUnitVolumeForLines method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostAssigmtMgt |
OnBeforeGetTotalFieldValueForLines(RecRef: RecordRef; SourceType: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; var TotalFieldValueForLines: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the GetTotalFieldValueForLines method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostAssigmtMgt |
OnBeforeInsertLandedCostAssignment(LandedCostAssignment: Record briLCO_LandedCostAssignment; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; SourceLineNo: Integer; LandedCostEntryNo: Integer; ItemChargeNo: Code[20]; ItemNo: Code[20]; Quantity: Decimal; Amount: Decimal) |
Obsolete(‘Replaced by OnBeforeInsertLCAssignment’, ‘’) |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostAssigmtMgt |
OnBeforeInsertLCAssignment(var LandedCostAssignment: Record briLCO_LandedCostAssignment; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; SourceLineNo: Integer; LandedCostEntryNo: Integer; ItemChargeNo: Code[20]; ItemNo: Code[20]; Quantity: Decimal; Amount: Decimal) |
Possibility to add logic to the InsertLandedCostAssignment method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostAssigmtMgt |
OnAfterUpdateLandedCostAssignmentOnBeforeModify(var LandedCostAssignment: Record briLCO_LandedCostAssignment; Quantity: Decimal; Amount: Decimal) |
Possibility to perform additional changes on the LandedCostAssignment record after the quantities and amounts are updated. |
Integration Event |
page briLCO_Landed Costs |
OnBeforeShowLandedCostAssignments(LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; var LandedCostAssignmentsPage: Page “briLCO_Landed Cost Assignments”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the ShowLandedCostAssignments method that will show the Landed Costs Assignment related to the Landed Cost record. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostsClosure |
OnBeforeCloseLandedCost(var LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; Confirm: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the CloseLandedCost method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostsClosure |
OnAfterCloseLandedCost(var LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; Confirm: Boolean) |
Possibility to add logic to the CloseLandedCost method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostsClosure |
OnBeforeClosePostedLandedCost(var PostedLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Posted Landed Cost”; Confirm: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the ClosePostedLandedCost method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostsClosure |
OnAfterClosePostedLandedCost(var PostedLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Posted Landed Cost”; Confirm: Boolean) |
Possibility to add logic to the ClosePostedLandedCost method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostsClosure |
OnBeforeReopenPostedLandedCost(var PostedLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Posted Landed Cost”; Confirm: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the ReopenPostedLandedCost method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostsClosure |
OnAfterReopenPostedLandedCost(var PostedLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Posted Landed Cost”; Confirm: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the ReopenPostedLandedCost method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostsClosure |
OnBeforeReOpenAmounOnPostedLCAssignmentsForPostedLandedCost(PostedLandedCostEntryNo: Integer; var PostedLCAssignment: Record briLCO_PostedLCAssignment; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the ReOpenAmounOnPostedLCAssignmentsForPostedLandedCost method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostsClosure |
OnBeforeModifyPostedLCAssignmentOnReopenForPostedLandedCost(var PostedLCAssignment: Record briLCO_PostedLCAssignment; PostedLandedCostEntryNo: Integer) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the ReOpenAmounOnPostedLCAssignmentsForPostedLandedCost method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostsClosure |
OnAfterReOpenAmounOnPostedLCAssignmentsForPostedLandedCost(PostedLandedCostEntryNo: Integer; var PostedLCAssignment: Record briLCO_PostedLCAssignment) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the ReOpenAmounOnPostedLCAssignmentsForPostedLandedCost method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostsDeletion |
OnAfterCheckLandedCostLineDeletion(LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”) |
Possibility to perform additional verifications on the CheckLandedCostLineDeletion method after the default verifications are performed. |
Integration Event |
page briLCO_Landed Costs List |
OnBeforeShowLandedCostAssignments(LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; var LandedCostAssignmentsPage: Page “briLCO_Landed Cost Assignments”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostsManagement |
OnBeforeInsertLandedCostRecord(var TempLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; SourceLineNo: Integer; TariffCode: Code[20]; TariffType: Enum “briLCO_Tariff Type”; BaseQuantity: Decimal; CalculationBasis: Enum “briLCO_Calculation Basis”; CurrencyCode: Code[10]; UnitCost: Decimal; FixedCharge: Decimal; ResultAmount: Decimal; CostScope: Enum “briLCO_Cost Scope”; DocumentDate: Date; AssignmentMethod: Enum “briLCO_Assignment Method”; ItemChargeNo: Code[20]; AssociatedVendorNo: Code[20]; RecurringCostCode: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the insertion of the landed cost method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostsManagement |
OnBeforeGetAmountAccordingToCalculationBasis(UnitCost: Decimal; FixedCharge: Decimal; CalculationBasis: Enum “briLCO_Calculation Basis”; BaseQuantity: Decimal; var ResultAmount: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the GetAmount method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostsManagement |
OnAfterGetAmountAccordingToCalculationBasis(UnitCost: Decimal; FixedCharge: Decimal; CalculationBasis: Enum “briLCO_Calculation Basis”; BaseQuantity: Decimal; var ResultAmount: Decimal) |
Possibility to set additional calculation methods depending on the enum CalculationBasis value. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostsManagement |
OnBeforeGetBaseQuantityAccordingToCalculationBasis(CalculationBasis: Enum “briLCO_Calculation Basis”; Amount: Decimal; Qty: Decimal; QtyBase: Decimal; GrossWeight: Decimal; var BaseQuantity: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the GetBaseQuantity method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostsManagement |
OnAfterGetBaseQuantityAccordingToCalculationBasis(CalculationBasis: Enum “briLCO_Calculation Basis”; Amount: Decimal; Qty: Decimal; QtyBase: Decimal; GrossWeight: Decimal; var BaseQuantity: Decimal) |
Possibility to set additional calculation methods depending on the enum CalculationBasis value. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostsManagement |
OnBeforeEnableLandedCostsAssignmentsAction(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; var Result: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the EnableLandedCostsAssignmentsAction method |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostsManagement |
OnBeforeFilterLandedCostByRecurringCostOnMakeLandedCostsManual(var LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the FilterLandedCostByRecurringCostOnMakeLandedCostsManualmethod. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostsManagement |
OnBeforeGetCalculatedValuesForDocumentLandedCost(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; PostedDocument: Boolean; OriginalDocSourceType: Integer; OriginalDocSourceSubType: Integer; OriginalDocSourceNo: Code[20]; ItemFilter: Text; var QtySum: Decimal; var QtyBaseSum: Decimal; var AmountSum: Decimal; var GrossWeightSum: Decimal; var HasFoundLines: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the GetCalculatedValuesForDocumentLandedCost method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostsManagement |
OnAfterGetCalculatedValuesForDocumentLandedCost(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; PostedDocument: Boolean; OriginalDocSourceType: Integer; OriginalDocSourceSubType: Integer; OriginalDocSourceNo: Code[20]; ItemFilter: Text; var QtySum: Decimal; var QtyBaseSum: Decimal; var AmountSum: Decimal; var GrossWeightSum: Decimal; var HasFoundLines: Boolean; OriginalDocumentLineRecordRef: RecordRef; DocumentLineRecordRef: RecordRef) |
Possibility to add logic to the GetCalculatedValuesForDocumentLandedCost method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostsManagement |
OnBeforeFilterRecRefsAccordingToPostedDocument(var DocumentLineRecordRef: RecordRef; var OriginalDocumentLineRecordRef: RecordRef; PostedDocument: Boolean; TargetSourceType: Integer; TargetSourceSubtype: Integer; TargetSourceNo: Code[20]; OriginalDocSourceType: Integer; OriginalDocSourceSubtype: Integer; OriginalDocSourceNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the FilterRecRefsAccordingToPostedDocument method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostsManagement |
OnAfterFilterRecRefsAccordingToPostedDocument(var DocumentLineRecordRef: RecordRef; var OriginalDocumentLineRecordRef: RecordRef; PostedDocument: Boolean; TargetSourceType: Integer; TargetSourceSubtype: Integer; TargetSourceNo: Code[20]; OriginalDocSourceType: Integer; OriginalDocSourceSubtype: Integer; OriginalDocSourceNo: Code[20]) |
Possibility to add logic to the FilterRecRefsAccordingToPostedDocument method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostsManagement |
OnElseGetAmountAccordingToCalculationBasis(CalculationBasis: Enum “briLCO_Calculation Basis”; UnitCost: Decimal; FixedCharge: Decimal; BaseQuantity: Decimal; var ResultAmount: Decimal) |
Add support for other Calculation Basis |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostsManagement |
OnElseGetBaseQuantityAccordingToCalculationBasis(CalculationBasis: Enum “briLCO_Calculation Basis”; Qty: Decimal; QtyBase: Decimal; Amount: Decimal; GrossWeight: Decimal; DocumentCurrencyCode: Code[10]; TariffCurrencyCode: Code[10]; LandedCostDate: Date; var BaseQuantity: Decimal) |
Add support for other Calculation Basis |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostsManagement |
OnBeforeCheckFieldNameByAssignmentMethod(var DocumentRecRef: RecordRef; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; AssignmentMethod: Enum “briLCO_Assignment Method”; var GrossWeightOrVolumeCaption: Text; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the CheckItemsWeightVolumeIfAssignmentMethodIsWeightVolume method depending on the Source Type of the DocumentRecRef parameter. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostsManagement |
OnBeforeSumAllAmountResultValues(SourceType: Integer; Quantity: Decimal; QuantityBase: Decimal; Amount: Decimal; ItemGrossWeight: Decimal; var QtySum: Decimal; var QtyBaseSum: Decimal; var AmountSum: Decimal; var GrossWeightSum: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the SumAllAmountResultValues method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostsManagement |
OnBeforeIsDocumentReleased(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; var IsDocumentReleased: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the IsDocumentReleased method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostsManagement |
OnBeforeGetPostingDateFromPostedDocument(SourceType: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; var PostingDate: Date; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostsManagement |
OnBeforeOpenLandedCostsSourceDocument(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceDocumentNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the method OpenLandedCostsSourceDocument where the Source Document of the Landed Cost Line will be shown. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostsManagement |
OnAfterOpenLandedCostSourceDocument(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceDocumentNo: Code[20]) |
Possibility to show a Landed Cost Line Source Document. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostsManagement |
OnBeforeSourceTypeDocumentLandedCost(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceDocumentNo: Code[20]) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the method OnBeforeSourceTypeDocumentLandedCost where the Source Document of the Landed Cost Line will be shown. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_LandedCostsManagement |
OnAfterGetAppliesToDocumentTypeBySource(SourceType: Integer; var PurchaseAppliesToDocumentType: Enum “Purchase Applies-to Document Type”) |
Possibility to change the value of the PurchaseAppliesToDocumentType parameter based on the SourceType. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ManualLandedCostsMgt |
OnBeforeValidateItemFilterChange(var LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the ValidateItemFilterChange method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ManualLandedCostsMgt |
OnAfterValidateItemFilterChange(var LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”) |
Possibility to add logic to the ValidateItemFilterChange method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ManualLandedCostsMgt |
OnBeforeValidateSourceLineNo(var LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the ValidateSourceLineNo method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ManualLandedCostsMgt |
OnAfterValidateSourceLineNo(var LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”) |
Possibility to add logic to the ValidateSourceLineNo method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ManualLandedCostsMgt |
OnBeforeValidateScopeChange(var LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the ValidateScopeChange method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ManualLandedCostsMgt |
OnAfterValidateScopeChange(var LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”) |
Possibility to add logic to the ValidateScopeChange method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ManualLandedCostsMgt |
OnBeforeValidateTariffCodeChange(var LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the ValidateTariffCodeChange method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ManualLandedCostsMgt |
OnAfterValidateTariffCodeChange(var LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”) |
Possibility to add logic to the ValidateTariffCodeChange method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ManualLandedCostsMgt |
OnBeforeValidateCalculationBasisChange(var LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the ValidateCalculationBasisChange method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ManualLandedCostsMgt |
OnAfterValidateCalculationBasisChange(var LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”) |
Possibility to add logic to the ValidateCalculationBasisChange method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ManualLandedCostsMgt |
OnBeforeValidateLandedCostVendorNoChange(var LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the ValidateLandedCostVendorNoChange method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ManualLandedCostsMgt |
OnAfterValidateLandedCostVendorNoChange(var LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”) |
Possibility to add logic to the ValidateLandedCostVendorNoChange method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ManualLandedCostsMgt |
OnBeforeValidateCalculationFieldsChange(var LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the ValidateCalculationFieldsChange method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ManualLandedCostsMgt |
OnAfterValidateCalculationFieldsChange(var LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”) |
Possibility to add logic to the ValidateCalculationFieldsChange method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ManualLandedCostsMgt |
OnBeforeValidateAssignmentMethodChange(var LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the ValidateAssignmentMethodChange method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ManualLandedCostsMgt |
OnAfterValidateAssignmentMethodChange(var LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”) |
Possibility to add logic to the ValidateAssignmentMethodChange method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ManualLandedCostsMgt |
OnBeforeCheckMandatoryFields(var LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the CheckMandatoryFields method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ManualLandedCostsMgt |
OnAfterCheckMandatoryFields(var LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”) |
Possibility to add logic to the CheckMandatoryFields method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ManualLandedCostsMgt |
OnElseCheckSourceLineNo(var LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”) |
Add support for other records |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ManualLandedCostsMgt |
OnBeforeAssignBaseQuantityToLandedCost(var LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the AssignBaseQuantityToLandedCost method. |
Integration Event |
page briLCO_Posted Landed Costs |
OnBeforeShowPostedLandedCostAssignments(PostedLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Posted Landed Cost”; var PostedLCAssignments: Page briLCO_PostedLCAssignments; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the ShowPostedLandedCostAssignments method that will show the Posted Landed Costs Assignment related to the Posted Landed Cost record. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_NotificationManagement |
OnBeforeShowReceivedQuantityNotification(var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite ShowReceivedQuantityNotification Method |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_NotificationManagement |
OnBeforeShowVendorPricesIncludingVATNotification(var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite ShowVendorPricesIncludingVATNotification Method |
Integration Event |
page briLCO_ApplicationPage |
OnBeforeShowPostedLandedCostAssignments(PostedLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Posted Landed Cost”; var PostedLCAssignments: Page briLCO_PostedLCAssignments; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the ShowPostedLandedCostAssignments method that will show the Posted Landed Costs Assignment related to the Posted Landed Cost record. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ApplyLandedCosts |
OnBeforeApplyLandedCostsOnInvoice(var FilteredPostedLandedCosts: Record “briLCO_Posted Landed Cost”; InvoiceNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to further filter the incoming posted landed cost records or override the OnInvoice logic altogether |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ApplyLandedCosts |
OnBeforeInsertTempItemChargeAssignmentRecords(var TempItemChargeAssignmentPurch: Record “Item Charge Assignment (Purch)” temporary) |
Possibility to further filter the temporary item charge assignment records. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ApplyLandedCosts |
OnAfterApplyLandedCostsOnInvoice(var FilteredPostedLandedCosts: Record “briLCO_Posted Landed Cost”; InvoiceNo: Code[20]; var TempItemChargeAssignmentPurch: Record “Item Charge Assignment (Purch)” temporary) |
Possibility to add logic to the OnInvoice procedure |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ApplyLandedCosts |
OnBeforeUpdatePostedLandedCostsForDeletedItemChargeAssignment(var ItemChargeAssignmentPurch: Record “Item Charge Assignment (Purch)"; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to add checks before updating the assignment and posted landed cost |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ApplyLandedCosts |
OnAfterUpdatePostedLandedCostsForDeletedItemChargeAssignment(var ItemChargeAssignmentPurch: Record “Item Charge Assignment (Purch)"; PostedLCAssignment: Record briLCO_PostedLCAssignment; PostedLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Posted Landed Cost”) |
Possibility to add logic and further updates on the assignment and posted landed |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ApplyLandedCosts |
OnBeforeApplyPostedLandedCost(var PostedLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Posted Landed Cost”; var TotalQuantityToInvoice: Decimal; var TotalAmountToInvoice: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to add checks on the apply logic for posted landed costs |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ApplyLandedCosts |
OnAfterApplyPostedLandedCost(var PostedLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Posted Landed Cost”; var TotalQuantityToInvoice: Decimal; var TotalAmountToInvoice: Decimal) |
Possibility to add logic and further updates when applying a posted landed cost |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ApplyLandedCosts |
OnBeforeUnApplyPostedLandedCost(var PostedLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Posted Landed Cost”; var TotalQuantityToInvoice: Decimal; var TotalAmountToInvoice: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to add checks on the unapply logic for posted landed costs |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ApplyLandedCosts |
OnAfterUnApplyPostedLandedCost(var PostedLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Posted Landed Cost”; var TotalQuantityToInvoice: Decimal; var TotalAmountToInvoice: Decimal) |
Possibility to add logic and further updates when unapplying a posted landed cost |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ApplyLandedCosts |
OnBeforeModifyPostedLCAssignmentOnUpdateAssignedAmountToInvoice(var PostedLCAssignment: Record briLCO_PostedLCAssignment; PostedLandedCostAmount: Decimal; NewAmountToInvoice: Decimal) |
Possibility to add logic and further updates when updating amount to invoice on assignment |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ApplyLandedCosts |
OnBeforeInsertLCApplicationEntryforPostedLCAssignment(PostedLCAssignment: Record briLCO_PostedLCAssignment; AmountOnInvoice: Decimal) |
Possibility to add logic and further data when inserting LC application entry on posted landed cost application |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ApplyLandedCosts |
OnBeforeInsertItemChargeAssignmentForInvoiceLine(var ItemChargeAssignmentPurch: Record “Item Charge Assignment (Purch)"; PostedLCAssignment: Record briLCO_PostedLCAssignment; PurchaseLine: Record “Purchase Line”; var LineNo: Integer; ForceClose: Boolean) |
Possibility to add logic and further data when inserting an item charge assignment for an invoice line |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ApplyLandedCosts |
OnBeforeModifyPostedLCAssignmentOnUpdateAmountsOnPostedLCAssignmentAndPostedLandedCost(var PostedLCAssignment: Record briLCO_PostedLCAssignment; var PostedLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Posted Landed Cost”) |
Possibility to add logic and further updates when modifying a posted LC assignment on updating assignment and posted landed cost amounts |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ApplyLandedCosts |
OnBeforeModifyOnUpdatePostedLandedCost(var PostedLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Posted Landed Cost”) |
Possibility to add logic and further updates when modifying a posted landed cost |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ApplyLandedCosts |
OnBeforeInsertInvoiceLine(var PurchaseLine: Record “Purchase Line”; PurchaseLineQuantity: Decimal) |
Possibility to add logic and further updates when inserting an invoice line on posted landed cost application |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ApplyLandedCosts |
OnBeforeModifyOnUpdatePostedLCAssignmentOnInvoiceLineDeletion(var PostedLCAssignment: Record briLCO_PostedLCAssignment; ItemChargeAssignmentPurch: Record “Item Charge Assignment (Purch)"; PostedLandedCostOpen: Boolean) |
Possibility to add logic and further updates when updating a posted LC assignment on invoice line deletion |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_ApplyLandedCosts |
OnBeforeModifyOnUpdatePostedLandedCostOnInvoiceLineDeletion(var PostedLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Posted Landed Cost”; ItemChargeAssignmentAmountToAssign: Decimal; NewPostedLCAssignmentAmountToInvoice: Decimal) |
Possibility to add logic and further updates when updating a posted landed cost on invoice line deletion |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_AssignLandedCosts |
OnBeforeAssignLandedCostsForDocument(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the AssignLandedCostsForDocument method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_AssignLandedCosts |
OnAfterAssignLandedCostsForDocument(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]) |
Possibility to add logic to the AssignLandedCostsForDocument method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_AssignLandedCosts |
OnBeforeCreateAssignmentForDocumentLandedCost(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; EntryNo: Integer; VendorNo: Code[20]; ItemChargeCode: Code[20]; AssignmentMethod: Enum “briLCO_Assignment Method”; BaseQuantity: Decimal; Amount: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the CreateAssignmentForDocumentLandedCost method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_AssignLandedCosts |
OnAfterCreateAssignmentsForDocumentLandedCost(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; EntryNo: Integer; VendorNo: Code[20]; ItemChargeCode: Code[20]; AssignmentMethod: Enum “briLCO_Assignment Method”; BaseQuantity: Decimal; Amount: Decimal; RecRef: RecordRef) |
Possibility to add logic to the CreateAssignmentsForDocumentLandedCost method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_AssignLandedCosts |
OnBeforeCreateAssignmentForLineLandedCost(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; SourceLineNo: Integer; LandedCostEntryNo: Integer; LandedCostVendorNo: Code[20]; LandedCostItemChargeNo: Code[20]; LandedCostBaseQuantity: Decimal; LandedCostAmount: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the CreateAssignmentForLineLandedCost method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_AssignLandedCosts |
OnAfterCreateAssignmentForLineLandedCost(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; SourceLineNo: Integer; LandedCostEntryNo: Integer; LandedCostVendorNo: Code[20]; LandedCostItemChargeNo: Code[20]; LandedCostBaseQuantity: Decimal; LandedCostAmount: Decimal; RecRef: RecordRef) |
Possibility to add logic to the CreateAssignmentForLineLandedCost method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_AssignLandedCosts |
OnBeforeAssignLandedCostEqually(var RecRef: RecordRef; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; EntryNo: Integer; VendorNo: Code[20]; ItemChargeNo: Code[20]; BaseQuantity: Decimal; Amount: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the AssignLandedCostEqually method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_AssignLandedCosts |
OnAfterAssignLandedCostEqually(var RecRef: RecordRef; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; EntryNo: Integer; VendorNo: Code[20]; ItemChargeNo: Code[20]; BaseQuantity: Decimal; Amount: Decimal) |
Possibility to add logic to the AssignLandedCostEqually method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_AssignLandedCosts |
OnBeforeAssignLandedCostByAmount(var RecRef: RecordRef; FieldName: Text; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; EntryNo: Integer; VendorNo: Code[20]; ItemChargeNo: Code[20]; BaseQuantity: Decimal; Amount: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the AssignLandedCostByAmount method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_AssignLandedCosts |
OnAfterAssignLandedCostByAmount(var RecRef: RecordRef; FieldName: Text; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; EntryNo: Integer; VendorNo: Code[20]; ItemChargeNo: Code[20]; BaseQuantity: Decimal; Amount: Decimal) |
Possibility to add logic to the AssignLandedCostByAmount method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_AssignLandedCosts |
OnBeforeAssignLandedCostByWeight(var RecRef: RecordRef; FieldName: Text; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; EntryNo: Integer; VendorNo: Code[20]; ItemChargeNo: Code[20]; BaseQuantity: Decimal; Amount: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the AssignLandedCostByWeight method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_AssignLandedCosts |
OnAfterAssignLandedCostByWeight(var RecRef: RecordRef; FieldName: Text; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; EntryNo: Integer; VendorNo: Code[20]; ItemChargeNo: Code[20]; BaseQuantity: Decimal; Amount: Decimal) |
Possibility to add logic to the AssignLandedCostByWeight method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_AssignLandedCosts |
OnBeforeAssignLandedCostByVolume(var RecRef: RecordRef; FieldName: Text; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; EntryNo: Integer; VendorNo: Code[20]; ItemChargeNo: Code[20]; BaseQuantity: Decimal; Amount: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the AssignLandedCostByVolume method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_AssignLandedCosts |
OnAfterAssignLandedCostByVolume(var RecRef: RecordRef; FieldName: Text; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; EntryNo: Integer; VendorNo: Code[20]; ItemChargeNo: Code[20]; BaseQuantity: Decimal; Amount: Decimal) |
Possibility to add logic to the AssignLandedCostByVolume method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_AssignLandedCosts |
OnBeforeGenerateLandedCostAssignment(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; SourceLineNo: Integer; var GenerateLandedCostAssgnmt: Boolean) |
Possibility to change the value of the GenerateLandedCostAssgnmt parameter in order to generate landed costs assignemnt for a source type that is not support by default. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_AssignLandedCosts |
OnBeforeGetLineAmount(var RecRef: RecordRef; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; var LineFieldValue: Decimal; var SkipGetLineAmount: Boolean) |
Possibility to get the line amount for a SourceType that is not supported by default. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_AssignLandedCosts |
OnAssignLandedCostEquallyOnBeforeGenerateLandedCostAssignment(RecRef: RecordRef; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; EntryNo: Integer; VendorNo: Code[20]; ItemChargeNo: Code[20]; CostScope: Enum “briLCO_Cost Scope”; QtyPerAssignment: Decimal; AmountPerAssignment: Decimal; var SkipGenerateLCAssignment: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip the default generation of the Landed Cost Assignment when the Assignment Method is Equally. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_AssignLandedCosts |
OnAssignLandedCostByAmountOnBeforeGenerateLandedCostAssignment(RecRef: RecordRef; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; EntryNo: Integer; VendorNo: Code[20]; ItemChargeNo: Code[20]; CostScope: Enum “briLCO_Cost Scope”; QtyToAssign: Decimal; AmountToAssign: Decimal; var SkipGenerateLCAssignment: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip the default generation of the Landed Cost Assignment when the Assignment Method is ‘By Amount’. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_AssignLandedCosts |
OnAssignLandedCostByWeightOnBeforeGenerateLandedCostAssignment(RecRef: RecordRef; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; EntryNo: Integer; VendorNo: Code[20]; ItemChargeNo: Code[20]; CostScope: Enum “briLCO_Cost Scope”; QtyToAssign: Decimal; AmountToAssign: Decimal; var SkipGenerateLCAssignment: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip the default generation of the Landed Cost Assignment when the Assignment Method is ‘By Weight’. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_AssignLandedCosts |
OnAssignLandedCostByVolumeOnBeforeGenerateLandedCostAssignment(RecRef: RecordRef; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; EntryNo: Integer; VendorNo: Code[20]; ItemChargeNo: Code[20]; CostScope: Enum “briLCO_Cost Scope”; QtyToAssign: Decimal; AmountToAssign: Decimal; var SkipGenerateLCAssignment: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip the default generation of the Landed Cost Assignment when the Assignment Method is ‘By Volume’. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_AssignLandedCosts |
OnBeforeGetLineFieldValueForSource(IsPostedAmount: Boolean; var RecRef: RecordRef; FieldName: Text; SourceType: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; var LineFieldValue: Decimal; IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to override logic for retrieving line field value |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_AssignLandedCosts |
OnBeforeFilterOutLinesWithFieldValueZero(var DocumentRecRef: RecordRef; var FieldName: Text; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to override logic for filtering the RecordRef variable based on the FieldName parameter. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_CalcLCsFromRecurring |
OnBeforeCalculateLandedCosts(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; IsReleasingDocument: Boolean; ShowUIElements: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the CalculateLandedCost method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_CalcLCsFromRecurring |
OnAfterCalculateLandedCost(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; IsReleasingDocument: Boolean; ShowUIElements: Boolean) |
Possibility to add logic to the CalculateLandedCost method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_CalcLCsFromRecurring |
OnBeforeUpdateLandedCostsByTempLandedCosts(var LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; var TempLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; IsReleasingDocument: Boolean; ShowUIElements: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the UpdateLandedCostsByTempLandedCosts method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_CalcLCsFromRecurring |
OnAfterUpdateLandedCostsByTempLandedCosts(var LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; var TempLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; IsReleasingDocument: Boolean; ShowUIElements: Boolean) |
Possibility to add logic to the UpdateLandedCostsByTempLandedCosts method |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_CalcLCsFromRecurring |
OnBeforeCurrentLandedCostsPreventRecalculation(var LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; IsReleasingDocument: Boolean; ShowUIElements: Boolean; var PreventCalculation: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the CurrentLandedCostsPreventRecalculation method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_CalcLCsFromRecurring |
OnAfterCurrentLandedCostsPreventRecalculation(var LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; IsReleasingDocument: Boolean; ShowUIElements: Boolean; var PreventCalculation: Boolean) |
Possibility to add logic to the CurrentLandedCostsPreventRecalculation method |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_CalcLCsFromRecurring |
OnBeforeGetApplicableRecurringCosts(var RecurringCost: Record briLCO_RecurringCost; var RecordToFilter: Variant; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; CostScope: Enum “briLCO_Cost Scope”; var ApplicableRecurringCosts: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the GetApplicableRecurringCosts method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_CalcLCsFromRecurring |
OnBeforeManualLandedCostsExist(var LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; IsReleasingDocument: Boolean; ShowUIElements: Boolean; var ManualLandedCostsExist: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the ManualLandedCostsExists method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_CalcLCsFromRecurring |
OnBeforeGenerateTempLandedCostsFromRecurringCosts(var TempLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost” temporary; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; var NextTempLandedCostEntryNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the GenerateTempLandedCostsFromRecurringCosts method when a SourceType is different than the ones supported by default. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_CalcLCsFromRecurring |
OnBeforeConfirmApplicableCostsOnUpdateLandedCostsByTempLandedCosts(var LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; var TempLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; var ApplicableCostsTxt: Text; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; IsReleasingDocument: Boolean; ShowUIElements: Boolean) |
Possibility to change the ApplicableCostsTxt variable that will be used on the confirm dialog. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_CalcLCsFromRecurring |
OnBeforeFindAndInsertLandedCostFromCheapestTariff(var TempLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; var RecurringCost: Record briLCO_RecurringCost; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; SourceLineNo: Integer; ItemFilter: Text; DocumentDate: Date; CostScope: Enum “briLCO_Cost Scope”; Qty: Decimal; QtyBase: Decimal; Amount: Decimal; GrossWeight: Decimal; var TariffFound: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the FindAndInsertLandedCostFromCheapestTariff method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_CalcLCsFromRecurring |
OnAfterFindAndInsertLandedCostFromCheapestTariff(var TempLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; var RecurringCost: Record briLCO_RecurringCost; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; SourceLineNo: Integer; ItemFilter: Text; DocumentDate: Date; CostScope: Enum “briLCO_Cost Scope”; var TariffFound: Boolean; TariffLine: Record “briLCO_Tariff Line”; LandedCostDocumentAmount: Decimal) |
Possibility to add logic to the FindAndInsertLandedCostFromCheapestTariff method |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_CalcLCsFromRecurring |
OnElseGetDataFromDocument(var SourceEntity: Variant; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; var DocumentDate: Date) |
Add support for other records |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_CopyLandedCostMgt |
OnBeforeCopyLandedCostFromDocument(OldSourceNo: Code[20]; NewSourceNo: Code[20]; SourceType: Integer; OldSourceSubtype: Integer; NewSouceSubtype: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the CopyLandedCostFromDocument method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_CopyLandedCostMgt |
OnBeforeCopyLandedCostFromDoc(OldSourceNo: Code[20]; NewSourceNo: Code[20]; OldSourceType: Integer; NewSourceType: Integer; OldSourceSubtype: Integer; NewSouceSubtype: Integer; PostedDocument: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the CopyLandedCostFromDocument method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_CopyLandedCostMgt |
OnAfterCopyLandedCostFromDocument(OldSourceNo: Code[20]; NewSourceNo: Code[20]; SourceType: Integer; OldSourceSubtype: Integer; NewSouceSubtype: Integer) |
Possibility to make modifications after the new landed cost lines have been created. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_CopyLandedCostMgt |
OnAfterCopyLandedCostFromDoc(OldSourceNo: Code[20]; NewSourceNo: Code[20]; OldSourceType: Integer; NewSourceType: Integer; OldSourceSubtype: Integer; NewSouceSubtype: Integer; PostedDocument: Boolean) |
Possibility to make modifications after the new landed cost lines have been created. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_CopyLandedCostMgt |
OnBeforeCreateNewLandedCostFromOldLandedCost(var NewLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; OldLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; NewSourceType: Integer; NewSourceSubtype: Integer; NewSourceNo: Code[20]; BaseQuantity: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the CreateNewLandedCostFromOldLandedCost method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_CopyLandedCostMgt |
OnAfterCreateNewLandedCostFromOldLandedCost(var NewLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; OldLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; NewSourceType: Integer; NewSourceSubtype: Integer; NewSourceNo: Code[20]; BaseQuantity: Decimal) |
Possibility to change additional fields on CreateNewLandedCostFromOldLandedCost. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_CopyLandedCostMgt |
OnBeforeCreatePostedLandedCostFromOldLandedCost(var PostedLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Posted Landed Cost”; OldLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; NewSourceType: Integer; NewSourceNo: Code[20]; BaseQuantity: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the CreatePostedLandedCostFromOldLandedCost method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_CopyLandedCostMgt |
OnAfterCreatePostedLandedCostFromOldLandedCost(var PostedLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Posted Landed Cost”; OldLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; NewSourceType: Integer; NewSourceNo: Code[20]; BaseQuantity: Decimal) |
Possibility to change additional fields on CreatePostedLandedCostFromOldLandedCost. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_CopyLandedCostMgt |
OnBeforeCopyLandedCostRecord(LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; OldLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; NewSourceType: Integer; NewSourceSubtype: Integer; NewSourceNo: Code[20]; BaseQuantity: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the CopyLandedCostRecord method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_CopyLandedCostMgt |
OnAfterInsertLandedCostOnCopyLandedCostRecord(LandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; OldLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; NewSourceType: Integer; NewSourceSubtype: Integer; NewSourceNo: Code[20]; BaseQuantity: Decimal) |
Possibility to add logic to the CopyLandedCostRecord method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_CopyLandedCostMgt |
OnBeforeCopyLandedCostFromDocumentWithCostScopeDocument(var DocumentFilteredLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; TargetSourceType: Integer; TargetSourceSubtype: Integer; TargetSourceNo: Code[20]; PostedDocument: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the CopyLandedCostFromDocumentWithCostScopeDocument method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_CopyLandedCostMgt |
OnAfterCopyLandedCostFromDocumentWithCostScopeDocument(var DocumentFilteredLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; TargetSourceType: Integer; TargetSourceSubtype: Integer; TargetSourceNo: Code[20]; PostedDocument: Boolean) |
Possibility to add logic to the CopyLandedCostFromDocumentWithCostScopeDocument method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_CopyLandedCostMgt |
OnBeforeCopyLandedCostFromDocumentWithCostScopeLine(var DocumentFilteredLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; TargetSourceType: Integer; TargetSourceSubtype: Integer; TargetSourceNo: Code[20]; PostedDocument: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the CopyLandedCostFromDocumentWithCostScopeLine method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_CopyLandedCostMgt |
OnAfterCopyLandedCostFromDocumentWithCostScopeLine(var DocumentFilteredLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; TargetSourceType: Integer; TargetSourceSubtype: Integer; TargetSourceNo: Code[20]; PostedDocument: Boolean) |
Possibility to add logic to the CopyLandedCostFromDocumentWithCostScopeLine method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_CopyLandedCostMgt |
OnCopyLandedCostWithCostScopeDocumentOnBeforeCalculateValues(DocumentFilteredLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Landed Cost”; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; TargetSourceType: Integer; TargetSourceSubtype: Integer; TargetSourceNo: Code[20]; PostedDocument: Boolean; var LinesSumQty: Decimal; var LinesSumQtyBase: Decimal; var LinesSumAmount: Decimal; var LinesSumGrossWeight: Decimal; var SkipGetCalculatedValues: Boolean) |
Possibility to perform additional checks on before copy the Landed Cost record. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_CopyLandedCostMgt |
OnBeforeCopyAndAssignLandedCostsForDocument(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; SourceStatus: Integer; ReceiptShipmentNo: Code[20]; ReturnReceiptShipmentNo: Code[20]; InvoiceNo: Code[20]; CreditMemoNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to skip logic for copying and assigning landed costs on document post |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_CopyLandedCostMgt |
OnAfterCopyAndAssignLandedCostsForDocument(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; SourceStatus: Integer; ReceiptShipmentNo: Code[20]; ReturnReceiptShipmentNo: Code[20]; InvoiceNo: Code[20]; CreditMemoNo: Code[20]) |
Possibility to add logic after copying and assigning landed costs on document post |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_CopyLandedCostMgt |
OnBeforeCopyAndAssignLandedCostsForDoc(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; SourceStatus: Integer; ReceiptShipmentNo: Code[20]; ReturnReceiptShipmentNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_CopyLandedCostMgt |
OnAfterCopyAndAssignLandedCostsForDoc(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; SourceStatus: Integer; ReceiptShipmentNo: Code[20]; ReturnReceiptShipmentNo: Code[20]) |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_RegisterLandedCosts |
OnBeforeRegisterLandedCostsForPurchaseItemChargeAssignment(var TempItemChargeAssgntPurch: Record “Item Charge Assignment (Purch)” temporary; PurchaseLine: Record “Purchase Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the RegisterLandedCostsForPurchaseItemChargeAssignment method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_RegisterLandedCosts |
OnAfterRegisterLandedCostsForPurchaseItemChargeAssignment(var TempItemChargeAssgntPurch: Record “Item Charge Assignment (Purch)” temporary; PurchaseLine: Record “Purchase Line”; PostedLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Posted Landed Cost”; PostedLCAssignment: Record briLCO_PostedLCAssignment) |
Possibility to add logic to the RegisterLandedCostsForPurchaseItemChargeAssignment method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_RegisterLandedCosts |
OnAfterCheckForPostedLandedCostOnItemChargeAssignmentPurch(ItemChargeAssignmentPurch: Record “Item Charge Assignment (Purch)"; PostedLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Posted Landed Cost”; var PurchHeader: Record “Purchase Header”; var PurchLine: Record “Purchase Line”) |
Possibility to add logic to the CheckForPostedLandedCostsOnDocumentItemCharges method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_RegisterLandedCosts |
OnBeforeCheckForPostedLandedCostsOnDocumentItemCharges(var PurchHeader: Record “Purchase Header”; var PurchLine: Record “Purchase Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the CheckForPostedLandedCostsOnDocumentItemCharges method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_RegisterLandedCosts |
OnAfterCheckForPostedLandedCostsOnDocumentItemCharges(var PurchHeader: Record “Purchase Header”; var PurchLine: Record “Purchase Line”) |
Possibility to add logic to the CheckForPostedLandedCostsOnDocumentItemCharges method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_RegisterLandedCosts |
OnBeforeModifyOnUpdatePostedLandedCost(var PostedLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Posted Landed Cost”; Open: Boolean; InvoicedAmount: Decimal; AmountOnInvoice: Decimal) |
Possibility to add logic or data to the UpdatePostedLandedCost method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_Undo Receipt/Shipment |
OnBeforeConfirmUndo(SourceType: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean; var HideDialog: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the ConfirmUndo method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_Undo Receipt/Shipment |
OnAfterConfirmUndo(SourceType: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean; var HideDialog: Boolean) |
Possibility to add logic to the ConfirmUndo method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_Undo Receipt/Shipment |
OnBeforeCloseAndUpdatePostedLCAssignmentsForReceiptShipmentLine(var ReceiptShipmentRecRef: RecordRef; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the CloseAndUpdatePostedLCAssignmentsForReceiptShipmentLine method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_Undo Receipt/Shipment |
OnAfterCloseAndUpdatePostedLCAssignmentsForReceiptShipmentLine(var ReceiptShipmentRecRef: RecordRef; var ActualRcptShpmtLinesRecRef: RecordRef; SourceType: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]) |
Possibility to add logic to the CloseAndUpdatePostedLCAssignmentsForReceiptShipmentLine method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_Undo Receipt/Shipment |
OnBeforeUpdateDocumentPostedLandedCosts(var FilteredDocumentLines: RecordRef; SourceType: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the UpdateDocumentPostedLandedCosts method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_Undo Receipt/Shipment |
OnAfterFilterPostedLandedCostsBySourceLineOnUpdateDocumentPostedLandedCosts(PostedLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Posted Landed Cost”; var FilteredDocumentLines: RecordRef; SourceType: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]) |
Possibility to filter records on the UpdateDocumentPostedLandedCosts method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_Undo Receipt/Shipment |
OnBeforeUpdatePostedLandedCostOnUpdateDocumentPostedLandedCosts(PostedLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Posted Landed Cost”; var FilteredDocumentLines: RecordRef; SourceType: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]) |
Possibility to add logic to the UpdateDocumentPostedLandedCosts method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_Undo Receipt/Shipment |
OnAfterUpdatePostedLandedCostOnUpdateDocumentPostedLandedCosts(PostedLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Posted Landed Cost”; var FilteredDocumentLines: RecordRef; SourceType: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]) |
Possibility to add logic to the update of posted landed costs on the UpdateDocumentPostedLandedCosts method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_Undo Receipt/Shipment |
OnAfterUpdateDocumentPostedLandedCosts(var FilteredDocumentLines: RecordRef; SourceType: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]) |
Possibility to add logic to the UpdateDocumentPostedLandedCosts method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_Undo Receipt/Shipment |
OnBeforeModifyOnUpdateBaseQuantityAndAmountOnPostedLandedCost(var PostedLandedCost: Record “briLCO_Posted Landed Cost”; QtySum: Decimal; QtyBaseSum: Decimal; AmountSum: Decimal; GrossWeightSum: Decimal) |
Possibility to add logic and data to the UpdateBaseQuantityAndAmountOnPostedLandedCost method. |
Integration Event |
table briLCO_RecurringCost |
OnBeforeAssisEditRecurringCostCode(RecurringCost: Record briLCO_RecurringCost; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the AssisEditRecurringCostCode method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_RecurringCostsMgt |
OnAfterSetDocumentTypeForCustomer(var DocumentTypeValues: List of [Text]) |
Possibility to set additional Document Types for Customer on the Document Type Values List |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_RecurringCostsMgt |
OnAfterSetDocumentTypeForCustomerCodeAndText(var DocumentTypeValues: Dictionary of [Code[50], Text]) |
Possibility to set additional Document Types for Customer on the Document Type Values List |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_RecurringCostsMgt |
OnAfterSetDocumentTypeForVendor(var DocumentTypeValues: List of [Text]) |
Possibility to set additional Document Types for Vendor on the Document Type Values List |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_RecurringCostsMgt |
OnAfterSetDocumentTypeForVendorCodeAndText(var DocumentTypeValues: Dictionary of [Code[50], Text]) |
Possibility to set additional Document Types for Vendor on the Document Type Values List |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_RecurringCostsMgt |
OnBeforeRunRecurringCostsPageFiltered(RecVariant: Variant; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to filter the incoming RecVariant or override the procedure entirely |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_RecurringCostsMgt |
OnBeforeThrowErrorOnThrowErrorMessageOnBlankMandatoryFields(RecurringCost: Record briLCO_RecurringCost; var NameOfEmptyFields: Text; NumberOfEmptyFields: Integer) |
Possibility to add logic to the ThrowErrorMessageOnBlankMandatoryFields |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_RecurringCostsMgt |
OnBeforeValidateDocumentType(var DocumentType: Text[2048]; Source: Enum “briLCO_Source Entity”; SourceCaption: Text; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the ValidateDocumentType method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_RecurringCostsMgt |
OnBeforeValidateDocumentTypeCodeAndText(var DocumentType: Text[2048]; var DocumentTypeInteger: Text[2048]; Source: Enum “briLCO_Source Entity”; SourceCaption: Text; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the logic of the ValidateDocumentType method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_RecurringCostsMgt |
OnAfterValidateDocumentType(var DocumentType: Text[2048]; Source: Enum “briLCO_Source Entity”; SourceCaption: Text; DocumentTypeValues: List of [Text]; Selection: Text) |
Possibility to add logic to the ValidateDocumentType method |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_RecurringCostsMgt |
OnAfterValidateDocumentTypeCodeAndText(var DocumentType: Text[2048]; Source: Enum “briLCO_Source Entity”; SourceCaption: Text; DocumentTypeValues: Dictionary of [Code[50], Text]; Selection: Text; SelectionInteger: Text) |
Possibility to add logic to the ValidateDocumentType method |
Integration Event |
table briLCO_Tariff Header |
OnBeforeAssisEditTariffCode(TariffHeader: Record “briLCO_Tariff Header”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the AssisEditTariffCode method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_TariffManagement |
OnBeforeDeleteLandedCostTariff(TariffCode: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the DeleteLandedCostTariff method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_TariffManagement |
OnBeforeCheckTariffStatusChange(TariffCode: Code[20]; OldStatus: Enum “briLCO_Tariff Status”; NewStatus: Enum “briLCO_Tariff Status”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_TariffManagement |
OnAfterCheckTariffStatusChange(TariffCode: Code[20]; OldStatus: Enum “briLCO_Tariff Status”; NewStatus: Enum “briLCO_Tariff Status”) |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_TariffManagement |
OnElseOnFillTariffType(CalculationBasis: Enum “briLCO_Calculation Basis”; var TariffType: Enum “briLCO_Tariff Type”) |
Possibility to set additional logic if the “Calculation Basis” doesn’t match the values on the case statement. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_TariffManagement |
OnBeforeThrowErrorOnThrowErrorMessageOnHeaderBlankMandatoryFields(TariffHeader: Record “briLCO_Tariff Header”; var NameOfEmptyFields: Text; NumberOfEmptyFields: Integer) |
Possibility to add logic to the ThrowErrorMessageOnHeaderBlankMandatoryFields method |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_RecordRefMgmtHandler |
OnElseOnGetRecRefFilteredForItemDocumentLinesWithQuantity(var RecRef: RecordRef; HeaderSourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to handle the GetRecRefFilteredForItemDocumentLinesWithQuantity method if the case statement was not matched. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_RecordRefMgmtHandler |
OnElseGetRecRefFilteredForDocument(var RecRef: RecordRef; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to handle the GetRecRefFilteredForDocument method if the case statement was not matched. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_RecordRefMgmtHandler |
OnElseGetRecRefFilteredForItemDocumentLines(var RecRef: RecordRef; HeaderSourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to handle the GetRecRefFilteredForItemDocumentLines method if the case statement was not matched. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_RecordRefMgmtHandler |
OnElseOnGetRecRefFilteredForItemDocumentLine(var RecRef: RecordRef; HeaderSourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; SourceLineNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to handle the GetRecRefFilteredForItemDocumentLine if the case statement was not matched. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briLCO_RecordRefMgmtHandler |
OnBeforeGetFieldValueByName(var RecRef: RecordRef; FieldName: Text; var FieldValue: Variant; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the GetFieldValueByName method. |