Manufacturing Essentials

Notes for release 25.0.9174.44456


  • Task 18188 - User Story 18118 -
  • Task 18189 - User Story 18118 -
  • Task 18190 - User Story 18118 -
  • Task 18278 - User Story 18118 -
  • Task 11789 - Bug 11788 -
  • Task 14762 - User Story 14722 -
  • Task 14766 - User Story 14724 -
  • Task 14770 - User Story 14725 -
  • Task 14792 - User Story 14789 -
  • Task 14810 - User Story 14807 -
  • Task 15168 - User Story 15134 -
  • Task 15175 - User Story 14723 -
  • Task 15186 - User Story 15139 -
  • Task 15190 - User Story 15140 -
  • Task 15195 - User Story 15142 -
  • Task 15199 - User Story 15143 -
  • Task 15204 - User Story 15144 -
  • Task 15209 - User Story 15146 -
  • Task 15214 - User Story 15147 -
  • Task 16989 - User Story 15138 -
  • Task 17008 - User Story 14801 -
  • Task 17028 - User Story 15138 -
  • Task 17032 - User Story 14801 -
  • Task 17037 - User Story 14807 -
  • Task 17107 - User Story 17105 -
  • Task 17369 - Bug 17368 - When changing Variance Policy from warning to block and from block to warning keep tolerance %
  • Task 17372 - Bug 17368 - When changing Variance Policy from warning to block and from block to warning keep tolerance %
  • Task 17445 - Bug 17444 - Populate fields on Prod Order Components from BOM line on refresh
  • Task 17448 - Bug 17447 - Fixed Variance Policy not updated on Req Line and Prod Order Line until page is refreshed
  • Task 17505 - User Story 14789 -
  • Task 17668 - User Story 14722 -
  • Task 17682 - User Story 14720 -
  • Task 17753 - Bug 17752 - Flushing Method validation incomplete on Item Card
  • Task 17762 - User Story 14702 -
  • Task 17765 - Bug 17764 - Variance fields not editable on stockkeeping unit based on Flushing method
  • Task 17767 - User Story 14716 -
  • Task 17769 - User Story 14716 -
  • Task 17783 - Bug 17782 - Tooltip Quantitative Review and Variance Policy
  • Task 17789 - Bug 17788 - Values are not being inherited to the Production Order from Planning Worksheet
  • Task 17793 - Bug 17792 - Remove field values from bold lines on Order Planning
  • Task 17821 - Bug 17820 - Fields not available on Production BOM Version Lines page
  • Task 17827 - User Story 15135 -
  • Task 17828 - User Story 14723 -
  • Task 17963 - Bug 17962 - Quantitative Review only available on Released Production Orders
  • Task 17985 - Bug 17976 - Variance fields on Planning Components should inherit the general setup when added manually.
  • Task 17989 - Bug 17987 - Process Item on Planning Components is not working as expected
  • Task 18000 - Bug 17998 - Quantitative Review is not inherited from the Planning Worksheet
  • Task 18002 - Bug 18001 - Quantitative Review is not being inherited from the Stockkeeping Unit
  • Task 18005 - Bug 18004 - Quantitative Review is not editable for Source Type = Sales Header
  • Task 18008 - Bug 18007 - Quantitative Review with Option = Empty when Source Type = Sales Header on Released Production Order
  • Task 18012 - Bug 18004 - Quantitative Review is not editable for Source Type = Sales Header
  • Task 18015 - User Story 14696 -
  • Task 18033 - Bug 18032 - Production Journal action enabled with Operational Status = Pending
  • Task 18047 - Bug 18046 - Groups Manage & Page on Quantitative Review
  • Task 18051 - Bug 18049 - Information missing on Inventory Pick FactBox
  • Task 18053 - Bug 18052 - Field Shortage in not available on Inventory Pick Lines
  • Task 18058 - Bug 18057 - Field Shortage in not available on Inventory Put-away Lines
  • Task 18061 - Bug 18060 - Fields not updated when Flushing Method is changed on Prod Order Components
  • Task 18067 - Bug 18066 - Consumption and output control when a line is added after Operational Status is set to running
  • Task 18071 - Bug 18069 - Variances fields not inherited to Consumption Journal when using Calc. Consumption action (when there are more than 1 prod order line)
  • Task 18078 - Bug 18077 - Inventory Pick created manually when Operational Status = Pending
  • Task 18081 - Bug 18080 - Inventory Put-away created manually when Operational Status = Pending
  • Task 18098 - Bug 18097 - Operational Status available on Released Prod Order List and Change Production Order Status
  • Task 18112 - User Story 18111 -
  • Task 18114 - User Story 18111 -
  • Task 18119 - User Story 18118 -
  • Task 18126 - Bug 18125 - Consumption control on Production/Consumption Journal when components have more than one line of the same item
  • Task 18134 - Bug 18133 - FactBox information when more than one line with the same item
  • Task 18143 - User Story 18142 -
  • Task 18145 - User Story 18142 -
  • Task 18153 - Bug 18152 - Variance Fields not inherit when Prod Component Line No is chosen
  • Task 18157 - Bug 18156 - Variances fields are changing when updating the Location Code on the Components
  • Task 18177 - User Story 18118 -
  • Task 18178 - User Story 18118 -
  • Task 18184 - User Story 18118 -
  • Task 18185 - User Story 18118 -
  • Task 18187 - User Story 18118 -
  • Task 18198 - User Story 18196 -
  • Task 18200 - User Story 18196 -
  • Task 18207 - Bug 18206 - Flushing Method on Output information is wrong
  • Task 18224 - Bug 18223 - Production Order Filter not taking into account when distributing Quantities
  • Task 18227 - User Story 18118 -
  • Task 18231 - Bug 18229 - Distribution of Reference Item Consumption between Prod Order Lines is not being posted
  • Task 18238 - Bug 18237 - Output Quantity control should only be happen for the last operation on family Production Journal
  • Task 17275 - Bug 17274 - Over and Under Consumption % not correctly updated on Inventory Pick Factbox
  • Task 17409 - Bug 17408 - Variance not correctly calculated on Quantitative Review
  • Task 17023 - User Story 14718 -
  • Task 17325 - Bug 17324 - Default should show actual value but remain 'Default'
  • Task 16848 - User Story 14719 -
  • Task 17025 - User Story 14718 -
  • Task 17305 - User Story 14718 -
  • Task 17021 - User Story 14702 -
  • Task 17034 - User Story 14723 -
  • Task 17027 - User Story 15138 -
  • Task 17056 - Bug 17055 - Components not updated when Quantity for Prod. Order Line is changed to Finished Quantity
  • Task 17039 - Bug 17038 - Tolerance not being correctly calculated for Partial Output / Consumption
  • Task 17045 - User Story 14807 -
  • Task 14808 - User Story 14807 -
  • Task 16987 - User Story 15138 -
  • Task 17009 - User Story 14723 -
  • Task 16998 - Bug 16997 - Remove quantitative review + operational status from finished production orders
  • Task 16808 - User Story 15135 -
  • Task 14729 -
  • Task 16805 - Bug 16804 - Quantitative Review not updated on PO header after refresh
  • Task 16816 - User Story 14721 -
  • Bug 14272 -
  • Task 15194 - User Story 15142 -
  • Task 15203 - User Story 15144 -
  • Task 14754 - User Story 14720 -
  • Task 15158 - User Story 15131 -
  • Task 15180 - User Story 15179 -
  • Bug 16732 - User Story 14718 -
  • Bug 16777 - User Story 14718 -
  • Task 14750 - User Story 14719 -
  • Task 15213 - User Story 15147 -
  • Task 15164 - User Story 15135 -
  • Task 14746 - User Story 14718 -

Events available

Event Type Object Function Description
Integration Event codeunit briMES_CpctCostAllocationMgt OnAfterFilterProdOrderLineByProductionOrderAndProductType(var ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”; Status: Enum Microsoft.Manufacturing.Document.“Production Order Status”; ProdOrderNo: Code[20]; ProductType: Enum briMES_ProductType) Possibility to add filters on Item Ledger Entry to FilterProdOrderLineByProductionOrderAndProductType method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_CpctCostAllocationMgt OnBeforeAllocateTimeCapacityCostForProductionOrder(var ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip AllocateTimeCapacityCostForProductionOrder method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_CpctCostAllocationMgt OnBeforePostBatchOnAllocateTimeCapacityCostForProductionOrder(var ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; var ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip or add logic to batch post on AllocateTimeCapacityCostForProductionOrder method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_CpctCostAllocationMgt OnAfterAllocateTimeCapacityCostForProductionOrder(var ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”) Possibility to add logic to AllocateTimeCapacityCostForProductionOrder method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_CpctCostAllocationMgt OnBeforeAllocateTimeCapacityCostToProdOrderLineAndCoByProducts(ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”; var ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip AllocateTimeCapacityCostToProdOrderLineAndCoByProducts method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_CpctCostAllocationMgt OnAfterAllocateTimeCapacityCostToProdOrderLineAndCoByProducts(ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”; var ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; var MainProductCapacityLedgerEntry: Record “Capacity Ledger Entry”; var CoByProductCapctLedgerEntries: Record “Capacity Ledger Entry”) Possibility to add logic to AllocateTimeCapacityCostToProdOrderLineAndCoByProducts method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_CpctCostAllocationMgt OnAfterFilterMainProductCapacityLedgerEntriesOnAllocate(var MainProductCapacityLedgerEntry: Record “Capacity Ledger Entry”; ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”) Possibility to add logic to AllocateTimeCapacityCostToProdOrderLineAndCoByProducts method after filtering Main Product Capacity Legdger Entries
Integration Event codeunit briMES_CpctCostAllocationMgt OnAfterFilterCBPCapacityLedgerEntriesOnAllocate(var CoByProductCapctLedgerEntries: Record “Capacity Ledger Entry”; ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”) Possibility to add logic to AllocateTimeCapacityCostToProdOrderLineAndCoByProducts method after filtering Co/By-Product Capacity Legdger Entries
Integration Event codeunit briMES_CpctCostAllocationMgt OnBeforePrepareProductionJournalPost(var ItemJournalBatch1: Record “Item Journal Batch”; var ItemJournalBatch2: Record “Item Journal Batch”) Possibility to skip PrepareProductionJournalPost method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_CpctCostAllocationMgt OnAfterPrepareProductionJournalPost(var ItemJournalTemplate: Record “Item Journal Template”; var ItemJournalBatch: Record “Item Journal Batch”) Possibility to add logic to PrepareProductionJournalPost method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_CpctCostAllocationMgt OnBeforeAllocateTimeCapacityCostToCoByProducts(var CapacityLedgerEntry: Record “Capacity Ledger Entry”; ProdOrderStatus: Enum Microsoft.Manufacturing.Document.“Production Order Status”; ItemJournalTemplate: Record “Item Journal Template”; ItemJournalBatch: Record “Item Journal Batch”; TotalRunTime: Decimal; TotalSetupTime: Decimal; TotalOutputQuantity: Decimal; var RunTimeAllocated: Decimal; var SetupTimeAllocated: Decimal; var ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip AllocateTimeCapacityCostToCoByProducts method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_CpctCostAllocationMgt OnAfterAllocateTimeCapacityCostToCoByProducts(var CapacityLedgerEntry: Record “Capacity Ledger Entry”; ProdOrderStatus: Enum Microsoft.Manufacturing.Document.“Production Order Status”; ItemJournalTemplate: Record “Item Journal Template”; ItemJournalBatch: Record “Item Journal Batch”; var ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”) Possibility to add logic to AllocateTimeCapacityCostToCoByProducts method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_CpctCostAllocationMgt OnBeforeInsertItemJournalLine(var ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; var CapacityLedgerEntry: Record “Capacity Ledger Entry”; ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”; ItemJournalTemplate: Record “Item Journal Template”; ItemJournalBatch: Record “Item Journal Batch”; RunTimeToAllocate: Decimal; SetupTimeToAllocate: Decimal) Possibility to add logic to InsertItemJournalLine method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_CpctCostAllocationMgt OnAfterInsertItemJournalLine(var ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; var CapacityLedgerEntry: Record “Capacity Ledger Entry”; ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”; ItemJournalTemplate: Record “Item Journal Template”; ItemJournalBatch: Record “Item Journal Batch”; RunTimeToAllocate: Decimal; SetupTimeToAllocate: Decimal) Possibility to add logic to InsertItemJournalLine method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_JournalManagement OnBeforeSetLineCostsAndAmountOnItemJournalLine(var ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; UnitCost: Decimal; UnitAmount: Decimal; UnitCostACY: Decimal; OverheadRate: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip SetLineCostsAndAmountOnItemJournalLine method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_JournalManagement OnBeforeModifyOnSetLineCostsAndAmountOnItemJournalLine(var ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; UnitCost: Decimal; UnitAmount: Decimal; UnitCostACY: Decimal; OverheadRate: Decimal) Possibility to add logic to SetLineCostsAndAmountOnItemJournalLine method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_JournalManagement OnBeforeCheckCostsCBP(var ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip CheckCostsCBP method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_JournalManagement OnAfterCheckCostsCBP(var ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”) Possibility to add logic to CheckCostsCBP method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_JournalManagement OnBeforeCheckCostsCBPOnBeforePost(var ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; IsHanlded: Boolean) Possibility to skip CheckCostsCBPOnBeforePost method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_JournalManagement OnAfterCheckCostsCBPOnBeforePost(var ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”) Possibility to add logic to CheckCostsCBPOnBeforePost method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_JournalManagement OnBeforeCheckConditionsForCapCostAllocQtyProportional(var ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; var IsCapCostAllocQtyProportional: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip CheckConditionsForCapCostAllocQtyProportional method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_JournalManagement OnAfterCheckConditionsForCapCostAllocQtyProportional(var ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; var IsCapCostAllocQtyProportional: Boolean) Possibility to add logic to CheckConditionsForCapCostAllocQtyProportional method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_JournalManagement OnBeforeCheckConditionsForCapCostAllocNone(var ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; var IsCapCostAllocNone: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip CheckConditionsForCapCostAllocNone method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_JournalManagement OnAfterCheckConditionsForCapCostAllocNone(var ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; var IsCapCostAllocNone: Boolean) Possibility to add logic to CheckConditionsForCapCostAllocNone method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_JournalManagement OnBeforeIsUnitCostEditable(var ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; var IsEditable: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip IsUnitCostEditable method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_JournalManagement OnAfterIsUnitCostEditable(var ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; var IsEditable: Boolean) Possibility to add logic to IsUnitCostEditable method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_AddCoByProductToProdOrd OnBeforeInsertCoByProductProdOrderLine(var ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”; Status: Enum Microsoft.Manufacturing.Document.“Production Order Status”; ProdOrderNo: Code[20]; LineNo: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]; FromProdOrderLineNo: Integer; RoutingNo: Code[20]) Possibility to add logic to the InsertCoByProductProdOrderLine method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_AddCoByProductToProdOrd OnAfterInsertCoByProductProdOrderLine(var ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”; Status: Enum Microsoft.Manufacturing.Document.“Production Order Status”; ProdOrderNo: Code[20]; LineNo: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]; FromProdOrderLineNo: Integer; RoutingNo: Code[20]) Possibility to add logic to InsertCoByProductProdOrderLine method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_AddCoByProductToProdOrd OnBeforeAddCoByProductAction(ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip AddCoByProductAction method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_AddCoByProductToProdOrd OnBeforeLookupOnAddCoByProductAction(ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip lookup on AddCoByProductAction method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_AddCoByProductToProdOrd OnAfterAddCoByProductAction(ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”; ItemFilter: Text) Possibility to add logic to AddCoByProductAction method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_AddCoByProductToProdOrd OnAfterGetApplicableCoByProductsForItem(var CoByProduct: Record “briMES_Co/By-Product”; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]) Possibility to add logic to GetApplicableCoByProductsForItem method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_AddCoByProductToProdOrd OnBeforeCreateCoByProductsToSpecificProdOrderLine(ItemFilter: Text; ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip CreateCoByProductsToSpecificProdOrderLine method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_AddCoByProductToProdOrd OnAfterChecksOnCreateCoByProductsToSpecificProdOrderLine(ItemFilter: Text; ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”) Possibility to add checks to CreateCoByProductsToSpecificProdOrderLine method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_AddCoByProductToProdOrd OnAfterCreateCoByProductsToSpecificProdOrderLine(ItemFilter: Text; Item: Record Item; ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”) Possibility to add logic to CreateCoByProductsToSpecificProdOrderLine method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_AddCoByProductToProdOrd OnBeforeCheckIfCoByProductAlreadyExistsInProdOrderLine(Status: Enum Microsoft.Manufacturing.Document.“Production Order Status”; ProductionOrderNo: Code[20]; LineNo: Integer; ItemFilter: Text; LineNoFilter: Text; VariantCode: Code[10]; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip CheckIfCoByProductAlreadyExistsInProdOrderLine method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_AddCoByProductToProdOrd OnAfterFiltersOnCheckIfCoByProductAlreadyExistsInProdOrderLine(var ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”) Possibility to add checks to CheckIfCoByProductAlreadyExistsInProdOrderLine method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_AddCoByProductToProdOrd OnAfterCheckIfCoByProductAlreadyExistsInProdOrderLine(Status: Enum Microsoft.Manufacturing.Document.“Production Order Status”; ProductionOrderNo: Code[20]; LineNo: Integer; ItemFilter: Text; LineNoFilter: Text; VariantCode: Code[10]) Possibility to add logic to CheckIfCoByProductAlreadyExistsInProdOrderLine method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_AddCoByProductToProdOrd OnBeforeCheckIfItemEqualCoByProductInProdOrderLine(ItemNo: Code[20]; var Item: Record Item; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip CheckIfItemEqualCoByProductInProdOrderLine method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_AddCoByProductToProdOrd OnBeforeUpdateRoutingNoOnCoByProducts(Status: Enum Microsoft.Manufacturing.Document.“Production Order Status”; ProdOrderNo: Code[20]; ProductType: Enum briMES_ProductType; LineNo: Integer; RoutingNo: Code[20]; FromLineNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip UpdateRoutingNoOnCoByProducts method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_AddCoByProductToProdOrd OnAfterUpdateRoutingNoOnCoByProducts(Status: Enum Microsoft.Manufacturing.Document.“Production Order Status”; ProdOrderNo: Code[20]; ProductType: Enum briMES_ProductType; LineNo: Integer; RoutingNo: Code[20]; FromLineNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to add logic to UpdateRoutingNoOnCoByProducts method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_AddCoByProductToProdOrd OnBeforeValidateItemNoChange(Status: Enum Microsoft.Manufacturing.Document.“Production Order Status”; ProdOrderNo: Code[20]; LineNo: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]; FromProdOrderLineNo: Integer; ProductType: Enum briMES_ProductType; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip ValidateItemNoChange method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_AddCoByProductToProdOrd OnAfterValidateItemNoChange(Status: Enum Microsoft.Manufacturing.Document.“Production Order Status”; ProdOrderNo: Code[20]; LineNo: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]; FromProdOrderLineNo: Integer; ProductType: Enum briMES_ProductType) Possibility to add logic to ValidateItemNoChange method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_AddCoByProductToProdOrd OnBeforeValidateVariantCodeChange(Status: Enum Microsoft.Manufacturing.Document.“Production Order Status”; ProdOrderNo: Code[20]; LineNo: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]; FromProdOrderLineNo: Integer; ProductType: Enum briMES_ProductType; VariantCode: Code[10]; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip ValidateVariantCodeChange method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_AddCoByProductToProdOrd OnAfterValidateVariantCodeChange(Status: Enum Microsoft.Manufacturing.Document.“Production Order Status”; ProdOrderNo: Code[20]; LineNo: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]; FromProdOrderLineNo: Integer; ProductType: Enum briMES_ProductType; VariantCode: Code[10]; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to add logic to ValidateVariantCodeChange method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_AddCoByProductToProdOrd OnBeforeFilterOutProdOrderLinesWithItemOrCapacityLedgerEntries(var ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip FilterOutProdOrderLinesWithItemOrCapacityLedgerEntries method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_AddCoByProductToProdOrd OnAfterFilterOutProdOrderLinesWithItemOrCapacityLedgerEntries(var ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”) Possibility to add logic to FilterOutProdOrderLinesWithItemOrCapacityLedgerEntries method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_AddCoByProductToProdOrd OnBeforeUpdateRoutingFromMainProductOnCoByProduct(var ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip UpdateRoutingFromMainProductOnCoByProduct method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_AddCoByProductToProdOrd OnAfterUpdateRoutingFromMainProductOnCoByProduct(var ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”) Possibility to add logic to UpdateRoutingFromMainProductOnCoByProduct method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_AddCoByProductToProdOrd OnBeforeCheckForRoutingDifferentFromMainProduct(Status: Enum Microsoft.Manufacturing.Document.“Production Order Status”; ProdOrderNo: Code[20]; FromLineNo: Integer; RoutingNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip CheckForRoutingDifferentFromMainProduct method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_BackflushAutoTrackngMgt OnBeforeCreateTrackingLinesForFlushedItemJournalLine(var ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; var TempTrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification” temporary; var TrackingSpecExists: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the CreateTrackingLinesForFlushedItemJournalLine method that will create item tracking lines for the “Item Journal Line” record.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_BackflushAutoTrackngMgt OnAfterCreateTrackingLinesForFlushedItemJournalLine(var ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; var TempTrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification” temporary; var TrackingSpecExists: Boolean; RequireExpirationDate: Boolean; StrictExpirationPosting: Boolean) Possibility to set additional logic after the the tracking codes and quantities have been selected for the “Item Journal Line” record.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_BackflushAutoTrackngMgt OnBeforeSelectTrackingInformation(var TempEntrySummary: Record “Entry Summary” temporary; ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; StrictExpirationPosting: Boolean; RequireExpirationDate: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the SelectTrackingInformation method that will automatically select the tracking codes and quantities for the “Entry Summary” record.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_BackflushAutoTrackngMgt OnAfterSelectTrackingInformation(var TempEntrySummary: Record “Entry Summary” temporary; ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; StrictExpirationPosting: Boolean; RequireExpirationDate: Boolean; MaxQuantity: Decimal; AvailableQty: Decimal; SelectedQty: Decimal) Possibility to set additional logic after the tracking codes and quantities have been selected.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_BackflushAutoTrackngMgt OnBeforeShouldFlushItemJournalLine(ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; var ShouldFlush: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the ShouldFlushItemJournalLine method.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_BackflushAutoTrackngMgt OnAfterShouldFlushItemJournalLine(ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; ProdOrderComponent: Record “Prod. Order Component”; var ShouldFlush: Boolean) Possibility to change the value of the ShouldFlush parameter.
Integration Event briMES_OnAfterSetIsSuggestItemTrackingLinesEnabled(TrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification”; Location: Record Location; IsProcessItem: Boolean; var SuggestItemTrackingLinesEnabled: Boolean) Possibility to change the value of the SuggestItemTrackingLinesEnabled parameter.
Integration Event briMES_OnBeforeUpdateTempTrackingLineToInsert(var TrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification”; var TempItemTrackLineInsert: Record “Tracking Specification” temporary; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the UpdateTempTrackingLineToInsert method
Integration Event briMES_OnAfterUpdateTempTrackingLineToInsert(var TrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification”; var TempItemTrackLineInsert: Record “Tracking Specification” temporary) Possibility to perform additional changes after the TempItemTrackLineInsert record is updated with the newly created TrackingSpecification records.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_SuggestItemTrackingMgmt OnBeforeSuggestItemTrackingLinesForProdOrderComponents(ProductionOrderStatus: Enum “Production Order Status”; ProductionOrderNo: Code[20]; ProdOrderLineNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the SuggestItemTrackingLinesOnProdOrderComponents that will automatically Suggest Item Tracking Lines to the Prod Order Components records.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_SuggestItemTrackingMgmt OnAfterSuggestItemTrackingLinesForProdOrderComponents(var ProdOrderComponent: Record “Prod. Order Component”; ProductionOrderStatus: Enum Microsoft.Manufacturing.Document.“Production Order Status”; ProductionOrderNo: Code[20]; ProdOrderLineNo: Integer; StrictExpirationPosting: Boolean; RequireExpirationDate: Boolean) Possibibility to set additional logic after the item tracking lines were created for the “Prod. Order Component” records.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_SuggestItemTrackingMgmt OnAfterSetProdOrderComponentFilters(var ProdOrderComponent: Record “Prod. Order Component”) Possibility to set additional filters on the “Prod. Order Component” records that will be used to automatically Suggest Item Tracking Lines.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_SuggestItemTrackingMgmt OnAfterSetSuggestItemTrackingLinesParameters(var StrictExpirationPosting: Boolean; var RequireExpirationDate: Boolean; ItemNo: Code[20]) Possibility to overwrite the values of the parameters that will be used to assign item tracking lines.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_SuggestItemTrackingMgmt OnBeforeCreateItemTrackingLinesForProdOrderComponent(ProdOrderComponent: Record “Prod. Order Component”; StrictExpirationPosting: Boolean; RequireExpirationDate: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the CreateItemTrackingLinesForProdOrderComponent method.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_SuggestItemTrackingMgmt OnAfterCreateItemTrackingLinesForProdOrderComponent(var TempEntrySummary: Record “Entry Summary” temporary; var TempTrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification” temporary; ProdOrderComponent: Record “Prod. Order Component”; ItemTrackingCode: Record “Item Tracking Code”; StrictExpirationPosting: Boolean; RequireExpirationDate: Boolean) Possibility to perform additional logic after the Item Tracking Lines have been created for the “Prod. Order Component” record.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_SuggestItemTrackingMgmt OnBeforeAutoSelectTrackingNo(var TempEntrySummary: Record “Entry Summary” temporary; MaxQuantity: Decimal; QtyRoundingPrecisionBase: Decimal; StrictExpirationPosting: Boolean; RequireExpirationDate: Boolean; FromConsumptionJournalAssignTrackingAction: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the AutoSelectTrackingNo method that will automatically select the tracking codes and quantities for the “Entry Summary” record.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_SuggestItemTrackingMgmt OnAfterAutoSelectTrackingNo(var TempEntrySummary: Record “Entry Summary” temporary; MaxQuantity: Decimal; QtyRoundingPrecisionBase: Decimal; StrictExpirationPosting: Boolean; RequireExpirationDate: Boolean; AvailableQty: Decimal; SelectedQty: Decimal) Possibility to set additional logic after the tracking codes and quantities have been selected.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_SuggestItemTrackingMgmt OnBeforeCreateReservationEntries(var TempTrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification” temporary; ExpectedReceiptDate: Date; ShipmentDate: Date; RequireExpirationDate: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the CreateReservationEntries that will create Reservation Entries based on the “Tracking Specification” records.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_SuggestItemTrackingMgmt OnAfterIsItemTrackingBlocked(ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; LotNo: Code[50]; PackageNo: Code[50]; BlockedLotNo: Boolean; BlockedPackageNo: Boolean; var Blocked: Boolean) Possibility to change the return value of the IsItemTrackingBlocked method.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_SuggestItemTrackingMgmt OnAfterIsLocationEligibleForAutoSelectTrackingInformation(Location: Record Location; var IsEligible: Boolean) Possibility to change the return value of the IsLocationEligibleForAutoSelectTrackingInformation method.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_SuggestItemTrackingMgmt OnBeforeSuggestItemTrackingLinesForConsumptionJournalLine(ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; FromConsumptionJournalAssignTrackingAction: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the SuggestItemTrackingLinesForConsumptionJournalLine that will automatically Suggest Item Tracking Lines to the “Item Journal Line” record.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_SuggestItemTrackingMgmt OnAfterSuggestItemTrackingLinesForConsumptionJournalLine(ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; FromConsumptionJournalAssignTrackingAction: Boolean; StrictExpirationPosting: Boolean; RequireExpirationDate: Boolean) Possibibility to set additional logic after the item tracking lines were created for the “Item Journal Line” record.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_SuggestItemTrackingMgmt OnBeforeCreateItemTrackingLinesForConsumptionJournalLine(ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; FromConsumptionJournalAssignTrackingAction: Boolean; StrictExpirationPosting: Boolean; RequireExpirationDate: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the CreateItemTrackingLinesForConsumptionJournalLine method.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_SuggestItemTrackingMgmt OnAfterCreateItemTrackingLinesForConsumptionJournalLine(var TempEntrySummary: Record “Entry Summary” temporary; var TempTrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification” temporary; ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; ItemTrackingCode: Record “Item Tracking Code”; FromConsumptionJournalAssignTrackingAction: Boolean; StrictExpirationPosting: Boolean; RequireExpirationDate: Boolean) Possibility to perform additional logic after the Item Tracking Lines have been created for the “Item Journal Line” record.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_SuggestItemTrackingMgmt OnBeforeCheckSuggestItemTrackingLinesForConsumptionJournalLine(ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the CheckSuggestItemTrackingLinesForConsumptionJournalLine that will automatically Suggest Item Tracking Lines to the “Item Journal Line” records.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_SuggestItemTrackingMgmt OnAfterCheckSuggestItemTrackingLinesForConsumptionJournalLine(ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”) Possibibility to set additional logic after the item tracking lines were created for the “Item Journal Line” records.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_SuggestItemTrackingMgmt OnBeforeCheckConsumptionJournalLineIsEligibleForAutoSelectTrackingInformation(ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the CheckConsumptionJournalLineIsEligibleForAutoSelectTrackingInformation method that will perform some validations to verify that the item journal line is eligible for automatic selecting tracking information.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_SuggestItemTrackingMgmt OnBeforeCheckLocationIsEligibleForAutoSelectTrackingInformation(LocationCode: Code[10]; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the CheckLocationIsEligibleForAutoSelectTrackingInformation method.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_SuggestItemTrackingMgmt OnAfterCheckLocationIsEligibleForAutoSelectTrackingInformation(Location: Record Location; LocationCode: Code[10]) Possibility to perform additional verifications on the Location record.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_SuggestItemTrackingMgmt OnBeforeCheckItemIsEligibleForAutoSelectTrackingInformation(ItemNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the CheckItemIsEligibleForAutoSelectTrackingInformation method.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_SuggestItemTrackingMgmt OnAfterCheckItemIsEligibleForAutoSelectTrackingInformation(ItemNo: Code[20]) Possibility to perform additional verifications for the ItemNo parameter.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_SuggestItemTrackingMgmt OnBeforeCheckSuggestItemTrackingLinesForProductionJournalLine(ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the SuggestItemTrackingLinesForProductionJournalLine that will automatically Suggest Item Tracking Lines to the “Item Journal Line” record.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_SuggestItemTrackingMgmt OnAfterCheckSuggestItemTrackingLinesForProductionJournalLine(ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”) Possibibility to set additional logic after the item tracking lines were created for the “Item Journal Line” record.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_SuggestItemTrackingMgmt OnBeforeIsItemJournalLineEligibleForSuggestItemTrackingLines(ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; var IsItemJournalLineEligible: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the IsItemJournalLineEligibleForSuggestItemTrackingLines method.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_SuggestItemTrackingMgmt OnAfterIsItemJournalLineEligibleForSuggestItemTrackingLines(ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; ItemJournalTemplate: Record “Item Journal Template”; var IsItemJournalLineEligible: Boolean) Possibility to perform additional checks to verify if the “Item Journal Line” record is eligible for Suggestion of Item Tracking Lines.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_SuggestItemTrackingMgmt OnBeforeSuggestItemTrackingLines(var TempTrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification” temporary; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the SuggestItemTrackingLinesForConsumptionJournalLine that will automatically Suggest Item Tracking Lines on the Item Tracking Lines page.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_SuggestItemTrackingMgmt OnAfterSuggestItemTrackingLines(var TempEntrySummary: Record “Entry Summary” temporary; var TempTrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification” temporary; ItemTrackingCode: Record “Item Tracking Code”; StrictExpirationPosting: Boolean; RequireExpirationDate: Boolean) Possibibility to set additional logic after the item tracking lines were created the Item Tracking Lines page.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_SuggestItemTrackingMgmt OnAfterIsPackageNoInformationBlocked(PackageNoInformation: Record “Package No. Information”; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; PackageNo: Code[50]; var BlockedPackageNo: Boolean) Possibility to perform additional validations to check if the “Package No. Information” is blocked for suggesting item tracking lines.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_SuggestItemTrackingMgmt OnAfterIsLotNoInformationBlocked(LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; LotNo: Code[50]; var BlockedLotNo: Boolean) Possibility to perform additional validations to check if the “Lot No. Information” is blocked for suggesting item tracking lines.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_SuggestItemTrackingMgmt OnAfterIsSourceDocumentFromTempTrackingSpecificationEligibleForSuggestItemTrackingLines(TempTrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification” temporary; var IsEligible: Boolean) Possibility to overwrite the value of the IsEligible parameter.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_VMGMasterDataMgt OnBeforeModifyQuantitativeReviewOnRefreshProdOrder(var ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip Quantitative Review validation on ModifyQuantitativeReviewOnRefreshProdOrder
Integration Event codeunit briMES_VMGMasterDataMgt OnAfterModifyQuantitativeReviewOnRefreshProdOrder(var ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”) Possibility to add logic to ModifyQuantitativeReviewOnRefreshProdOrder
Integration Event codeunit briMES_VMGPSCIntegrationHandlr OnBeforeProductionScenariosIsInstalled(var IsPSCInstalled: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briMES_VMGPSCIntegrationHandlr OnBeforeIsProductionBOMLineReferenceItem(ProductionBOMLine: Record “Production BOM Line”; var IsReferenceItem: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briMES_VMGPSCIntegrationHandlr OnBeforeIsPlanningComponentReferenceItem(PlanningComponent: Record “Planning Component”; var IsReferenceItem: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briMES_VMGPSCIntegrationHandlr OnBeforeIsProdOrderComponentReferenceItem(ProdOrderComponent: Record “Prod. Order Component”; var IsReferenceItem: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Integration Event page briMES_ChangeOperationalStatus OnBeforeSet(ProdOrder: Record “Production Order”; CurrentOperationalStatus: Enum briMES_OperationalStatus; PendingStatusEditable: Boolean; RunningStatusEditable: Boolean; CompletedStatusEditable: Boolean; InReviewStatusEditable: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip Set
Integration Event page briMES_ChangeOperationalStatus OnAfterSet(ProdOrder: Record “Production Order”; CurrentOperationalStatus: Enum briMES_OperationalStatus; PendingStatusEditable: Boolean; RunningStatusEditable: Boolean; CompletedStatusEditable: Boolean; InReviewStatusEditable: Boolean) Possibility to add logic to Set
Integration Event page briMES_ChangeOperationalStatus OnBeforeReturnChangeStatusInfo(var NewOperationalStatus: Enum briMES_OperationalStatus; var OldOperationalStatus: Enum briMES_OperationalStatus; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip ReturnChangeStatusInfo
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnAfterChangeOperationalStatusPageRun(var ChangeOperationStatus: Page briMES_ChangeOperationalStatus) Possibility to add logic to ChangeOperationalStatusAction after page closing
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnBeforeCheckForMissingOutput(var ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; var ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”; var ProdOrderRoutingLine: Record “Prod. Order Routing Line”; NewOperationalStatus: Enum briMES_OperationalStatus; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip CheckForMissingOutput
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnAfterCheckForMissingOutput(var ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; var ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”; var ProdOrderRoutingLine: Record “Prod. Order Routing Line”; NewOperationalStatus: Enum briMES_OperationalStatus; var ShowWarning: Boolean) Possibility to add logic to CheckForMissingOutput
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnCheckForMissingOutputOnBeforeFindSet(var ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”; ProdOrderRoutingLine: Record “Prod. Order Routing Line”; var ShowWarning: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip checks or add filters on CheckForMissingOutput
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnCheckMissingOutput(var ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”; ProdOrderRoutingLine: Record “Prod. Order Routing Line”; var ShowWarning: Boolean) Possibility to add logic to CheckForMissingOutput
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnBeforeCheckForMissingConsumption(var ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; var ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”; var ProdOrderRoutingLine: Record “Prod. Order Routing Line”; NewOperationalStatus: Enum briMES_OperationalStatus; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip CheckMissingConsumption
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnCheckMissingConsumption(var ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”; ProdOrderRoutingLine: Record “Prod. Order Routing Line”; var ShowWarning: Boolean) Possibility to add logic to CheckMissingConsumption
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnAfterCheckForMissingConsumption(var ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; var ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”; var ProdOrderRoutingLine: Record “Prod. Order Routing Line”; NewOperationalStatus: Enum briMES_OperationalStatus; var ShowWarning: Boolean) Possibility to add logic to CheckMissingConsumption
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnAfterSetProdOrderCompFilters(var ProdOrderComponent: Record “Prod. Order Component”; ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”) Possibility to add logic to SetProdOrderCompFilters
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnBeforeChangeOperationalStatus(var ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; NewOperationalStatus: Enum briMES_OperationalStatus; OldOperationalStatus: Enum briMES_OperationalStatus; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip ChangeOperationalStatus
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnAfterChangeOperationalStatus(var ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; NewOperationalStatus: Enum briMES_OperationalStatus; OldOperationalStatus: Enum briMES_OperationalStatus) Possibility to add logic to ChangeOperationalStatus
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnBeforeIsChangeStatusOnReleasedProdOrderEnabled(ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; IsVMGEnabled: Boolean; IsUserProductionManager: Boolean; var IsChangeStatusEnabled: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip or overwrite enable conditions on IsChangeStatusOnReleasedProdOrderEnabled
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnBeforeIsCreateInvtEnabledOnReleasedProdOrderEnabled(ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; IsUserProductionManager: Boolean; var IsCreateInvtEnabled: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip or overwrite enable conditions on IsCreateInvtEnabledOnReleasedProdOrderEnabled
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnBeforeIsRefreshProdOrderOnReleasedProdOrderEnabled(ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; IsUserProductionManager: Boolean; var IsRefreshProdOrderEnabled: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip or overwrite enable conditions on IsRefreshProdOrderOnReleasedProdOrderEnabled
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnBeforeIsCreateWarehousePickOnReleasedProdOrderEnabled(ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; IsUserProductionManager: Boolean; var IsCreateWarehousePickEnabled: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip or overwrite enable conditions on IsCreateWarehousePickOnReleasedProdOrderEnabled
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnBeforeIsCopyProdOrderDocumentOnReleasedProdOrderEnabled(ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; IsUserProductionManager: Boolean; var IsCreateWarehousePickEnabled: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip or overwrite enable conditions on IsCopyProdOrderDocumentOnReleasedProdOrderEnabled
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnBeforeIsProductionJournalOnReleasedPOLinesEnabled(ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; IsVMGEnabled: Boolean; IsUserProductionManager: Boolean; var IsProductionJournalEnabled: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip or overwrite enable conditions on IsProductionJournalOnReleasedPOLinesEnabled
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnBeforeSetActionsEnabledOnReleasedProdOrder(ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; IsVMGEnabled: Boolean; var IsChangeStatusEnabled: Boolean; var IsChangeOperationalStatusEnabled: Boolean; var IsCreateInvtEnabled: Boolean; var IsRefreshProdOrderEnabled: Boolean; var IsCreateWarehousePickEnabled: Boolean; var IsCopyProdOrderDocumentEnabled: Boolean; var IsProductionJournalEnabled: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip or overwrite enable conditions on SetActionsEnabledOnReleasedProdOrder
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnAfterSetActionsEnabledOnReleasedProdOrder(ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; IsVMGEnabled: Boolean; IsUserProductionManager: Boolean; var IsChangeStatusEnabled: Boolean; var IsChangeOperationalStatusEnabled: Boolean; var IsCreateInvtEnabled: Boolean; var IsRefreshProdOrderEnabled: Boolean; var IsCreateWarehousePickEnabled: Boolean; var IsCopyProdOrderDocumentEnabled: Boolean; var IsProductionJournalEnabled: Boolean) Possibility to add further enable conditions on SetActionsEnabledOnReleasedProdOrder
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnAfterIsChangeStatusOnReleasedProdOrderEnabled(ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; IsVMGEnabled: Boolean; IsUserProductionManager: Boolean; var IsChangeStatusEnabled: Boolean) Possibility to add further enable conditions on IsChangeStatusOnReleasedProdOrderEnabled
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnAfterIsCreateInvtEnabledOnReleasedProdOrderEnabled(ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; IsUserProductionManager: Boolean; var IsCreateInvtEnabled: Boolean) Possibility to add further enable conditions on IsCreateInvtEnabledOnReleasedProdOrderEnabled
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnAfterIsRefreshProdOrderOnReleasedProdOrderEnabled(ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; IsUserProductionManager: Boolean; var IsRefreshProdOrderEnabled: Boolean) Possibility to add further enable conditions on IsRefreshProdOrderOnReleasedProdOrderEnabled
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnAfterIsCreateWarehousePickOnReleasedProdOrderEnabled(ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; IsUserProductionManager: Boolean; var IsCreateWarehousePickEnabled: Boolean) Possibility to add further enable conditions on IsCreateWarehousePickOnReleasedProdOrderEnabled
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnAfterIsCopyProdOrderDocumentOnReleasedProdOrderEnabled(ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; IsUserProductionManager: Boolean; var IsCreateWarehousePickEnabled: Boolean) Possibility to add further enable conditions on IsCopyProdOrderDocumentOnReleasedProdOrderEnabled
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnAfterIsProductionJournalOnReleasedPOLinesEnabled(ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; IsVMGEnabled: Boolean; IsUserProductionManager: Boolean; var IsProductionJournalEnabled: Boolean) Possibility to add further enable conditions on IsProductionJournalOnReleasedPOLinesEnabled
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnBeforeIsChangeOperationalStatusOnReleasedProdOrderEnabled(ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; IsUserProductionManager: Boolean; var IsChangeOperationalStatusEnabled: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip or overwrite enable conditions on IsChangeOperationalStatusOnReleasedProdOrderEnabled
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnAfterIsChangeOperationalStatusOnReleasedProdOrderEnabled(ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; IsUserProductionManager: Boolean; var IsChangeOperationalStatusEnabled: Boolean) Possibility to add further enable conditions on IsChangeOperationalStatusOnReleasedProdOrderEnabled
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnBeforeCheckOperationalStatusOnProdOrder(ProductionOrderNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip checks on CheckOperationalStatusOnProdOrder
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnAfterCheckOperationalStatusOnProdOrder(ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”) Possibility to perform additional checks on CheckOperationalStatusOnProdOrder
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnBeforeSetInitialQuantityToCurrentQuantityOnProdOrderComponents(var ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip or override SetInitialQuantityToCurrentQuantityOnProdOrderComponents
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnBeforeModifyProdOrderComponentOnSetInitialQuantityToCurrentQuantity(ProdOrderComponent: Record “Prod. Order Component”) Possibility to add logic or data to records on SetInitialQuantityToCurrentQuantityOnProdOrderComponents
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnBeforeSetInitialQuantityToCurrentQuantityOnProdOrderLines(var ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip or override SetInitialQuantityToCurrentQuantityOnProdOrderLines
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnBeforeModifyProdOrderLineOnSetInitialQuantityToCurrentQuantity(ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”) Possibility to add logic or data to records on SetInitialQuantityToCurrentQuantityOnProdOrderLines
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnBeforeSetInitialQuantityToCurrentQuantityOnProdOrderLinesAndComponents(var ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip or override SetInitialQuantityToCurrentQuantityOnProdOrderLinesAndComponents
Integration Event codeunit briMES_OperationalStatusMgt OnAfterSetInitialQuantityToCurrentQuantityOnProdOrderLinesAndComponents(var ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”) Possibility to add logic to SetInitialQuantityToCurrentQuantityOnProdOrderLinesAndComponents
Integration Event codeunit briMES_ProdOrderRegisterMgt OnBeforeInsertProdOrderRegister(ProductionOrderRegister: Record briMES_ProductionOrderRegister; Status: Enum Microsoft.Manufacturing.Document.“Production Order Status”; ProdOrderNo: Code[20]; Type: Enum briMES_ProdOrderRegisterType; ProdOrderLineNo: Integer; ProdOrderCompLineNo: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; Quantity: Decimal; UnitofMeasureCode: Code[10]) Possibility to add logic to InsertProdOrderRegister
Integration Event codeunit briMES_ProdOrderRegisterMgt OnAfterInsertProdOrderRegister(ProductionOrderRegister: Record briMES_ProductionOrderRegister; Status: Enum Microsoft.Manufacturing.Document.“Production Order Status”; ProdOrderNo: Code[20]; Type: Enum briMES_ProdOrderRegisterType; ProdOrderLineNo: Integer; ProdOrderCompLineNo: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; Quantity: Decimal; UnitofMeasureCode: Code[10]) Possibility to add logic to InsertProdOrderRegister
Integration Event codeunit briMES_ProdOrderRegisterMgt OnBeforeInsertProdOrderRegisterRecordsForProductionOrder(var ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip InsertProdOrderRegisterRecordsForProductionOrder
Integration Event codeunit briMES_ProdOrderRegisterMgt OnAfterInsertProdOrderRegisterRecordsForProductionOrder(var ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”; ProdOrderComponent: Record “Prod. Order Component”) Possibility to add logic to InsertProdOrderRegisterRecordsForProductionOrder
Integration Event codeunit briMES_ProdOrderRegisterMgt OnBeforeTransProdOrderRegisterEntries(var FromProdOrder: Record “Production Order”; var ToProdOrder: Record “Production Order”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip or add logic to TransProdOrderRegisterEntries
Integration Event codeunit briMES_ProdOrderRegisterMgt OnAfterTransProdOrderRegisterEntries(var FromProdOrder: Record “Production Order”; var ToProdOrder: Record “Production Order”) Possibility to add logic to TransProdOrderRegisterEntries
Integration Event briMES_VMGOnAfterProductionOrderPreDataItemOnBeforeFilterByOperationalStatus(var ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; var ShouldFilterByOperationalStatus: Boolean) Possibility to change the value of the ShouldFilterByOperationalStatus parameter that will determine if the Production Order dataset will be filtered by Operational Status.
Integration Event briMES_VMGOnBeforeFilterProductionOrderDatasetByOperationalStatus(var ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to skip FilterProductionOrderDatasetByOperationalStatus
Integration Event briMES_VMGOnAfterFilterProductionOrderDatasetByOperationalStatus(var ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”) Possibility to add filters to Prod. Order on FilterProductionOrderDatasetByOperationalStatus
Integration Event codeunit briMES_QuantitativeReviewMgt OnAfterGetMessageStyle(Message: Enum briMES_VariancePolicy; var MessageStyleExpr: Text) Possibility to add or override styles on GetMessageStyle
Integration Event codeunit briMES_ExpectedOutput OnBeforeInsertPIDistributionBuffer(var PIDistributionBuffer: Record briMES_PIDistributionBuffer temporary; TempItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line” temporary; ProdOrderComponent: Record “Prod. Order Component”; OriginalQuantity: Decimal) Possibility to perform additional changes on before insert the PIDistributionBuffer Record on procedure FillPIDistributionBuffer from interface implementation “briMES_ExpectedOutput implements briMES_IConsmpDistributionRule”
Integration Event codeunit briMES_RealOutput OnBeforeInsertPIDistributionBuffer(var PIDistributionBuffer: Record briMES_PIDistributionBuffer temporary; TempItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line” temporary; ProdOrderComponent: Record “Prod. Order Component”; OriginalQuantity: Decimal) Possibility to perform additional changes on before insert the PIDistributionBuffer Record on procedure FillPIDistributionBuffer from interface implementation “briMES_RealOutput implements briMES_IConsmpDistributionRule”
Integration Event codeunit briMES_PSCIntegrationSubscr OnBeforeProductionScenarioInstalled(var IsInstalled: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Integration Event briMES_OnBeforeUpdateConsumptionDistributionRule(var Item: Record Item; OldItem: Record Item; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the UpdateConsumptionDistributionRule method.
Integration Event briMES_OnAfterUpdateConsumptionDistributionRule(var Item: Record Item; OldItem: Record Item) Possibility to perform additional logic after the Consumption Distribution rule being updated.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_ProcessItemValidation OnAfterFillProcessItemValuesOnStockkeepingUnit(var StockkeepingUnit: Record “Stockkeeping Unit”) Possibility to perform additional changes on the StockkeepingUnit record after the values from the process item have been populated.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_ProcessItemValidation OnBeforeValidateProcessItemOnProductionBOM(ProductionBOMLine: Record “Production BOM Line”; FlushingMethod: Enum “Flushing Method”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the ValidateProcessItemOnProductionBOM method.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_ProcessItemValidation OnAfterValidateProcessItemOnProductionBOM(ProductionBOMLine: Record “Production BOM Line”; FlushingMethod: Enum “Flushing Method”) Possibility to perform additional checks on the ProductionBOMLine record.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_ProcessItemValidation OnBeforeValidateConsumptionDistributionRuleOnProductionBOM(ProductionBOMLine: Record “Production BOM Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the ValidateConsumptionDistributionRuleOnProductionBOM method.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_ProcessItemValidation OnAfterValidateConsumptionDistributionRuleOnProductionBOM(ProductionBOMLine: Record “Production BOM Line”) Possibility to perform additional checks on the ProductionBOMLine record.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_ProcessItemValidation OnBeforeValidateProcessItemOnProductionOrderComponent(ProdOrderComponent: Record “Prod. Order Component”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the ValidateProcessItemOnProductionOrderComponent method.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_ProcessItemValidation OnAfterValidateProcessItemOnProductionOrderComponent(ProdOrderComponent: Record “Prod. Order Component”) Possibility to perform additional checks on the ProdOrderComponent record.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_ProcessItemValidation OnBeforeValidateProcessItemOnPlanningComponent(PlanningComponent: Record “Planning Component”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the ProcessItemOnPlanningComponent method.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_ProcessItemValidation OnAfterValidateProcessItemOnPlanningComponent(PlanningComponent: Record “Planning Component”) Possibility to perform additional checks on the PlanningComponent record.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_ProcessItemValidation OnAfterFilterProductionBOMLines(var ProductionBOMLine: Record “Production BOM Line”) Possibility to set additional filters on the ProductionBOMLine record.
Integration Event report briMES_WhseGetPIBinContent OnAfterInitializeItemJournalLine(var ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; var PostingDate: Date; var DocumentNo: Code[20]) Possibility to perform additional changes on after the values are initialized.
Integration Event page briMES_ProcessItemConsumpBatch OnBeforeOnOpenPage(var ItemJournalBatch: Record “Item Journal Batch”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the method OnOpenPage.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_ProcItemJnlManagement OnLookupProdOrderCompBeforeRunModal(var ProdOrderComp: Record “Prod. Order Component”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the OnLookupProdOrderCompBeforeRunModal method.
Integration Event briMES_OnBeforeValidatePlanningComponentFields(var PlanningComponent: Record “Planning Component”; ProductionBOMLine: Record “Production BOM Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the OnBeforeValidatePlanningComponentFields method.
Integration Event briMES_OnAfterValidatePlanningComponentFields(var PlanningComponent: Record “Planning Component”; ProductionBOMLine: Record “Production BOM Line”) Possibility to peform additional changes/checks on the PlanningComponent record.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_CalculatePIInventory OnBeforeCalculateProcessItemsInventory(ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; PostingDate: Date; ReleasedProductionOrderNoFilter: Text; StartingDateTimeFilter: Text; EndingDateTimeFilter: Text; MachineCenterFilter: Text; WorkCenterFilter: Text; ItemFilter: Text; VariantFilter: Text; LocationFilter: Text; BinFilter: Text; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the CalculateProcessItemsInventory method.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_CalculatePIInventory OnAfterCalculateProcessItemsInventory(ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; ProdOrderComponent: Record “Prod. Order Component”; ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”) Possibility to set additional logic after the Process Items Inventory is calculated.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_CalculatePIInventory OnBeforeSplitItemJournalLinesByLotNoPackageNo(var ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the SplitItemJournalLinesByLotNoPackageNo method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_CalculatePIInventory OnAfterFilterProdOrderLine(var ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”) Possibility to set additional filter on the ProdOrderLine record.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_CalculatePIInventory OnBeforeFindApplicableProdOrderRoutingLines(ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”; MachineCenterFilter: Text; WorkCenterFilter: Text; var ApplicableProdOrderRoutingLinesFound: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the FindApplicableProdOrderRoutingLines method
Integration Event codeunit briMES_CalculatePIInventory OnAfterFilterProdRoutingLineFromProdOrderLine(var ProdOrderRoutingLine: Record “Prod. Order Routing Line”) Possibility to set additional filter on the ProdOrderRoutingLine record.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_CalculatePIInventory OnAfterSplitItemJournalLinesByTrackignInformation(var TempItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line” temporary; ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”) Possibility to set additional logic after the Item Journal Lines were splitted by Tracking Information.
Integration Event report briMES_DistributePIBinContent OnAfterCalculateQtyToEmptyBaseOnBeforeShouldSkipReport(BinContent: Record “Bin Content”; BinType: Record “Bin Type”; QtyToEmptyBase: Decimal; var ShouldSkipReportForQty: Boolean) Possibility to change the value of the ShouldSkipReportForQty parameter that will determine if the current iteration of the Bin Content dataitem will be skipped.
Integration Event report briMES_DistributePIBinContent OnBeforeInsertTempItemJournalLine(var TempItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line” temporary; BinContent: Record “Bin Content”) Possibility to perform additional changes on the TempItemJournalLine record on before being inserted.
Integration Event report briMES_DistributePIBinContent OnBeforeSplitItemJournalLineFromWarehouseEntries(var TempTrackedSplittedItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line” temporary; TempItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line” temporary; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the SplitItemJournalLineFromWarehouseEntries method.
Integration Event report briMES_DistributePIBinContent OnAfterFilterWarehouseEntryOnSplitItemJournalLineFromWarehouseEntries(var WarehouseEntry: Record “Warehouse Entry”; var TempTrackedSplittedItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line” temporary; TempItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line” temporary) Possibility to set additional filters on the “Warehouse Entry” record.
Integration Event report briMES_DistributePIBinContent OnAfterSplitItemJournalLineFromWarehouseEntries(var TempTrackedSplittedItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line” temporary; WarehouseEntry: Record “Warehouse Entry”; TempItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line” temporary) Possibility to perform additional changes on the TempTrackedSplittedItemJournalLine record after the TempItemJournalLine record being splitted accordlingly to tracking information.
Integration Event report briMES_DistributePIBinContent OnBeforeGetApplicableProdOrderComponentLines(var ProdOrderComponent: Record “Prod. Order Component”; var ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the GetApplicableProdOrderComponentLines method.
Integration Event report briMES_DistributePIBinContent OnAfterGetApplicableProdOrderComponentLines(var ProdOrderComponent: Record “Prod. Order Component”; var ProdOrderLine: Record “Prod. Order Line”) Possibility to perform additional checks and validations after the
Integration Event report briMES_DistributePIBinContent OnBeforeDistributeProcessItemConsumption(var ProdOrderComponent: Record “Prod. Order Component”; var TempTrackedSplittedItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line” temporary; var TempDistributedItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line” temporary; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrie the DistributeProcessItemConsumption method.
Integration Event report briMES_DistributePIBinContent OnAfterDistributeProcessItemConsumption(var ProdOrderComponent: Record “Prod. Order Component”; var TempTrackedSplittedItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line” temporary; var TempDistributedItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line” temporary) Possibility to set additional logic after the DistributeProcessItemConsumption method.
Integration Event report briMES_DistributePIBinContent OnBeforeCreateProcessItemConsumptionJournalLines(var TempDistributedItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line” temporary; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the CreateProcessItemConsumptionJournalLines method.
Integration Event report briMES_DistributePIBinContent OnAfterCreateProcessItemConsumptionJournalLines(var TempDistributedItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line” temporary; var ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; LineNo: Integer) Possibility to set additional logic after the CreateProcessItemConsumptionJournalLines method.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_DistributePIConsumption OnBeforeDistributeProcessItemConsumption(var ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; ReleasedProdOrderNoFilter: Text; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the DistributeProcessItemConsumption method.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_DistributePIConsumption OnAfterFilterProdOrderComponentFromItemJournalLine(var ProdOrderComponent: Record “Prod. Order Component”; ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”) Possibility to set additional filters on the ProdOrderComponent record.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_DistributePIConsumption OnBeforeCalculatePIDistribution(var PIDistributionBuffer: Record briMES_PIDistributionBuffer temporary; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the CalculatePIDistribution method.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_DistributePIConsumption OnAfterCalculatePIDistribution(var PIDistributionBuffer: Record briMES_PIDistributionBuffer temporary) Possibility to set additional logic after the PIDistribution is calculated.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_DistributePIConsumption OnBeforeFillTempItemJournalLine(var TempItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line” temporary; var PIDistributionBuffer: Record briMES_PIDistributionBuffer temporary; ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; var LineNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the FillTempItemJournalLine method.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_DistributePIConsumption OnAfterFillTempItemJournalLine(var TempItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line” temporary; var PIDistributionBuffer: Record briMES_PIDistributionBuffer temporary; ItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line”; var LineNo: Integer) Possibility to set additional logic after the TempItemJournalLine is populated accordingly with the PIDistributionBuffer.
Integration Event codeunit briMES_DistributePIConsumption OnBeforeCalculateAlreadyAssignedConsumption(var TempItemJournalLine: Record “Item Journal Line” temporary; InventoryOrderType: Enum Microsoft.Foundation.Enums.“Inventory Order Type”; ProductionOrderNo: Code[20]; ProdOrderLineNo: Integer; ProdOrderCompLineNo: Integer; var AlreadyAssignedconsumption: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to SKip/Overwrite the CalculateAlreadyAssignedConsumption method.
Integration Event briMES_OnBeforeUpdateConsumptionDistributionRule(var ProductionBOMLine: Record “Production BOM Line”; OldProductionBOMLine: Record “Production BOM Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the UpdateConsumptionDistributionRule method.
Integration Event briMES_OnAfterUpdateConsumptionDistributionRule(var ProductionBOMLine: Record “Production BOM Line”; OldProductionBOMLine: Record “Production BOM Line”) Possibility to perform additional logic after the Consumption Distribution rule being updated.
Integration Event briMES_OnBeforeValidateProductionOrderComponentFields(var ProdOrderComponent: Record “Prod. Order Component”; ProductionBOMLine: Record “Production BOM Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the OnBeforeValidateProductionOrderComponentFields method.
Integration Event briMES_OnAfterValidateProductionOrderComponentFields(var ProdOrderComponent: Record “Prod. Order Component”; ProductionBOMLine: Record “Production BOM Line”) Possibility to peform additional changes/checks on the ProdOrderComponent record.
Integration Event briMES_OnBeforeUpdateConsumptionDistributionRule(var ProdOrderComponent: Record “Prod. Order Component”; OldProdOrderComponent: Record “Prod. Order Component”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the UpdateConsumptionDistributionRule method.
Integration Event briMES_OnAfterUpdateConsumptionDistributionRule(var ProdOrderComponent: Record “Prod. Order Component”; OldProdOrderComponent: Record “Prod. Order Component”) Possibility to perform additional logic after the Consumption Distribution rule being updated.
Integration Event briMES_OnBeforeUpdateConsumptionDistributionRule(var StockkeepingUnit: Record “Stockkeeping Unit”; OldStockkeepingUnit: Record “Stockkeeping Unit”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the UpdateConsumptionDistributionRule method.
Integration Event briMES_OnAfterUpdateConsumptionDistributionRule(var StockkeepingUnit: Record “Stockkeeping Unit”; OldStockkeepingUnit: Record “Stockkeeping Unit”) Possibility to perform additional logic after the Consumption Distribution rule being updated.