How to create Non Conformance

Creation wizard

The creation wizard is accessible in a number of ways

From the search function

From the function of the non-conformance list

From the recorded shipments function

This method allows some of the data to be automatically fed into the assistant.

From the function of recorded receipts

Using the wizard

The “Create Non-Conformance” page consists of three steps:

  • Original document
  • Qualification
  • New document

Original document

The “Origin Document” step indicates from which document the NC will be created:

Field Description
Relation Type Customer: NC comes from a feed made with a customer
Vendor: NC comes from a feed with a customer
Internal : NC comes from a flow with your company
Relation Code Customer or vendor number depending on the type of relation
No Relation Code for Internal NC
Relation Name Customer or vendor name depending on relation type
No Relation name for Internal NC
Source Document Type Relation type = customer: The original doc type will be a registered sale shipment
Relation type = vendor: The original doc type will be a registered purchase receipt
No Source Document Type for Internal NC
Source Document No Selects the number of the registered sale shipment or registered purchase receipt
External Document No Descends from the original document
Applied Amount Specify the amount involved with the non-conformance
Only available for Internal NC
Currency Descends from the original document
Language code Descends from the original document

To advance to the “Qualification” stage, click “Next”.


The “Qualification” step categorizes and describes the NC:

Field Description
Designation NC designation
Category Code NC category (Choose from the categories created in the setting)
Subcategory Code NC sub-category (Choice among subcategories created in setting)
Source Code NC Pattern (Choose from the patterns created in the setting)
Severity Code NC Severity Level (Choose from The Severity Levels Created in the Setting)
Estimated Closing Date Calculated against the default processing time in NC settings but this field is also manually changeable:
Estimated Closing Date = Work Date - Default Processing Time

To move on to the “New Document” stage, click “Next”.

For Internal NC, “Next” is not available. You can just “Create” your NC and the document open automatically.

New document

The “New Document” step creates either:

  • Only an NC
  • An NC and an associated credit-memo
  • An NC and an associated return order

To create the new document or documents, click “Create”. The NC and the associated management document open automatically.

Once you’ve created only an NC, it’s always possible to create a sales credit memo or purchase return from it:
