Managing Non Conformance

Display Non Conformance

No Description
4 Shows and opens the document related to non-conformance
5 Indicates and opens the associated document type return order or credit-memo
Field Description
No Provisional NC number
Status NC status (Open or Launched)
Designation NC designation
Document Date Date of the NC
Release Date NC release date
Estimated Closing Date Closing date calculated by the system. The calculation is as follows:
Document Date + Processing Time (defined in settings)
Real Closing Date To be completed at the close of the NC
Relation Type Customer, supplier or internal
Relation Code Customer or supplier number that indicated NC
No Relation Code for Internal NC
Relation Name Matches the name of the customer or supplier
No Relation Name for Internal NC
Language code Collect the language code of the relationship code (customer or supplier).
Source Document Type Link the NC to one:
- Recorded sale shipping
- Receive recorded purchase
No Source Document Type for Internal NC
Source Document No. Document number depending on the type selected
No Source Document No. for Internal NC
External Document No. Allows you to indicate an external doc number. By default, the external doc number of the original document no.
Currency Allows you to indicate a currency code
Amount Total NC amount
Amount (DS) Total Amount of NC in DS (converts into company currency)
Category Code NC Category
Subcategory Code NC sub-category
Source Code NC reason
Severity Code NC severity level

Access to the original document

From an NC or the NC list, it is possible to navigate to the original document by the menu or by summary (Registered Sales Shipping/Registered Purchase Reception):

Register an NC

Purpose: When an NC has been processed, record non-conformance to keep a history of the document. The provisional document is then deleted. Prerequisite:

  • Non-conformance must have value in the Actual Closing Date field

  • The document must be “Released”

When all requirements are met, it is possible to register a non-conformance:

Non-conformance then passes into Registered Non-Conformanc” (It is possible to see its old number in the No. Non-Conformance column.

It is possible to print a non-conformance from:

  • Provisional NC list/card
  • Registered NC list/card