Non Conformance Management

Notes for release 24.0.8942.49097


  • Task 13444 - User Story 13443 - Review Translations
  • Task 12855 - User Story 10396 - Add Document Storage Factbox on Non Confomance Card/List
  • Task 12879 - Bug 11562 - Fix Modern Action bar
  • Task 12883 - User Story 10398 - Open related non Conformances from posted sales shipment / posted purchase receipt page
  • Task 10701 - Bug 10699 - Fix Link to access to the documentation of the bricklead extension from Business central

Events available

Event Type Object Function Description
Integration Event table isaNCO_NC Header OnBeforePrintRecords(var ReportSelections: Record isaWDT_ReportSelections; var NCHeader: Record “isaNCO_NC Header”; ShowRequestPage: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)
Integration Event table isaNCO_Registered NC Header OnBeforePrintRecords(var ReportSelections: Record isaWDT_ReportSelections; var NCHeader: Record “isaNCO_Registered NC Header”; ShowRequestPage: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit isaNCO_NC Create Apply-To doc. OnBeforeCreateSalesCommentLine(pNCHeader: Record “isaNCO_NC Header”; pDocType: Option; pDocNo: Code[20]; var pNextLineNo: Integer; var pHandled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit isaNCO_NC Create Apply-To doc. OnAfterInsertSalesLine(pNCHeader: Record “isaNCO_NC Header”; pDocType: Option; pDocNo: Code[20])
Integration Event codeunit isaNCO_NC Create Apply-To doc. OnAfterInsertPurchLine(pNCHeader: Record “isaNCO_NC Header”; pDocType: Option; pDocNo: Code[20])
Integration Event codeunit isaNCO_Register NC OnBeforeCopyAttachmentFromNonConformance(var NonConformance: Record “isaNCO_NC Header”; RegisteredNonConformance: Record “isaNCO_Registered NC Header”; var IsHandled: Boolean) Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the CopyAttachmentFromNonConformance method.
Integration Event codeunit isaNCO_Register NC OnAfterCopyAttachmentFromNonConformance(var NonConformance: Record “isaNCO_NC Header”; RegisteredNonConformance: Record “isaNCO_Registered NC Header”) Possibility to set aditional logic after moving Attachments from Non Conformance to Registered Non Conformance