Packaging Balance

Packaging Balance Page

Packaging Balance provides an overview of the balance for a specific source. As packaging entries are not directly reflected in item ledger entries the only way to know what the actual balance for a specific source is (customer, vendor, shipping agent or location) is to consolidate packaging entries.

In this page is possible to filter for:

Field Description
Source Type Specifies the Source Type for Packaging Balance. Options are Customer, Vendor, Location or Shipping Agent.
Source No. Specifies the no. of the related source.
Date Specifies the date of the packaging balance. It’s possible to use date range or one specific date.

On the lines are consolidated the packaging ledger entries filtered on the date selected on the header and for the selected source type and source No.:

It’s possible to check the entries in detail, when clicking on Quantity:

It’s possible to see the Packaging Balance for all the customers/vendors/locations/shipping agents, by not filling the Source No.:

Packaging Balance Report

It’s possible to consult the Packaging Balance Information through a report.

Search for “Packaging Balance"and choose the report action:

Fill the mandatory fields (Starting and Ending Date and Source Type and No.):

The report is generated, with the information for Packaging Balance:
