Packaging Items/Vendors
Packaging Item
Packaging Items are any material, container, or wrapping used for or in conjunction with the handling, marketing, selling, or transportation of items.
To assign an Item as a Packaging Item:
Item Packaging
To link a package to an item, it’s necessary to configure it on Item Card.
So, on Item Card, a page to define the Item Packaging is created. To access to that page, go to Related –> Item –> Item Packaging:
In this page, fill the following fields:
Field | Description |
Item No. | Specifies the Item Number to which the Packaging will be applied. |
Variant | Specifies the Item Variant (if applicable). |
Unit of Measure | Specifies the Item Unit of Measure applicable for Packaging. |
Type | Specifies the Type for the Packaging. Options are: Packing Unit, Shipping Unit or Shipping Container. If option chosen is packing unit, then the unit is tight to item definition (for example: reusable packaging). If this type is chosen, then the next fields are non editable. Set to shipping unit to have this unit tight to the customer/vendor requirements. Set to Shipping Container Unit to have this unit tight to the order. |
Packaging Code | Specifies the Packaging Code. |
Quantity Per | Specifies the default quantity (in the designated Unit of Measure) of items to be placed on the Packaging Type. |
Returnable | Boolean field. Specifies if the item should be included in customer/vendor balances. |
Stackable | Specify if the packaging type is stackable. This is only applicable for Shipping container types. |
Source Type | Specifies the source type for the packaging. Option are “Customer”, “Vendor” or “Location”. If Type = Location, this Packaging Code will only be applicable for Transfer Orders. |
Source No. | Specifies the no. of the related source, according to the source type previously chosen. |
Order-To/Ship-To Address | Specifies the Ship-to/Order to Address for which this packaging applies. Only possible to fill if the source type is Customer/Vendor. |
It’s also possible to open this page, filtered per Source No., on Customers, Vendors and Location. To access this page through these entities, go to Related –> Customer/Vendor/Location –> Packaging.
It is possible to define as many Shipping Units and Shipping Container units as necessary, for different Customers / Vendors / Locations.
It is possible to delete/update lines in this table. In that case, change will only affect newly created documents.
As Packing Units are associated with an item, no source type can be assigned to a packing unit line type. For every item variant, there can be a single item packaging setup of the type Packing Unit. If is selected more than one, an error message appears:
Variants without setup don’t have a Packing Unit. Lines without variants applies to all variants.
Packaging Vendors
A new field “Packaging Vendor” is created on Vendor Card:
Enable this field if the Vendor is used to purchase Packaging items.