Packaging Items/Vendors

Packaging Item

Packaging Items are any material, container, or wrapping used for or in conjunction with the handling, marketing, selling, or transportation of items.

To assign an Item as a Packaging Item:

  1. Open the Item Card;
  2. Enable the “Packaging Item” field:

Item Packaging

To link a package to an item, it’s necessary to configure it on Item Card.

So, on Item Card, a page to define the Item Packaging is created. To access to that page, go to Related –> Item –> Item Packaging:

In this page, fill the following fields:

Field Description
Item No. Specifies the Item Number to which the Packaging will be applied.
Variant Specifies the Item Variant (if applicable).
Unit of Measure Specifies the Item Unit of Measure applicable for Packaging.
Type Specifies the Type for the Packaging. Options are: Packing Unit, Shipping Unit or Shipping Container. If option chosen is packing unit, then the unit is tight to item definition (for example: reusable packaging). If this type is chosen, then the next fields are non editable. Set to shipping unit to have this unit tight to the customer/vendor requirements. Set to Shipping Container Unit to have this unit tight to the order.
Packaging Code Specifies the Packaging Code.
Quantity Per Specifies the default quantity (in the designated Unit of Measure) of items to be placed on the Packaging Type.
Returnable Boolean field. Specifies if the item should be included in customer/vendor balances.
Stackable Specify if the packaging type is stackable. This is only applicable for Shipping container types.
Source Type Specifies the source type for the packaging. Option are “Customer”, “Vendor” or “Location”. If Type = Location, this Packaging Code will only be applicable for Transfer Orders.
Source No. Specifies the no. of the related source, according to the source type previously chosen.
Order-To/Ship-To Address Specifies the Ship-to/Order to Address for which this packaging applies. Only possible to fill if the source type is Customer/Vendor.

It’s also possible to open this page, filtered per Source No., on Customers, Vendors and Location. To access this page through these entities, go to Related –> Customer/Vendor/Location –> Packaging.



  • It is possible to define as many Shipping Units and Shipping Container units as necessary, for different Customers / Vendors / Locations.

  • It is possible to delete/update lines in this table. In that case, change will only affect newly created documents.

  • As Packing Units are associated with an item, no source type can be assigned to a packing unit line type. For every item variant, there can be a single item packaging setup of the type Packing Unit. If is selected more than one, an error message appears:

  • Variants without setup don’t have a Packing Unit. Lines without variants applies to all variants.

Packaging Vendors

A new field “Packaging Vendor” is created on Vendor Card:

Enable this field if the Vendor is used to purchase Packaging items.
