Packaging Journals

Packaging Journal

Packaging Journal allows the enter of individual packaging lines.

It will work similarly to the Item Journal

Packaging Journals exists to manage the Packaging.

This page works similarly to the Item Journal.

To use this journal,Packaging Templates and Batches are also available to create-

Packaging Journal Templates

It’s possible to create Journal Templates for Packaging.

For that,search for “Packaging Journal Template”:

Click on “New” and fill the fields:

Field Description
Name Specifies the name of the Packaging journal that is being created.
Description Specifies a brief description of the Packaging journal template.
No. Series Specifies the number series from which entry or record numbers are assigned to new entries or records.
Posting No. Series Specifies the number series code used to assign document numbers to ledger entries that are posted from journals using this template.

Packaging Journal Batches

Open the Packaging Journal and click on Batches, or through Packaging Journal Templates, open Batches :

Define the Packaging Batches:

Field Description
Name Specifies the name of the Packaging journal batch that is being created.
Description Specifies a brief description of the Packaging journal batch.
No. Series Specifies the number series from which entry or record numbers are assigned to new entries or records.
Posting No. Series Specifies the number series code used to assign document numbers to ledger entries that are posted from this journal batch.

Item Journal + Physical Inventory Journal

When inserting an Item on Item Journal Line or Physical Inventory Journal Line, if the Item has a packing unit defined, then it will generate associated packaging ledger entries when posting the line.

It will only create Packaging Ledger Entries for Packing Units, it won’t create for Shipping Units or Shipping Container Units.


On Physical Inventory Journal, a line is inserted for item 1000:

Item 1000 has a Packing Unit defined:

When posting the line, Packaging Ledger Entries are created:

Item Reclassification Journal

When inserting an Item on Item Reclassification Line, if the Item has a Packing Unit defined, then it will generate associated packaging ledger entries when posting the line.


On Reclassification Journal, a line is inserted:

When posting the line, Packaging Ledger Entries are created:
