Packaging on Orders

Sales Orders

On Sales Order, insert an Item that has a Packaging defined, for example, Item 1001:

When inserting the Item Line on a Sales/Purchase Order, the Packaging Overview will be updated with the applicable Packaging values defined for the Item:

If the Quantity to Ship/Receive is updated, then the Packaging Quantity to Ship is updated as well:

Packaging Overview on Factbox will show the Packages for all Order lines. For example, if a new line is inserted, Packaging Quantities will be updated:

To see quantities for a specific line, open Packaging Overview on Lines or use the keyboard control “Ctrl” + “Alt” + “P”:

Packaging Quantities Calculation

  • Using this example, Packing Unit Quantity will have a 1-1 relation with the Quantity, so, if Quantity = 11, Packaging Quantity = 11.

  • Shipping Container Unit or Shipping Unit will be calculated following the formula “Qty. to Ship/Qty.per”.

    In this case, 11/5 =2,2 (Quantity per is defined on Item Packaging).

    As Shipping Unit/Shipping Container Unit will be the upper rounding of this quocient, the Packaging Quantity will be 3.

  • If a Shipping Container Unit/Shipping Unit is manually updated, a message appears:

  • When a Packaging Line is manually updated, the “Manually Updated” boolean will be set to true:

If quantities on Sales Lines are updated, an alert message appears

Purchase Order

Same behaviour is observed for Purchase Orders.

Transfer Order

On Transfer Orders, when inserting the Item to transfer, the Packaging Overview will display the Packing Units (because are tight to the Item) and the Shipping Unit/Shipping Container that have the Source Type = Location (and the Location that is setup is the “Transfer-to” location).

For example, if a Transfer Order is created for Item 1000:

The result will be the following:
