Packaging Shipments/Receipts

Packaging on Warehouse Shipment

On Warehouse Shipment, the Packaging management is made the same way as on Sales Orders. Packaging Overview is possible to be consulted whether per document or per line.

Packaging on Inventory Pick

When using inventory Pick, the packaging registration is done on inventory pick document.

The same behaviour as Packaging on Warehouse Shipment is observed.

Undoing Shipment/Receipt

It’s possible to Undo Shipment in the following documents:

  • Posted Sales Shipment;
  • Posted Purchase Return Shipment
  • Posted Transfer Shipment

It’s possible to Undo Receipt in the following documents:

  • Posted Purchase Receipt;
  • Posted Return Receipt;

Using this functions all the related Packaging ledger Entries will be reversed.


A Purchase Receipt is posted:

This Purchase Receipt generates several Packaging Ledger Entries:

If the action for Undoing the receipt is activated, then the Packaging Ledger Entries will be reversed:
