Purchase/Sell Package Items

It’s possible to purchase and sell Packaging Items only, without having to be linked to another item.

Purchase Order for Packaging Items

Create a Purchase Order and select a Packaging Item on lines:

The packaging calculation rules will behave specifically:

  • If the item is marked as “packaging item” and associated with a “packaging type” then packaging lines will be automatically created when creating the purchase order line.

  • Packaging line will be of type “packing unit”, as there’s a 1 to 1 relation between item and packaging type.

If, on Packaging Codes, the Item is set as Returnable, when posting Purchase Receipt for Packaging Items, External Packaging Ledger Entries will be created, as well as Internal. If not, only Internal Packaging Ledger Entries will be created.

For example, only Item 1002 is set with Returnable as false.

When posting the Purchase Order, Packaging Ledger Entries will be created, for all items with External and Internal entries, except for item 1002 which only has Internal entries:

Sales Order for Packaging Items

Same behaviour is observed for Sales Order for Packaging Items.
