Packaging Transfer Orders

Transfer Order for Packaging Items

Sometimes Packaging can be received/shipped without being related to any sales/purchase or transfer document.

This is the case when a customer sends back some reusable packaging or a shipping agent sends back some pallets. To be able to manage this business scenario, Transfer Orders for Packaging are used:

The packaging Transfer Order specifies from where the packaging is being sent, to where it will be received.

Fill the following fields:

On header:

Field Description
No. Specifies the No. of the document.
From type Specifies the Source Type for the Packaging document. Options are Customer, Vendor or Location.
From No. Specifies the no. of the related source.
From Name Specifies the name of the From No. entity. Automatically filled and non editable.
Order/Ship-from address Specifies the Ship-From/Order-From Address for which this packaging document applies.
To Type Specifies the Destination Type for the Packaging document. Options are Customer, Vendor or Location.
To No. Specifies the no. of the related Destination.
To Name Specifies the name of the To No. entity. Automatically filled and non editable.
Order/Ship-to Address Specifies the Ship-To/Order-To Address for which this packaging document applies.
Shipping Agent Specifies the shipping agent related to this document.
Posting Date Specifies the Posting Date related to this document.

On Lines:

Field Description
Packaging Code Specifies the code of the packaging.
Description Specifies the description of the Packaging Code. Automatically filled and non editable.
Quantity Specifies the packaging quantity.

It’s not possible to have the same “From No.” and “To No.". If this happens, an error message appears:

After filling the fields, click on Post:

After posting, a pop-up message appears:

Posted documents are possible to consult on Posted Packaging Transfer Orders:

Package Order Shipment

It’s possible to print the document for Package Order Shipment.

This document is possible to print from the temporary Order Shipment (if it’s only needed the temporary document) or from the Posted Packaging Order Shipment (the official Shipment document).

On Package Transfer Order or Posted Package Transfer Order click on “Print Shipment”:

If document is printed from the temporary Order Shipment, the result will be:

If it’s from the posted Order Shipment, the result will be:

Package Order Receipt

Same behaviour of Order Shipment is observed for Order Receipt.

If it’s printed from the Temporary Packaging Transfer Order, the result will be:

If it’s printed from the Posted Packaging Transfer Order, the result will be:
