Checking certification on sales

Process Document Cheklist can be used to ensure that when you’re selling to a customer your compliance & certification is valid when issuing a purchase order.

Imagine you have a customer that requires that you have a valid sanitary certificate to accept your products.

Certification is valid

1. Setup Sanitary Certificate as Process Document

Define Sanitary Certificate as Process Document (see Process Documents))

2. Setup Process Document Checklist and assign to a customer

Define Process Document Checklist (see Process Document Checklists)) and set status as Certified.

Note that we are blocking sales order release if the Sanitary Certificate is not valid and that validation user group VALIDATION is assigned to the checkpoint.

Select a customer and assign process document checklist.

3. Create a sales order

Create a sales order for the customer you assigned process document checklist. The process document checklist lines are pouplated for the business document.

4. Post sales order

When posting sales order as an invoice you’ll see that a process document entry is created and recorded.

Invalid or expired Certification

Let’s imagine you now create a sales order for a date outside of the certification date validity.

1. Check when releasing the order

When you’re releasing the order then an error is prompted.

You have then two options,

  • Call the process document owner that he extends process document validity. Then release document.
  • If you are part of the validation user group VALIDATION you can can open the Process Document checklist line and validate checkpoint.

2. Validate expired/invalid process document checkist lines

If you are part of the validation user group VALIDATION, from the sales header go to Related>Process Document Checklist Lines. The invalid lines are highlighted in red.

Click on Approve validation.

Select a validation reason code.

You can now release, then post document. On the posted invoice, looking for the Process Document Checklist entries you’ll see the validation reason code and validation user ID being recorded.
