Create Process Document Checklists


A process document checklist represents a set of process documents that should be gathered / validated for a specific process type (sales, purcehase, assembly or production).

A process document checklist consists of lines representing each process document to be gathered / validated. For each line you may define a checkpoint which represents the supporting business document, a location, then a specific validation user group.

Setup Process Document Checklists

You can define process documents using the process documents list page (can be searched using search bar or opened via the dedicated action on the Process Document Management Setup Page)

Select a record to open a Process Document Checklist card.

General Fast Tab

Field Description
Code Process Document Checklist Code. This field is mandatory.
Description Provide a short description of the checklist.
Type Select type of document the checklist will apply. Choose from the following options: Sales, Purchase, Production or Assembly.
Status Initially filled with the Value “Pending”. Choose from the following Status:
Pending - when the Document Checklist is still being created or edited;
Certified - when it is ready to be used on business documents;
Archived - when it is no longer being used.

Lines Fast Tab

Field Description
Document Code Select from the table Process Documents the one that you want to associate;
Description Automatically filled with the description of the selected Document Code.
Checkpoint Depending on the type chosen on General Fast Tab, in this field will be selected a document type for that specific area(for example, if the type is Sales, in here, it will appear the options “Sales Quote”, “Sales Order”, “Sales Invoice”, “Sales Return Order”, “Sales Credit Memo”).
Location Choose the Location Code you want to associate this process document (leave empty if you want the line to apply for all locations).
Block on Release Enable if you want to block on releasing document. Only available for Purchases/Sales Orders, Purchases/Sales Invoices, Sales/Purchase Return Order, Sales/Purchase Credit Memo and Assembly Order.
Block on Posting Enable if you want to block on posting document. Only available for Purchases/Sales Orders, Purchases/Sales Invoices, Sales/Purchase Return Order, Sales/Purchase Credit Memo and Assembly Order.
Block on Convert to Order/Invoice Enable if you want to block on converting document. Only available for Purchases/Sales Quotes or Purchases/Sales Blanket Order.
Validation Usergroup Choose the Authorized Overrule Group that can approve this checklist.
Block on Status This field will appear if the Process Document Checklit Type is Production. Here you can choose in which Production Order Status you want to Block the flow of the documents (Released, Planned, Finished).

Assign Process Document Checklists

In order to be used a process document checklist should be associated with an entity. Depending on the process document checklist type you created you can associate it with following entities.

When creating a business document (defined as checkpoint in the process document checklist) for the associated entity then the process document checklist lines for the business document are populated.

Type Associated Entity How
Sales Customer Card
Purchase Vendor Card
Production Production BOM
Assembly Item Card