
Business Document

A business document is any source document supporting process documentation. It can be either a sales order, purchase order, assembly order, etc (see Checkpoints).

Process Document

A process document is the document type that needs to be gathered, validated when operating a specific business document. A process document has a version (several version of same process document can be recorded, but only one version should be applicable for a given period), authority contact details (from the contact / organization that issued the process document), a owner, a warning period, a warning date, a validation user group. Document date, starting date, expiration date and status are inherated from Process Document Version.

Setup Process Documents

Process Document Owner

The user whih is reposnible for the validation of the process doucment record. Is the only user abilited to update change the process document record status.

Warning Period

The Warning Period is the period before the document expires.

Example: If a process document is due to expire on December 31st and its warning period is 7 days then Warning date for that document will be December 24th. When using this document as from December 24th users will receive a warning that the document is close to expiration date and needs to be reviewed. This will not block supporting document validation as long as the process document is not expired.

Warning Date

Warning date = Currently applicable Process Document Version’s expiration date - Warning Period.

Process Document Version

Because process documents are subject to expiration and possibly renewal, it is possible to record several versions of a process document. Each version will have its own number version, document date, starting date and expiration date.

It is not possible to have two version having overlaping starting and expiration dates.

Document Date

The date the process document version was issued by the related authority.

Starting Date

The date the process document version was issued by the related authority.


A process document version may have following status:

  • Pending: document is pending for approval by process document owner.
  • Approved: document is approved by process document owner.
  • Rejected: document is rejected by process document owner.

To be applicable a process document version must be approved.

Process Document Checklist

A process document checklist represents a set of process documents that should be gathered / validated for a specific process type (sales, purcehase, assembly or production).

A process document checklist consists of lines representing each process document to be gathered / validated. For each line you may define a Checkpoint which represents the supporting business document, a location, then a specific validation user group.

Setup Process Document Checklists


Checkpoints are basically the business documents where you want to apply a process document. Here are the supported checkpoints per process document checklist type.

Type Checkpoint
Sales Sales Quote
Sales Sales Blanket Order
Sales Sales Order
Sales Sales Invoice
Sales Sales Return Order
Sales Sales Credit Memo
Purchase Purchase Quote
Purchase Purchase Blanket Order
Purchase Purchase Order
Purchase Purchase Invoice
Purchase Purchase Return Order
Purchase Purchase Credit Memo
Assembly Assembly Order
Production Planned Production Order
Production Released Production Order

Validation Reason Codes

These are the specific reason codes to assign when validating a process document raising an alert (expired).

Setup Validation Reason Codes

Validation User Groups

Validation User Groups are the groups of users that can validate a process document raising an alert.
