Create Process Documents


A process document consist at least of two records.

  1. A process document record that defines the type (code) of the process document
  2. A process document version record that is the record that defines the currenctly applicable version (and possibly related attachemnt(s)).

Process Documents

You can define process documents using the process documents list page (can be searched using search bar or opened via the dedicated action on the Process Document Management Setup Page)

Field Description
Code Specific Code Name for the Process Document;
Description Free text description of the Process Document;
Version Version of the document attached to this Process Document Line. This field is not editable manually and is autofilled with 0 at first. After creating versions, it will be updated.
Authority Contact No. Optional. You may assign an authority contact to track the authority that issued the process document.
Authority Contact Name Name of the selected authority contact.
Authority Contact Person No. Optional. You may assign a contact person (related to the authority contact) to the process document.
Authority Contact Person Name Name of the selected authority contact person.
Owner Specifies who’s the Process Document Owner. The value can be chosen from the related user table.
Document Date Issue date of the Process Document. This field is non editable on the table and can only be filled through the Process Document Version page.
Starting Date Date from which the Process Document is applicable. This field is non editable on the table and can only be filled through the Process Document Version page.
Expiration Date Date until the Process Document is applicable. This field is non editable on the table and can only be filled through the Process Document Version page.
Warning Period This field is autofilled with the value from Process Documentation Management Setup. This value can be edited.
Warning Date Warning date of the Process Document Line. This field is non editable on the table and is automatically filled considering the expiration date and warning period selected.
Validation Usergroup Choose from the “Validation User Groups” created on Setup.
Status This field is filled not on the table, but on action “Versions”. It should be filled with the status of the currenctly applicable Process Document Version.

Process Document Versions

After the process document line is created, it is intended to create “Versions”. The system will open a new window “Process Document Versions”, to fill the following fields:

You can attach files to process document version using drag and drop document storage only if Document Storage service is enabled.
Field Description
Code Automatically filled with the Process Document Line Code associated;
Version Version of the document attached to this Process Document Line. It will be automatically filled, according the line no.
Document Date Automatically filled with the creation date of the line, but can be manually changed. Should refer to the date the process document was issued by authority.
Starting Date Choose the Starting date of the Process Document Version;
Expiration Date Choose the Expiration date of the Process Document Version;
Status This field is autofilled with “Pending” when creating the line; For the version to be applicable and ready to use, the value should be “Approved”. For that, click on Action “Approve”. Only the Process Document Owner is allowed to approve a Process Document Version. Process Document Owner can also decide to reject Process Document Version. In this case, if the process document is part of a checklist, an alert will be raised on the defined checkpoint.
A Process Document can only be deleted if the document is not being used in any Process Document Checklist Detail, Document Checklist Line or Document Checklist Entry. Otherwise, a notification will appear and prevent the deletion.