
Setup Wizard

You can use the assisted setup wizard to initiate setup and create default demo dataset.

Process Documentation Management Setup

To access Process Documentation Management (PDM) setup, do the following steps:

  1. Search for Process Documentation Management Setup page.
  2. Fill the following fields
Field Descrption
Default Warning Period Specifies the default warning period for process documents.
Process Document Checklist No. Specifies the default series no. to be used for Process Document Checklists.
Validation User Groups Create user groups to be applicable within the current app context as Validation User groups

Validation User Groups

Create validation user groups (users that can approve documents), by filling the fields:

  • Code - define the group code;
  • Name - define the group name;
  • Members - this field is non editable and is automatically filled with the no. of members inserted on the related page.

To assign members to a user group, click on the Members action. You’ll get a list of user where you can select which ones will be members of the group.

Validation Reason Codes

A member of the validation user group may overrule a process document alert to force release or posting of the source business document. In this case an Validation Reason Code is requested to track the decision.

You can define validation reason codes documents using the vlidation reason codes list page (can be searched using search bar or opened via the dedicated action on the Process Document Management Setup Page).

A Validation Reason Code can only be deleted if is not being used on Document Checklist Entry.