Assisted Setup

Assisted Setup

Is possible to setup the Quality Requirement and Specification through a Wizard.

For that, open the Quality Requirements and Specifications Assisted Setup, on Assisted Setup:

After clicking on “Next”, define the Minimum Shelf Life for Purchase and Sales Documents, that will be setup on Purchase and Payables Setup and Sales and Receivables Setup, accordingly (see shelf life).

Pressing Next, it is possible

  • to create Default No. Series for QRS.
  • to decide how Quality Requirement and Specifications are checked (on Inserting Tracking, on Posting Document, on Inserting Tracking and Document Posting). For that, select the respective option.
  • to decide if deviation values on Purchases are allowed.

See Setup for more details.

Clicking on Next, is also possible to choose if creating Demo Data Set for Quality Requirements and Specifications is intended.

After this step, the Setup is finished. To save it, click on “Finish”:
