QRS Checks on outbound flows
On outbound Process, the general use of QRS is to optimize lot selection to match customer requirements. If no lot is available matching the specified requirement then user may decide to ship another lot. However this will be considered as deviations and will be recorded.
Supported Documents
Following outbound documents are supported with QRS Check:
- Blanket Sales Order;
- Sales Order;
- Sales Quote;
- Sales Invoice;
- Whse. Shipment (Showing QRS Document line from Source Document) - Action only available on line level.
- Inventory Pick (Showing QRS Document line from Source Document). .
QRS on Sales Documents
When adding a sales document line for a lot tracked item, the Quality Requirements and Specifications app will search for a matching QRS (according to QRS Priorities for that item, customer, location, and dates. When an applicable QRS is found then it is transported to populate the QRS Document Lines table which records the applicable QRS details for the related purchase document line.
- Item No.;
- Item Attribute;
- Item Treeview;
- All Items.
Details of the QRS Document Lines are visible on the Quality Requirements and Specification Factbox. However if user has access (has QRS-Admin rights at least) he can possibly adjust the QRS Document Lines for the current document. On the Order menu a new action QRS Document Lines is available to edit those lines.
Here, the user is able to see all the QRS Document Lines related to that document and possibly adjust them.
Adjusting QRS on document level
It is possible to manually edit the QRS Document Line. However, if there are quantities for that document line that were previously shipped (even partially), it is not possible to manually modify the Requirements - fields are blocked and a blocking reason is filled:
In order to easily identify manually updated QRS Document Lines, a checkbox Manually Updated is set to true, as soon as an item requirement is adjusted.
On Quotes and Blanket Order
When adjusting QRS Document Lines for Sales Quote or Sales Blanket Order similar rules apply as for Purchase Quote and Purchase Blanket Orders.
Item Availability by Lot & QRS
On Sales Documents, it is possible to check the availability of an item through Lot and QRS. From sales document line, click on Item Availability by >Lot & QRS. This action open the standard Item Availability by Lot No. page filtered by the QRS document line requirements:
Lot Selection
On Sales Documents, when on Item Tracking Lines, to choose the Lot:
It will only appear to choose the Lots that correspond to the Customer’s Quality Requirements & Specifications.
If, however, it is intended to choose another Lot (that doesn’t match the QRS), this is possible, by clicking on Ignore Customer Requirements:
This will make appear all the Lots for the Item that is being sold, whether respect the QRS or not:
If the chosen Lot doesn’t correspond to the QRS, a message appears:
When posting the document, a deviation entry will be created:
Recording Deviation Entries
When system identifies deviation between the actual values recorded on the selected lot information card and the specified QRS Document QRS lines it records those deviations as Deviation Entries.
For example, on a Sales Line, the Lot has an Expiration Date that doesn’t respect the QRS:
When posting the document, a warning message will appear:
If decided to proceed, a deviation entry is created:
Deviation Entry is created on Posting Shipment of the document.
Deviation Entry is only created if, on Quality Requirements & Specification Setup, the QRS Control Method is “On Posting Document” or “On Insert Tracking and Document Posting”. If is “On Insert Tracking” only, the deviation entry isn’t created and only a warning message appears.
Posted QRS Document Lines
As deviations entries will record the deviations, Posted QRS Document Lines will ensure consistent registration of the originally specified QRS document Lines once the document is posted.
This way, when posting the receipt/ship the QRS Document Line of each document line the QRS line will appear on this page.
Posted QRS Document Lines is also available on the header and lines on following sales documents:
- Posted Sales Invoice;
- Posted Inventory Pick;
- Posted Sales Shipment;
- Posted Whse Shipment.
QRS Factbox
On Sales Documents, a new factbox is available:
In this factbox is possible to view QRS per document line. Is also possible to open the QRS Document Line: