Defining Requirement and Specification

Quality Requirements and Specifications

Quality Requirements and Specifications should be understood as a list of characteristics a lot should match to be acceptable for purchases or sales. A company can get several Quality Requirements and Specifications depending on its customers. A company can also define Quality Requirements and Specifications for its vendors to assure quality of the received product.

To create a new Quality Requirements and Specifications search for Quality Requirements and Specifications List:

To create a QRS card, click on New:

Fill the following fields:

Field Description
Code Specifies the code of the QRS.
Description Describe the QRS code.
Status Specifies the QRS status. Options are Draft, Inactive and Active. If the status is Active no changes can be done to the QRS. Only Active QRS can be assigned to customer/vendor.
Type Specifies the QRS type. Options are Sales and Purchase. Only QRS’s of type Sales can be assigned to customers and only QRS’s of type Purchase can be assigned to vendors.
Location Code Specifies the Location code for the QRS. If no Location is filled, then the QRS will be applied to all locations.
Starting Date Specifies the Starting Date for the QRS. The QRS will only be applicable to documents with a Posting Date after the Starting Date.
Ending Date Specifies the Ending Date for the QRS. The QRS will only be applicable to documents with a Posting Date before the Ending Date.
Default FEFO Policy Specifies the Default FEFO policy for the QRS. Options are Blocked, Warning or empty. If Blocked, it isn’t possible to receive/ship a line that does not respect the FEFO policy. If Warning, it is possible to receive/ship a line that does not respect the FEFO policy, however, a warning will pop up. If empty, the FEFO policy isn’t validated. This field is the default value for the QRS lines creation. Though, the user can change this option for each QRS line.
Default Minimum Shelf Life Specifies the default value of the default minimum shelf life for the QRS lines creation. However, the user can change this value for each QRS line.
Default Inspection Status Specifies the default value of the default Inspection Statut for the QRS lines creation. However, the user can change this value for each QRS line.
Number of Entities Linked Specifies the number of Entities that are linked to the Quality Requirements and Specifications. If Type = Sales, it will show the number of linked Customers; If Type = Purchase, it will show the number of linked Vendors. By pressing the number, you can see the list of entities linked.


Field Description
Line Type Specifies if the Quality Requirements and Specifications line is linked to a Single Item, Item Category, Item Tree View or All Items.
No. Specifies the No. of the type used for the Quality Requirements and Specifications line. For example, if the line Type is Item, choose the Item No. If it is All Items, the field is disabled.
Description Specifies description of the Item/Item Category/Item Tree View. This is an editable field for informational purposes only.
Minimum Shelf Life Specifies the Minimum Shelf Life of the Quality Requirements & Specifications Line.
FEFO Policy Specifies the FEFO policy for the QRS line. Options are Blocked, Warning or empty. If Blocked, it isn’t possible to receive/ship a line that does not respect the FEFO policy. If Warning, it is possible to receive/ship a line that does not respect the FEFO policy, however, a warning will pop up. If empty, the FEFO policy isn’t validated. (see FEFO Policy)

For the same QRS no items can be duplicated. This way, you cannot have 2 lines with the same Type and No.

Furthermore, you cannot set up on the same QRS different types if they contain the same item. For example, you cannot set up requirements for an item category that contains an item that is already on the lines of the same QRS card.


Here are the available actions on the Quality Requirements and Specifications card:

Copy Requirement and Specification

It is possible to copy a Quality Requirements and Specifications card that exists on the List.

It’s possible to define manually the code of the QRS card to be created or to use a Series No. If the Target Code is not filled, the QRS Nos. Series will be used. In the No. of Copies field, it’s possible to indicate the No. of QRS cards that are needed to be created.

Get recurring Lines

Is possible to create Quality Requirements and Specifications Lines by getting the item list from existing Recurring Sales/Purchase Lines.

To do that, on Quality Requirement and Specification card, click on action Extract Item Purchase/Sales Recurring Lines:

Choose the Recurring Purchase/Sales lines code to be used to get the item lines, then click on OK.

Lines are added to QRS Card:

Extract Item Lines

It is also possible to Extract Items from the Item List. Select Extract Item Lines and choose the filters to be used to filter the Item List and select OK:

Export to Excel

It is possible to export one or more Quality Requirements and Specifications to Excel. For each QRS card, a sheet is created containing all information found on the respective card.

Item Availability by Lot No.

For QRS’s lines of type = Item, it is possible to check the Lots that are available according to the defined requirements. Selecting the line and action Item Availability by Lot No., opens a new page with the filters according to the requirements of the selected line:

A customer/vendor can have several active Quality Requirements and Specifications applicable. However, the same item cannot be found in multiple active QRS’s for the same customer/vendor. Furthermore, the same happens for all types: Item Category and Item Tree view, if they contain the same items. For example, you cannot assign to a customer a Requirement with an item category that contains an item that is already on the lines of an active QRS card assigned to the customer.