Working with Sell-By Date

Update Sell-By Date

The Sell-By Date is an informational field calculated using the Sales minimum shelf life when receiving an Item. As this field is defined when receiving you may need to update it (Example: in case goods are rapidly depreciating). Some special procedures are foreseen to update the Sell-By Date of a lot.

From Lot No. Information Card

On Lot No. Information Card is possible to see the Sell-By Date. It’s also possible to Update this date if intended. To do that, click on Update Sell-By Date:

Fill the new Sell-By Date. If the Advanced Lot Management app is installed and enabled it’s possible or even mandatory to fill the Reason Code, to justify the change. It’s also possible to write a comment for Audit Trail entries:

The Sell-By Date field is updated with the new Date and a pop-up message will appear:

From Advanced Lot No. Information List

From the Advanced Lot No. Information List (feature from Advanced Lot Management App) it is also possible to Update Sell-by Date.

Expiration Date Update

When the Expiration Date for one Lot Information card is updated, the update of the Sell-by Date might be necessary as well. This way, if you update the Expiration Date from the Advanced Lot No. Information List or via Item Reclassification Journal, the following message will appear:

If Yes is selected, the Sell-By date will be updated. If No is selected, the Sell-By Date will remain the same.

The Sell-By date update will not happen if the Item Reclassification Journal and Batch that are used for manual reclassifications of the Expiration Date are the same as the one’s setup on Advanced Lot Management app to be used as Expiration Date Item Journal Template and Batch.