Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_ItemAvailabilityMgt |
OnBeforeLotMatchesQualityRequirementSpecification(ItemNo: Code[20]; LotNo: Code[50]; LocationCodeFilter: Code[10]; QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrithe to check perfomed to verify if the current Lot No. is matching the quality requirement and specification defined in the source “QRS Line” record. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_LotNoAttributesMgt |
OnAfterSetRespectsQRSOnEntrySummary(var TrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification”; var TempGlobalEntrySummary: Record “Entry Summary” temporary; var LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”) |
Possibility to set additional logic after set if the Entry Summary Records respects the related Quality Requirement and Specificaiton values. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_LotNoAttributesMgt |
OnBeforeCheckQualityRequirementSpecificationForTrackingSpecification(TrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the CheckQualityRequirementSpecificationForTrackingSpecification method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_LotNoAttributesMgt |
OnElseStatementOnCheckQualityRequirementSpecificationForTrackingSpecification(TrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification”) |
Possibility to add logic if the Source Type of the Tracking Specification is not handled in the case statement on the method CheckQualityRequirementSpecificationForTrackingSpecification. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_LotNoAttributesMgt |
OnAfterCheckQualityRequirementSpecificationForTrackingSpecification(TrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification”) |
Possibility to perform additional checks on the Lot No. Information Attributes. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_LotNoAttributesMgt |
OnBeforeCheckQualityRequirementSpecificationForWarehouseActivityLine(WarehouseActivityLine: Record “Warehouse Activity Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the CheckQualityRequirementSpecificationForWarehouseActivityLine method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_LotNoAttributesMgt |
OnAfterCheckQualityRequirementSpecificationForWarehouseActivityLine(LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; WarehouseActivityLine: Record “Warehouse Activity Line”; PurchaseLine: Record “Purchase Line”) |
Possibility to perform additional checks on the Lot No. Information Attributes. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_LotNoAttributesMgt |
OnAfterCheckAttributeUsedOnQRSLines(var Attribute: Record briAAT_Attribute; var AttributeHasUsage: Boolean) |
Possibility to set additional logic after Checking if the Attribute is being used in the QRS Line record. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_LotNoAttributesMgt |
OnBeforeCheckAttributeValueUsedOnQRSLines(var AttributeValue: Record briAAT_AttributeValue; var AttributeHasBeenUsed: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the CheckAttributeValueUsedOnQRSLines method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_LotNoAttributesMgt |
OnBeforeCheckAttributeUsedOnQRSLines(var Attribute: Record briAAT_Attribute; var AttributeHasUsage: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the CheckAttributeUsedOnQRSLines method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_LotNoAttributesMgt |
OnAfterCheckAttributeValueUsedOnQRSLines(var AttributeValue: Record briAAT_AttributeValue; Attribute: Record briAAT_Attribute; QRSLineRecordRef: RecordRef; AttributeValueText: Text[250]; var AttributeHasBeenUsed: Boolean) |
Possibility to set additional logic after Checking if the Attribute Value is being used on the QRS Line record. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_LotNoAttributesMgt |
OnBeforeDeleteLotNoAttributeOnQRSLine(var Attribute: Record briAAT_Attribute; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrithe the method DeleteLotNoAttributeOnQRSLine method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_LotNoAttributesMgt |
OnAfterSetInitialLotNoInformationFilters(var LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”) |
Possibility to set additional filters on the “Lot No. Information” record. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_LotNoAttributesMgt |
OnAfterDeleteLotNoAttributeOnQRSLine(var Attribute: Record briAAT_Attribute; QRSLineRecordRef: RecordRef; QRSLineFieldRef: FieldRef) |
Possibility to set additional logic after Deleting all Values from the QRS Line Record related to the Attribute Record. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_LotNoAttributesMgt |
OnBeforeUpdateAttributeValueOnQRSLine(var AttributeValue: Record briAAT_AttributeValue; OldAttributeValue: Text[250]; NewAttributeValue: Text[250]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the UpdateAttributeValueOnQRSLine method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_LotNoAttributesMgt |
OnAfterUpdateAttributeValueOnQRSLine(var AttributeValue: Record briAAT_AttributeValue; Attribute: Record briAAT_Attribute; OldAttributeValue: Text[250]; NewAttributeValue: Text[250]; QRSLineRecordRef: RecordRef; QRSLineFieldRef: FieldRef; AttributeValueText: Text[250]) |
Possibility to set additional logic after updating the QRS Line with the new value from the Attribute Value record. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_LotNoAttributesMgt |
OnAfterSetSetQRSLineFiltersOnLotNoInformation(var LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”) |
Possibility to set additional filters on the Lot No. Information Record. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_LotNoAttributesMgt |
OnBeforeSetQRSLineFilter(QRSLineFieldRef: FieldRef; FieldNo: Integer; ValueFilter: Text[250]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to skip/overwrite the filtering the QRSLineFieldRef. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_LotNoAttributesMgt |
OnBeforeApplyLotNoInformationAttributeFiltersFromQRSDocumentLine(var LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”; LotNo: Code[50]; ItemNo: Code[20]; LocationFilter: Code[10]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to skip/overwrite the method ApplyLotNoInformationAttributeFiltersFromQRSDocumentLine. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_LotNoAttributesMgt |
OnAfterSetLotNoInformationAttributeFiltersFromQRSDocumentLine(var LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”) |
Possibility to set additional logic after the SetLotNoInformationAttributeFiltersFromQRSDocumentLine method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_LotNoAttributesMgt |
OnBeforeCheckAttributeValueUsedOnQRSDcoumentLines(var AttributeValue: Record briAAT_AttributeValue; var AttributeHasBeenUsed: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the CheckAttributeValueUsedOnQRSDcoumentLines method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_LotNoAttributesMgt |
OnAfterCheckAttributeValueUsedOnQRSDcoumentLines(var AttributeValue: Record briAAT_AttributeValue; Attribute: Record briAAT_Attribute; QRSDocumentLineRecordRef: RecordRef; AttributeValueText: Text[250]; var AttributeHasBeenUsed: Boolean) |
Possibility to set additional logic after Checking if the Attribute is being used in the QRS Document Line record. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_LotNoAttributesMgt |
OnBeforeUpdateAttributeValueOnQRSDocumentLine(var AttributeValue: Record briAAT_AttributeValue; OldAttributeValue: Text[250]; NewAttributeValue: Text[250]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the UpdateAttributeValueOnQRSDocumentLine method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_LotNoAttributesMgt |
OnAfterUpdateAttributeValueOnQRSDocumentLine(var AttributeValue: Record briAAT_AttributeValue; Attribute: Record briAAT_Attribute; OldAttributeValue: Text[250]; NewAttributeValue: Text[250]; QRSDocumentLineRecordRef: RecordRef; QRSDocumentLineFieldRef: FieldRef; AttributeValueText: Text[250]) |
Possibility to set additional logic after updating the QRS Document Line with the new value from the Attribute Value record. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_NotificationManagement |
OnBeforeShowDocumentContainsDeviationNotification(var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrithe the ShowDocumentContainsDeviationNotitication method |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_PostedQRSDocmntLineMgt |
OnBeforeCreatePostedQRSDocumentLine(FromSourceType: Integer; FromSourceSubType: Integer; FromSourceId: Code[20]; FromSourceRefNo: Integer; FromSourceProdOrderLine: Integer; ToSourceType: Integer; ToSourceSubType: Integer; ToSourceId: Code[20]; ToSourceRefNo: Integer; ToSourceProdOrderLine: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the CreatePostedQRSDocumentLine method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_PostedQRSDocmntLineMgt |
OnBeforeInsertPostedQRSDocumentLine(var PostedQRSDocumentLine: Record briQRS_PostedQRSDocumentLine; QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”) |
Possibility to set additional logic on before inserting the PostedQRSDocumentLine record. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSPostManagement |
OnBeforeCheckQualityRequirementSpecificationOnPostingPurchaseLine(PurchaseLine: Record “Purchase Line”; TrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the check perfomed on the Quality Requirement and Specifications when posting a Purchase Line. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSPostManagement |
OnAfterCheckQualityRequirementSpecificationOnPostingPurchaseLine(var QRSDeviationBuffer: Record “briQRS_QRS Deviation Buffer” temporary; PurchaseLine: Record “Purchase Line”; TrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification”; LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; InspectionStatusCode: Code[20]) |
Possibility to perform additional checks after checks perfomed on the Quality Requirement and Specifications when posting a Purchase Line. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSPostManagement |
OnBeforeCheckQualityRequirementSpecificationOnPostingSalesLine(SalesLine: Record “Sales Line”; TrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the check perfomed on the Quality Requirement and Specifications when posting a Sales Line. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSPostManagement |
OnAfterCheckQualityRequirementSpecificationOnPostingSalesLine(var QRSDeviationBuffer: Record “briQRS_QRS Deviation Buffer” temporary; SalesLine: Record “Sales Line”; TrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification”; InspectionStatusCode: Code[20]) |
Possibility to perform additional checks after checks perfomed on the Quality Requirement and Specifications when posting a Sales Line. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSPostManagement |
OnAfterQualityRequirementSpecificationChecksApplicableOnPostingPurchaseLine(PurchaseLine: Record “Purchase Line”; var IsApplicable: Boolean) |
Possibility to perform addtional validations to verify that the Quality Requirement and Specifications checks are applicable on posting a specific Purchase Line record. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSPostManagement |
OnAfterQualityRequirementSpecificationChecksApplicableOnPostingSalesLine(SalesLine: Record “Sales Line”; var IsApplicable: Boolean) |
Possibility to perform addtional validations to verify that the Quality Requirement and Specifications checks are applicable on posting a specific Sales Line record. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_CopyQRSDocumentLineMgt |
OnBeforeCopyQRSDocumentLine(FromSourceType: Integer; FromSourceSubtype: Integer; FromSourceId: Code[20]; FromSourceRefNo: Integer; FromSourceProdOrderLine: Integer; ToSourceType: Integer; ToSourceSubtype: Integer; ToSourceId: Code[20]; ToSourceRefNo: Integer; ToSourceProdOrderLine: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to skip/overwrite the CopyQRSDocumentLine method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_CopyQRSDocumentLineMgt |
OnBeforeInsertQRSDocumentLineOnCopyQRSDocumentLine(FromQRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”; ToQRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”) |
Possibility to set additional logic on before inserting the ToQRSDocumentLine from copy of the FromQRSDocumentLine record. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_CopyQRSDocumentLineMgt |
OnBeforeCopyPostedQRSDocumentLineToQRSDocumentLine(FromSourceType: Integer; FromSourceSubtype: Integer; FromSourceId: Code[20]; FromSourceRefNo: Integer; FromSourceProdOrderLine: Integer; ToSourceType: Integer; ToSourceSubtype: Integer; ToSourceId: Code[20]; ToSourceRefNo: Integer; ToSourceProdOrderLine: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to skip/overwrite the CopyQRSDocumentLine method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_CopyQRSDocumentLineMgt |
OnBeforeInsertQRSDocumentLineOnCopyPostedQRSDocumentLineToQRSDocumentLine(FromPostedQRSDocumentLine: Record briQRS_PostedQRSDocumentLine; ToQRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”) |
Possibility to set additional logic on before inserting the ToQRSDocumentLine from copy of the FromPostedQRSDocumentLine record. |
Integration Event |
page briQRS_DocumentLinesQRS |
OnBeforeSetManuallyUpdatedOnModifyRecord(var QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrithe the SetManuallyUpdated method where the “Manually Updated” field is set to true when a user changes something in the “QRS Document Line” record from the UI. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSDocumentLineMgt |
OnBeforeSetQRSDocumentLineOnDocumentLineQRSPage(var QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”; var DocumentLinesQRS: Page briQRS_DocumentLineQRS; var PageEditability: Boolean) |
Possibility to set additional logic on before setting the QRS Document Line record on the page. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSDocumentLineMgt |
OnAfterInitQRSDocumentLine(var QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”) |
Possibility to set additional logic after Init the QRS Document Line Record. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSDocumentLineMgt |
OnAfterFillQRSDocumentLineFomQRSValidatioBuffer(var QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”; QRSValidationBuffer: Record briQRS_QRSValidationBuffer temporary) |
Possibility to set modify the QRS Document Line Record after being filled from the QRS Validation Buffer record. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSDocumentLineMgt |
OnBeforeDeleteRelatedQRSDocumentLine(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceId: Code[20]; SourceRefNo: Integer; SourceProdOrderLine: Integer; RunTrigger: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to set Skip/Overwrite the DeleteRelatedQRSDocumentLine method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSDocumentLineMgt |
OnBeforeUpdateBlockingReasonOnCreatingOrderFromBlanketOrder(BlanketOrderSourceType: Integer; BlanketOrderSourceSubtype: Integer; BlanketOrderSourceId: Code[20]; BlanketOrderSourceRefNo1: Integer; BlanketOrderSourceProdOrderLineNo: Integer; OrderSourceType: Integer; OrderSourceSubtype: Integer; OrderSourceId: Code[20]; OrderSourceRefNo: Integer; OrderSourceProdOrderLine: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the UpdateBlockingReasonOnCreatingOrderFromBlanketOrder where is set a blocking reason why the user can’t modify the QRS Document Line Record. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSDocumentLineMgt |
OnAfterSetUpdateAllowedOnIsBlockingReasonUpdateAllowedOnBlanketOrder(SourceType: Integer; BlanketOrderSubtype: Integer; BlanketOrderNo: Code[20]; BlanketOrderLineNo: Integer; var UpdateAllowed: Boolean) |
Possibility to set additional validations to check if the update on the Block Reason for a QRS Document Line associated to a Blanket Order is allowed. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_ExportToExcelMgt |
OnBeforeExportQRS(QRSSelectedFilter: Text[2048]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the procedure ExportQRS that sets and defines what should be exported to Excel as well as its template. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_ExportToExcelMgt |
OnBeforeCreateExcel(QRSSelectedFilter: Text[2048]) |
Modify the existing Excel before the procedure CreateExcel which saves, creates and then downloads it. |
Integration Event |
table briQRS_QRS Header |
OnBeforeAssistEditQRSCode(QRSHeader: Record “briQRS_QRS Header”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the AssistEditQRSCode method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSLineFiltersMgmt |
OnBeforeValidateIntegerFilter(var NumericFilterText: Text[2048]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the procedure ValidateIntegerFilter that validates if the Integer filter set by the user is valid |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSLineFiltersMgmt |
OnAfterValidateIntegerFilter(var NumericTextFilter: Text[2048]) |
Perform additional checks on the Integer filter or change the value. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSLineFiltersMgmt |
OnBeforeValidateDecimalFilter(var NumericTextFilter: Text[2048]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the procedure ValidateDecimalFilter that validates if the Integer filter set by the user is valid |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSLineFiltersMgmt |
OnAfterValidateDecimalFilter(var NumericTextFilter: Text[2048]) |
Perform additional checks on the Decimal filter or change the value. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSLineFiltersMgmt |
OnBeforeValidateDateFilter(var DateFilterText: Text[2048]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the procedure ValidateDateFilter that validates if the Integer filter set by the user is valid |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSLineFiltersMgmt |
OnAfterValidateDateFilter(var DateFilterText: Text[2048]) |
Perform additional checks on the Date filter or change the value. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSLineFiltersMgmt |
OnBeforeValidateAttributeOptionFilter(var OptionTextFilter: Text[2048]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the procedure ValidateAttributeOptionFilter that validates if the Integer filter set by the user is valid |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSLineFiltersMgmt |
OnAfterValidateAttributeOptionFilter(var OptionTextFilter: Text[2048]) |
Perform additional checks on the Attribute Option filter or change the value. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSLineFiltersMgmt |
OnBeforeValidateInspectionStatusFilter(InspectionStatusFilterText: Text[2048]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the procedure ValidateInspectionStatusFilter that validates if the Integer filter set by the user is valid |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSLineFiltersMgmt |
OnAfterValidateInspectionStatusFilter(InspectionStatusFilterText: Text[2048]) |
Perform additional checks on the Inspeection Status Option filter or change the value. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSManagement |
OnBeforeSetQRSLineDefaultValues(var QRSLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Line”; QRSCode: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the procedure SetQRSLineDefaultValues that sets default values on the QRS Line from the QRS Header. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSManagement |
OnAfterSetQRSLineDefaultValues(var QRSLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Line”) |
Modify Existing QRS Line record after the default vales out of the QRS Header are set. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSManagement |
OnBeforeCreateQRSLinesFromSalesRecurringLines(QRSCode: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the procedure CreateQRSLinesFromSalesRecurringLines |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSManagement |
OnBeforeCreateQRSLinesAfterSetSelectionFilterOnStandardSalesCode(var StandardSalesCode: Record “Standard Sales Code”; QRSCode: Code[20]) |
Possibility to set additional filters on Record “Standard Sales Code” after the selection of the user. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSManagement |
OnAfterSetQRSLineDefaultValuesOnBeforeInsert(var QRSLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Line”) |
Possibility to change the “QRS Line” Record after the default values are set. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSManagement |
OnAfterSetStandardSalesLineFiltersOnCreateQRSLines(var StandardSalesLine: Record “Standard Sales Line”) |
Possibility to set additional filters on Record “Standard Sales Line” before Creating the QRS Lines. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSManagement |
OnBeforeCreateQRSLinesFromPurchaseRecurringLines(QRSCode: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the procedure CreateQRSLinesFromPurchaseRecurringLines |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSManagement |
OnAfterCreateQRSLinesFromRecurringSalesLines(var ItemsNotInsertedTextBuilder: TextBuilder; NotLotTrackedItemExist: Boolean; StandardSalesCode: Record “Standard Sales Code”; QRSCode: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the check and the message thrown after creating QRS Lines if any Item was not inserted because already existed or it was not a lot tracked item. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSManagement |
OnBeforeCreateQRSLinesAfterSetSelectionFilterOnStandardPurchaseCode(var StandardPurchaseCode: Record “Standard Purchase Code”; QRSCode: Code[20]) |
Possibility to set additional filters on Record “Standard Purchase Code” after the selection of the user. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSManagement |
OnAfterCreateQRSLinesFromRecurringPurchaseLines(ItemsNotInsertedTextBuilder: TextBuilder; NotLotTrackedItemExist: Boolean; StandardPurchaseCode: Record “Standard Purchase Code”; QRSCode: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the check and the message thrown after creating QRS Lines if any Item was not inserted because already existed or it was not a lot tracked item. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSManagement |
OnBeforeDeleteQRSRelatedData(QRSCode: Code[20]; Status: Enum “briQRS_QRS Status”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the procedure DeleteQRSRelatedData. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSManagement |
OnBeforeCheckQRSAssignmentConflict(QRSCode: Code[20]; OldQRSCode: Code[20]; EntityCodeType: Enum “briQRS_QRS Type”; EntityCode: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the procedure CheckQRSAssignmentConflict. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSManagement |
OnAfterCheckQRSAssignmentConflict(QRSLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Line”; QRSCode: Code[20]; OldQRSCode: Code[20]; EntityCodeType: Enum “briQRS_QRS Type”; EntityCode: Code[20]; LocationCode: Code[10]) |
Possibility to perform additional checks after the CheckQRSAssignmentConflict procedure is executed. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSManagement |
OnBeforeCheckQRSStatusUpdate(QRSCode: Code[20]; NewStatus: Enum “briQRS_QRS Status”; OldStatus: Enum “briQRS_QRS Status”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the procedure CheckQRSStatusUpdate. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSManagement |
OnAfterCheckQRSStatusUpdate(QRSCode: Code[20]; NewStatus: Enum “briQRS_QRS Status”; OldStatus: Enum “briQRS_QRS Status”) |
Possibility to perform additional checks after the CheckQRSStatusUpdate procedure is executed. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSManagement |
OnBeforeLookupQRSLineNoByType(var QRSLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the procedure LookupQRSLineNoByType. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSManagement |
OnAfterLookupQRSLineNoByType(var QRSLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Line”) |
Possibility to set additional logic after lookup on field “No.” on the “QRS Line” Record. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSManagement |
OnAfterSetStandardPurchaseLineFiltersOnCreateQRSLines(StandardPurchaseLine: Record “Standard Purchase Line”) |
Possibility to set additional filters on Record “Standard Purchase Line” before Creating the QRS Lines. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSManagement |
OnAfterSetEntityFilterOnQRSLinkEntity(var QRSLinkEntity: Record “briQRS_QRS Link Entity”) |
Possibility to set additional filters on QRS Link Entity. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_InboundQRSValidationMgt |
OnBeforeCheckExpirationDateForPurchaseLine(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceId: Code[20]; SourceRefNo: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]; LocationCode: Code[10]; ExpirationDate: Date; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the CheckExpirationDateForPurchaseLine method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_InboundQRSValidationMgt |
OnAfterCheckExpirationDateForPurchaseLine(var QRSDeviationBuffer: Record “briQRS_QRS Deviation Buffer” temporary; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceId: Code[20]; SourceRefNo: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]; LocationCode: Code[10]; ExpirationDate: Date; MinimumShelfLife: DateFormula) |
Possibility to perform additional checks on after CheckExpirationDateForPurchaseLine method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_InboundQRSValidationMgt |
OnBeforeCheckExpirationDateForWarehouseActivityLine(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; WarehouseActivityNo: Code[20]; SourceRefNo: Integer; WarehouseActivityType: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]; LocationCode: Code[10]; ExpirationDate: Date; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the CheckExpirationDateForWarehouseActivityLine method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_InboundQRSValidationMgt |
OnAfterCheckExpirationDateForWarehouseActivityLine(var QRSDeviationBuffer: Record “briQRS_QRS Deviation Buffer” temporary; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; WarehouseActivityNo: Code[20]; SourceRefNo: Integer; WarehouseActivityType: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]; LocationCode: Code[10]; ExpirationDate: Date; MinimumShelfLife: DateFormula) |
Possibility to perform additional checks on after CheckExpirationDateForWarehouseActivityLine method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_InboundQRSValidationMgt |
OnBeforeCheckDefaultInspectionStatus(var QRSDeviationBuffer: Record “briQRS_QRS Deviation Buffer” temporary; LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; InspectionStatusCode: Code[20]; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceId: Code[20]; SourceRefNo: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]; LocationCode: Code[10]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the CheckDefaultInspectionStatus method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_InboundQRSValidationMgt |
OnAfterCheckDefaultInspectionStatus(var QRSDeviationBuffer: Record “briQRS_QRS Deviation Buffer” temporary; QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”; LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; InspectionStatusCode: Code[20]; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceId: Code[20]; SourceRefNo: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]; LocationCode: Code[10]) |
Possibility to set additional logic after the CheckDefaultInspectionStatus method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_InboundQRSValidationMgt |
OnBeforeCheckLotNoInformationPriorityAttributes(LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; PurchaseLine: Record “Purchase Line”; TableCaption: Text; SourceRefNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the CheckLotNoInformationPriorityAttributes method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_InboundQRSValidationMgt |
OnAfterCheckLotNoInformationPriorityAttributes(var QRSDeviationBuffer: Record “briQRS_QRS Deviation Buffer”; QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”; LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; PurchaseLine: Record “Purchase Line”; QRSLinkEntity: Record “briQRS_QRS Link Entity”) |
Possibility to set additional logic after the Lot No Attributes being checked. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_InboundQRSValidationMgt |
OnBeforeCheckLotNoInformationPriorityAttributesFromPurchaseLine(PurchaseLine: Record “Purchase Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the CheckLotNoInformationPriorityAttributesFromPurchaseLine method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_InboundQRSValidationMgt |
OnAfterCheckLotNoInformationPriorityAttributesFromPurchaseLine(var QRSDeviationBuffer: Record “briQRS_QRS Deviation Buffer”; var QRSValidationBuffer: Record briQRS_QRSValidationBuffer temporary; PurchaseLine: Record “Purchase Line”; QRSLinkEntity: Record “briQRS_QRS Link Entity”) |
Possibility to set additional logic after the Lot No Attributes being checked from the Purchase Line. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_InboundQRSValidationMgt |
OnBeforeCheckQualityRequirementandSpecificationForWarehouseActivityLine(WarehouseActivityLine: Record “Warehouse Activity Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the CheckQualityRequirementandSpecificationForWarehouseActivityLine method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_InboundQRSValidationMgt |
OnAfterCheckQualityRequirementandSpecificationForWarehouseActivityLine(QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”; WarehouseActivityLine: Record “Warehouse Activity Line”; QRSLinkEntity: Record “briQRS_QRS Link Entity”) |
Possibility to set additional logic after the Lot No Attributes being checked from the Warehouse Activity Line. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_InboundQRSValidationMgt |
OnAfterSetPurchaseLineFilters(var PurchaseLine: Record “Purchase Line”) |
Possibility to set additional filters on the Purchase Line Record. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_InboundQRSValidationMgt |
OnBeforeCheckExpirationDate(ItemNo: Code[20]; LocationCode: Code[10]; ExpirationDate: Date; PostingDate: Date; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the CheckExpirationDate method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_InboundQRSValidationMgt |
OnAfterCheckExpirationDate(QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”; ItemNo: Code[20]; LocationCode: Code[10]; ExpirationDate: Date; PostingDate: Date) |
Possibility to set additional logic after the Expiration Date being checked. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_InboundQRSValidationMgt |
OnBeforeCheckMinimumExpirationDate(QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”; ItemNo: Code[20]; ExpirationDate: Date; PostingDate: Date; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the CheckMinimumExpirationDate method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_InboundQRSValidationMgt |
OnAfterCheckMinimumExpirationDate(QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”; ItemNo: Code[20]; ExpirationDate: Date; PostingDate: Date; MinimumShelfLife: DateFormula) |
Possibility to set additional logic after the CheckMinimumExpirationDate method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_OutbndQRSValidationMgmt |
OnBeforeCheckExpirationDateForSalesLine(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceId: Code[20]; SourceRefNo: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]; LocationCode: Code[10]; ExpirationDate: Date; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the CheckExpirationDateForSalesLine method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_OutbndQRSValidationMgmt |
OnAfterCheckExpirationDateForSalesLine(var QRSDeviationBuffer: Record “briQRS_QRS Deviation Buffer” temporary; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceId: Code[20]; SourceRefNo: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]; LocationCode: Code[10]; ExpirationDate: Date; MinimumShelfLife: DateFormula) |
Possibility to perform addtional checks after the CheckExpirationDateForSalesLine method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_OutbndQRSValidationMgmt |
OnBeforeCheckDefaultInspectionStatus(var QRSDeviationBuffer: Record “briQRS_QRS Deviation Buffer” temporary; LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; InspectionStatusCode: Code[20]; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceId: Code[20]; SourceRefNo: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the CheckDefaultInspectionStatus method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_OutbndQRSValidationMgmt |
OnAfterCheckDefaultInspectionStatus(var QRSDeviationBuffer: Record “briQRS_QRS Deviation Buffer” temporary; QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”; LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; InspectionStatusCode: Code[20]; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceId: Code[20]; SourceRefNo: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]) |
Possibility to set additional logic after the CheckDefaultInspectionStatus method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_OutbndQRSValidationMgmt |
OnBeforeCheckLotNoInformationPriorityAttributes(LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; SalesLine: Record “Sales Line”; TableCaption: Text; SourceRefNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the CheckLotNoInformationPriorityAttributes method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_OutbndQRSValidationMgmt |
OnAfterCheckLotNoInformationPriorityAttributes(var QRSDeviationBuffer: Record “briQRS_QRS Deviation Buffer”; QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”; LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; SalesLine: Record “Sales Line”; QRSLinkEntity: Record “briQRS_QRS Link Entity”) |
Possibility to set additional logic after the Lot No Attributes being checked. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_OutbndQRSValidationMgmt |
OnBeforeCheckQualityRequirementSpecificationForTrackingSpecification(SalesLine: Record “Sales Line”; TrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the CheckQualityRequirementSpecificationForTrackingSpecification method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_OutbndQRSValidationMgmt |
OnAfterCheckQualityRequirementSpecificationForTrackingSpecification(var QRSDeviationBuffer: Record “briQRS_QRS Deviation Buffer”; SalesLine: Record “Sales Line”; TrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification”; LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”) |
Possibility to perform additional checks after the CheckQualityRequirementSpecificationForTrackingSpecification |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_OutbndQRSValidationMgmt |
OnBeforeCheckExpirationDate(ItemNo: Code[20]; LocationCode: Code[10]; ExpirationDate: Date; PostingDate: Date; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the CheckExpirationDate method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_OutbndQRSValidationMgmt |
OnAfterCheckExpirationDate(QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”; ItemNo: Code[20]; LocationCode: Code[10]; ExpirationDate: Date; PostingDate: Date) |
Possibility to set additional logic after the Expiration Date being checked. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_OutbndQRSValidationMgmt |
OnBeforeCheckMinimumExpirationDate(QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”; ItemNo: Code[20]; ExpirationDate: Date; PostingDate: Date; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the CheckMinimumExpirationDate method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_OutbndQRSValidationMgmt |
OnAfterCheckMinimumExpirationDate(QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”; ItemNo: Code[20]; ExpirationDate: Date; PostingDate: Date; MinimumShelfLife: DateFormula) |
Possibility to perform addtional checks after the CheckMinimumExpirationDate method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationHelper |
OnBeforeGetRelatedQRSLinkEntities(var QRSLinkEntity: Record “briQRS_QRS Link Entity”; EntityCode: Code[20]; QRSType: Enum “briQRS_QRS Type”) |
Possibility to set additional filters on before get the Related QRS Link Entities for a specific QRS Type and Entity Code. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationHelper |
OnBeforeGetExistingExpirationDate(var ItemLedgerEntry: Record “Item Ledger Entry”) |
Possibility to set additional filters on Item Ledger Entry record. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationHelper |
OnBeforeApplyDeviationAllowedPolicyOnPurchaseDocument(var QRSDeviationBuffer: Record “briQRS_QRS Deviation Buffer”; var ShowMessage: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to skip the Allow Deviation policy performed in Purchase Documents. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationHelper |
OnBeforeInsertQRSDeviationBuffer(var QRSDeviationBuffer: Record “briQRS_QRS Deviation Buffer” temporary) |
Possibility to perform changes on the QRSDeviationBuffer record before being inserted. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationHelper |
OnBeforeFillQRSFactbox(var QRSExpectedValue: Record “briQRS_QRS Expected Value” temporary; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite how the QRS Factbox is filled. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationHelper |
OnAfterFillQRSFactbox(var QRSExpectedValue: Record “briQRS_QRS Expected Value” temporary; QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceId: Code[20]; SourceRefNo: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]; LocationCode: Code[10]; PostingDate: Date; QRSType: Enum “briQRS_QRS Type”; SourceNo: Code[20]) |
Possibility to set additional logic after the QRS Factbox is filled. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationHelper |
OnBeforeFindApplicableQualityRequirementSpecification(QRSType: Enum “briQRS_QRS Type”; EntityNo: Code[20]; ItemNo: Code[20]; LocationCode: Code[10]; PostingDate: Date; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the FindApplicableQualityRequirementSpecification method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationHelper |
OnElseStatementOnSetPostingDateToBeChecked(QRSType: Enum “briQRS_QRS Type”; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceId: Code[20]; SourceRefNo: Integer) |
Possibility to set additional logic if the QRS Type doesn’t match the expected values on the case statement. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationHelper |
OnBeforeShowRelatedQRSDeviationEntriesFromDocument(var QRSDeviationEntry: Record “briQRS_QRS Deviation Entry”; var QRSDeviationEntries: Page “briQRS_QRS Deviation Entries”; SourceDocumentType: Integer; SourcDocumentSubType: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]) |
Possibility to set additional logic on before show the related QRS Deviation Entries to a specific document. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationHelper |
OnBeforeShowRelatedQRSDeviationEntriesFromQRSCard(var QRSDeviationEntry: Record “briQRS_QRS Deviation Entry”; var QRSDeviationEntries: Page “briQRS_QRS Deviation Entries”; QRSCode: Code[20]) |
Possibility to set additional logic on before show the related QRS Deviation Entries to a specific QRS Code. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationHelper |
OnBeforeInsertQRSExpectedValue(var QRSExpectedValue: Record “briQRS_QRS Expected Value” temporary) |
Possibility to make changes to the QRS Expected Value Record before it’s inserted. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationHelper |
OnAfterGetSourceDocumentValues(var QRSExpectedValue: Record “briQRS_QRS Expected Value” temporary; var SourceType: Integer; var SourceSubType: Integer; var SourceId: Code[20]; var QRSType: Enum “briQRS_QRS Type”; var SourceNo: Code[20]; var ItemNo: Code[20]; LocationCode: Code[10]) |
Possibility to modify the QRSExpectedValue Record and also the values from the Source Document. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationHelper |
OnBeforeCreateQRSExpectedValues(var QRSExpectedValue: Record “briQRS_QRS Expected Value” temporary; QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceId: Code[20]; SourceRefNo: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]; LocationCode: Code[10]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the CreateQRSExpectedValues method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationHelper |
OnAfterCreateQRSExpectedValues(var QRSExpectedValue: Record “briQRS_QRS Expected Value” temporary; QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceId: Code[20]; SourceRefNo: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]; LocationCode: Code[10]) |
Possibility to set additional logic after the QRS Expected Values are created for the QRS Factbox. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationHelper |
OnAfterSetQRSDeviationEntryDocumentFilters(var QRSDeviationEntry: Record “briQRS_QRS Deviation Entry”; SourceType: Text; SourceSubType: Text; SourceNo: Code[20]) |
Possibility to set addtiional filters on the QRSDeviationEntry record after the source document filters been set. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationHelper |
OnAfterSetQRSDeviationEntryItemFilters(var QRSDeviationEntry: Record “briQRS_QRS Deviation Entry”; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]) |
Possibility to set addtiional filters on the QRSDeviationEntry record after the item filters been set. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationMgt |
OnBeforeFillQRSValidationBuffer(var QRSValidationBuffer: Record briQRS_QRSValidationBuffer temporary; var QRSLinkEntity: Record “briQRS_QRS Link Entity”; ItemNo: Code[20]; LocationCode: Code[10]; PostingDate: Date; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the FillQRSValidationBuffer method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationMgt |
OnAfterFillQRSValidationBuffer(var QRSValidationBuffer: Record briQRS_QRSValidationBuffer temporary; var QRSLinkEntity: Record “briQRS_QRS Link Entity”; ItemNo: Code[20]; LocationCode: Code[10]; ItemCategoryCode: Code[20]; PostingDate: Date) |
Possibility to set additional logic after the QRS Validation Buffer is filled. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationMgt |
OnBeforeFindQRSValidationBufferBestMatch(var QRSValidationBuffer: Record briQRS_QRSValidationBuffer temporary; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the FindQRSValidationBufferBestMatch method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationMgt |
OnBeforeCheckExpirationDate(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceId: Code[20]; SourceRefNo: Integer; WarehouseActivityType: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]; LocationCode: Code[10]; ExpirationDate: Date; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the CheckExpirationDate method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationMgt |
OnAfterCheckExpirationDate(var QRSDeviationBuffer: Record “briQRS_QRS Deviation Buffer” temporary; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceId: Code[20]; SourceRefNo: Integer; WarehouseActivityType: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]; LocationCode: Code[10]; ExpirationDate: Date) |
Possibility to set additional logic after the CheckExpirationDate method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationMgt |
OnBeforeCheckMinimumExpirationDate(var QRSDeviationBuffer: Record “briQRS_QRS Deviation Buffer” temporary; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceId: Code[20]; SourceRefNo: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; LotNo: Code[50]; ExpirationDate: Date; PostingDate: Date; MinimumShelfLife: DateFormula; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrithe the CheckMinimumExpirationDate method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationMgt |
OnAfterCheckMinimumExpirationDate(var QRSDeviationBuffer: Record “briQRS_QRS Deviation Buffer” temporary; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceId: Code[20]; SourceRefNo: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; LotNo: Code[50]; ExpirationDate: Date; PostingDate: Date; MinimumShelfLife: DateFormula; MinimumExpectedExpDate: Date) |
Possibility to set additional logic after the CheckMinimumExpirationDate method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationMgt |
OnBeforeCheckPreviousExpirationDate(QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”; ItemNo: Code[20]; SourceType: Enum “Analysis Source Type”; SourceNo: Code[20]; ExpirationDate: Date; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the CheckPreviousExpirationDate method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationMgt |
OnAfterCheckPreviousExpirationDate(QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”; ItemNo: Code[20]; EntitySourceType: Enum “Analysis Source Type”; SourceId: Code[20]; ExpirationDate: Date; ExistingExpirationDate: Date) |
Possibility to perform additional checks after the CheckPreviousExpirationDate method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationMgt |
OnBeforeCheckCheckDefaultInspectionStatus(LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; DefaultInspectionStatusCode: Code[20]; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceId: Code[20]; SourceRefNo: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]; LocationCode: Code[10]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the CheckCheckDefaultInspectionStatus method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationMgt |
OnElseStatementOnCheckCheckDefaultInspectionStatus(LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; DefaultInspectionStatusCode: Code[20]; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceId: Code[20]; SourceRefNo: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]; LocationCode: Code[10]) |
Possibility to handle the Check on the Default Inspection Status if the Source Type don’t match the values on the case statement on the CheckCheckDefaultInspectionStatus method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationMgt |
OnAfterCheckCheckDefaultInspectionStatus(var QRSDeviationBuffer: Record “briQRS_QRS Deviation Buffer” temporary; LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; DefaultInspectionStatusCode: Code[20]; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubType: Integer; SourceId: Code[20]; SourceRefNo: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]; LocationCode: Code[10]) |
Possibility to set additional logic after the CheckCheckDefaultInspectionStatus method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationMgt |
OnBeforeCheckQualityRequirementSpecificationFromTrackingSpecification(TrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the CheckQualityRequirementSpecificationFromTrackingSpecification method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationMgt |
OnAfterCheckQualityRequirementSpecificationFromTrackingSpecification(var QRSDeviationBuffer: Record “briQRS_QRS Deviation Buffer” temporary; TrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification”; LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; PurchaseLine: Record “Purchase Line”; SalesLine: Record “Sales Line”) |
Possibility to set addtional logic after the CheckQualityRequirementSpecificationFromTrackingSpecification method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationMgt |
OnAfterSetQRSLineInitialFilters(var QRSLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Line”) |
Possibility to set additional filters on the QRSLine Record. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationMgt |
OnBeforeInsertQRSValidationBuffer(var QRSValidationBuffer: Record briQRS_QRSValidationBuffer temporary; QRSLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Line”) |
Possibility to set additional logic on before Inserting the QRS Validation Buffer record. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationMgt |
OnBeforeSetMinimumInboundShelfLifeFromItem(Item: Record Item; ItemNo: Code[20]; var MinimumShelfLife: DateFormula; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the SetMinimumInboundShelfLifeFromItem method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationMgt |
OnBeforeApplyFEFOPolicy(FEFOPolicy: Enum briQRS_DefaultFEFOPolicy; ExistingExpirationDate: Date; SourceNo: Code[20]; SourceEntityType: Enum “Analysis Source Type”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the ApplyFEFOPolicy method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationMgt |
OnBeforeValidatePriorityOptionValue(QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”; PriorityTextFieldValue: Text[250]; AttributeCaption: Text; PriorityFieldNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the ValidatePriorityOptionValue method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationMgt |
OnBeforeValidatePriorityDateValue(QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”; PriorityDateFieldValue: Date; AttributeCaption: Text; PriorityFieldNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the ValidatePriorityDateValue method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationMgt |
OnBeforeValidatePriorityIntegerValue(QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”; PriorityIntegerFieldValue: Integer; AttributeCaption: Text; PriorityFieldNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the ValidatePriorityIntegerValue method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationMgt |
OnBeforeValidatePriorityDecimalValue(QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”; PriorityDecimalFieldValue: Decimal; AttributeCaption: Text; PriorityFieldNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the ValidatePriorityDecimalValue method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationMgt |
OnAfterValidatePriorityOptionValue(QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”; PriorityTextFieldValue: Text[250]; AttributeCaption: Text; PriorityFieldNo: Integer) |
Possibility to perform additional checks on a Lot No Option Priority Attribute |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationMgt |
OnAfterValidatePriorityDateValue(QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”; PriorityDateFieldValue: Date; AttributeCaption: Text; PriorityFieldNo: Integer) |
Possibility to perform additional checks on a Lot No Date Priority Attribute |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationMgt |
OnAfterValidatePriorityIntegerValue(QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”; PriorityIntegerFieldValue: Integer; AttributeCaption: Text; PriorityFieldNo: Integer) |
Possibility to perform additional checks on a Lot No Integer Priority Attribute |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationMgt |
OnAfterValidatePriorityDecimalValue(QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”; PriorityDecimalFieldValue: Decimal; AttributeCaption: Text; PriorityFieldNo: Integer) |
Possibility to perform additional checks on a Lot No Decimal Priority Attribute |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationMgt |
OnBeforeInsertQRSFilterValidationBuffer(var QRSFilterValidationBuffer: Record briQRS_QRSFilterValidationBffr temporary; PriorityTextFieldValue: Text[2048]; PriorityDateFieldValue: Date; PriorityIntegerFieldValue: Integer; PriorityDecimalFieldValue: Decimal) |
Possibility to set additional logic on before insert a record in the briQRS_QRSFilterValidationBffr table. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationMgt |
OnElseStatementOnGetAttributeFilterValueFromQRSDocumentLine(QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”; PriorityFieldNo: Integer) |
Possibility to return a different value if the PriorityFieldNo doesn’t match the value specificied in the case statement. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationMgt |
OnBeforeValidateLotInspectionStatusValue(QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceId: Code[20]; SourceRefNo: Integer; InspectionStatusCode: Code[20]; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; LotNo: Code[50]; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the ValidateLotInspectionStatusValue method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSValidationMgt |
OnAfterValidateLotInspectionStatusValue(QRSDocumentLine: Record “briQRS_QRS Document Line”; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceId: Code[20]; SourceRefNo: Integer; InspectionStatusCode: Code[20]; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; LotNo: Code[50]) |
Possibility to perform additional checks on Lot Inspection Status |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSReleaseManagement |
OnBeforeCheckQualityRequirementSpecificationOnReleasePurchaseDocument(PurchaseHeader: Record “Purchase Header”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the CheckQualityRequirementSpecificationOnReleasePurchaseDocument method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSReleaseManagement |
OnAfterCheckQualityRequirementSpecificationOnReleasePurchaseDocument(var QRSDeviationBuffer: Record “briQRS_QRS Deviation Buffer” temporary; PurchaseHeader: Record “Purchase Header”; PurchaseLine: Record “Purchase Line”) |
Possibility to perform additional checks after the CheckQualityRequirementSpecificationOnReleasePurchaseDocument method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSReleaseManagement |
OnBeforeCheckQualityRequirementSpecificationFromTrackingSpecification(PurchaseLine: Record “Purchase Line”; TrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the CheckQualityRequirementSpecificationFromTrackingSpecification method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSReleaseManagement |
OnAfterCheckQualityRequirementSpecificationFromTrackingSpecification(PurchaseLine: Record “Purchase Line”; TrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification”; LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”) |
Possibility to perform additional checks on the Lot No. Information Attributes. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSReleaseManagement |
OnBeforeCheckQualityRequirementSpecificationFromReservationEntry(PurchaseLine: Record “Purchase Line”; ReservationEntry: Record “Reservation Entry”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the CheckQualityRequirementSpecificationFromReservationEntry method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSReleaseManagement |
OnAfterCheckQualityRequirementSpecificationFromReservationEntry(PurchaseLine: Record “Purchase Line”; ReservationEntry: Record “Reservation Entry”; LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”) |
Possibility to perform additional checks on the Lot No. Information Attributes. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_QRSReleaseManagement |
OnAfterQualityRequirementSpecificationChecksApplicableOnReleasingPuchaseHeader(PurchaseHeader: Record “Purchase Header”; var IsApplicable: Boolean) |
Possibility to perform addtional validations to verify that the Quality Requirement and Specifications checks are applicable on releasing a specific Purchase Header record. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_MinimumShelfLifeMgt |
OnBeforeCheckMinimumShelfLife(MinimumShelfLifeDateFormula: DateFormula; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite procedure CheckMinimumShelfLife for a Specific Minimum Shelf Life Date Formula Value. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_MinimumShelfLifeMgt |
OnAfterCheckMinimumShelfLife(MinimumShelfLifeDate: Date; MinimumShelfLifeDateFormula: DateFormula) |
Additional checks after the Minimum Shelf Life Value check is perfomed. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_MinimumShelfLifeMgt |
OnBeforeSetDefaultInboundOutboundMinimumShelfLifeOnItem(var Item: Record Item; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite procedure SetDefaultInboundOutboundMinimumShelfLife that sets the Default Minimum Shelf Life values on specific Item Record with values from the Sales and Receivables Setup and Purchases and Payables Setup(s) |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_MinimumShelfLifeMgt |
OnAfterSetDefaultInboundOutboundMinimumShelfLifeOnItem(var Item: Record Item) |
Record Item can be modified after the Default Mininmum Shelf Life values are set. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_MinimumShelfLifeMgt |
OnBeforeConfirmUpdateMinimumShelfLifeValueOnItem(Item: Record Item; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite procedure ConfirmUpdateMinimumShelfLifeValueOnItem that if an Item Ledger Entry exists for the specific Item throws a confirmation dialog to the User |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_MinimumShelfLifeMgt |
OnAfterConfirmUpdateMinimumShelfLifeValueOnItem(Item: Record Item) |
It’s possible to set additional checks for the update Minimum Shelf Life value on the specific Item. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_MinimumShelfLifeMgt |
OnBeforeSetSellByDateOnLotNoInformation(var LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite SetSellByDateOnLotNoInformation procedure that set a Sell-By Date on the specific “Lot No. Information” record manually created. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_MinimumShelfLifeMgt |
OnAfterSetSellByDateOnLotNoInformation(var LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”) |
Extend the SetSellByDateOnLotNoInformation procedure with additional logic for the manual “Lot No. Information” creation. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_MinimumShelfLifeMgt |
OnBeforeSetSellByDateOnAutomaticLotNoInformationCreation(ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; LotNo: Code[50]; NewLotNo: Code[50]; ExpirationDate: Date; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite the SetSellByDateOnAutomaticLotNoInformationCreation that sets a Sell-By Date on a “Lot No. Information” when this record is automatically created on posting an “Item Journal Line” for a Lot Tracked Item. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_MinimumShelfLifeMgt |
OnAfterSetSellByDateOnAutomaticLotNoInformationCreation(var LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; ExpirationDate: Date) |
Extend the procedure SetSellByDateOnAutomaticLotNoInformationCreation. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_MinimumShelfLifeMgt |
OnAfterSetFilterOnItemLedgerEntryOnGetExpirationDateFromLastRelatedItemLedgerEntry(var ItemLedgerEntry: Record “Item Ledger Entry”; LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”) |
Extend filters on “Item Ledger Entry” Record on procedure GetExpirationDateFromLastRelatedItemLedgerEntry |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_MinimumShelfLifeMgt |
OnBeforeConfirmUpdateMinimumShelfLifeValueFromExpirationCalculation(Item: Record Item; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Skip/Overwrite procedure ConfirmUpdateMinimumShelfLifeValueFromExpirationCalculation that if an Item Ledger Entry exists for the specific Item throws a confirmation dialog to the User |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_MinimumShelfLifeMgt |
OnAfterConfirmUpdateMinimumShelfLifeValueFromExpirationCalculation(Item: Record Item) |
It’s possible to set additional checks for the update Minimum Shelf Life value on the specific Item. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_SellByDateManagement |
OnBeforeUpdateSellByDateFromAdvancedLotNoInformation(var AdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer: Record briALM_AdvancedLotNoInfoBuffer temporary; var SellByDateUpdate: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the UpdateSellByDate method called from the Advanced Lot No Information List. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_SellByDateManagement |
OnBeforeUpdateSellByDate(var LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; SellByDateUpdate: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the UpdateSellByDate method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_SellByDateManagement |
OnAfterUpdateSellByDateFromAdvancedLotNoInformation(var LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; var SellByDateUpdate: Boolean) |
Possibility to set additional behavior after the method UpdateSellByDate called from the Advanced Lot No Information List. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_SellByDateManagement |
OnAfterUpdateSellByDate(var LotNoInformation: Record “Lot No. Information”; NewSellByDate: Date) |
Possibility to set addtional behavior after the method UpdateSellByDate. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_SellByDateManagement |
OnBeforeShowUpdateSellByDatePage(CurrentSellByDate: Date; var NewSellByDate: Date; var IsHandled: Boolean) |
Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the ShowUpdateSellByDatePage method. |
Integration Event |
codeunit briQRS_SellByDateManagement |
OnAfterShowUpdateSellByDatePage(CurrentSellByDate: Date; var NewSellByDate: Date) |
Possibility to set additional behavior after the method ShowUpdateSellByDatePage |
Integration Event |
briQRS_SetQRSDocumentLineFilters(var QRS_AttributeMapping: Record briQRS_PrintBuffer) |
Set filters on Item attributes |
Integration Event |
briQRS_SetQRSDocumentLineFilters(var QRS_AttributeMapping: Record briQRS_PrintBuffer) |
Set filters on Item attributes |
Integration Event |
briQRS_SetQRSDocumentLineFilters(var QRS_AttributeMapping: Record briQRS_PrintBuffer) |
Set filters on Item attributes |
Integration Event |
briQRS_SetQRSDocumentLineFilters(var QRS_AttributeMapping: Record briQRS_PrintBuffer) |
Set filters on Item attributes |
Integration Event |
briQRS_SetQRSDocumentLineFilters(var QRS_AttributeMapping: Record briQRS_PrintBuffer) |
Set filters on Item attributes |
Integration Event |
briQRS_SetQRSDocumentLineFilters(var QRS_AttributeMapping: Record briQRS_PrintBuffer) |
Set filters on Item attributes |
Integration Event |
briQRS_SetQRSDocumentLineFilters(var QRS_AttributeMapping: Record briQRS_PrintBuffer) |
Set filters on Item attributes |
Integration Event |
briQRS_SetQRSDocumentLineFilters(var QRS_AttributeMapping: Record briQRS_PrintBuffer) |
Set filters on Item attributes |