Quality Control Management

Notes for release 24.0.8889.66312


  • Task 12432 - User Story 3969 -
  • Task 12423 - User Story 12422 - Refactor tooltips from Page to Table
  • Bug 12419 - Feature 3473 -
  • Task 12420 - Bug 12419 - Init Default Value as Quality Checks Value in Quality Checks document Lines
  • Task 12365 - User Story 3969 -
  • Task 12373 - User Story 3969 -
  • Task 11139 - Bug 11138 - Deletion of the lines for a Validated Quality Check Specification
  • Task 7342 - User Story 7341 -
  • Task 7146 - User Story 3969 -
  • Task 5074 - User Story 3468 -
  • Task 5075 - User Story 5066 - Analysis Report
  • Task 7095 - User Story 325 - Appsource compatibility
  • Task 7072 - User Story 3881 - Automated Tests
  • Task 6485 - User Story 325 - Appsource compatibility
  • Task 7047 - User Story 325 - Appsource compatibility
  • Task 6691 - User Story 3881 - Automated Tests
  • Bug 6765 - User Story 3613 -
  • Task 6766 - Bug 6765 -
  • Task 6908 - Bug 6907 -
  • Task 6909 - Bug 6907 -
  • Task 6817 - User Story 3472 - Assign Quality Specification per document/product type
  • Task 6494 - Bug 6493 -
  • Task 6495 - Bug 6493 -
  • Task 6489 - User Story 6486 - Support Item Variants
  • Task 6490 - User Story 6486 - Support Item Variants
  • Task 6262 - User Story 6260 - Add function to get User Friendly table caption
  • Task 6324 - User Story 325 - Appsource compatibility
  • Task 6149 - User Story 6148 - Create New QC Document from warehouse Document Lines
  • Task 6150 - User Story 6148 - Create New QC Document from warehouse Document Lines
  • Task 6028 - User Story 6027 -
  • Task 6221 - User Story 3768 -
  • Task 6263 - User Story 6254 - Remove Document type Enum
  • Task 6273 - User Story 325 - Appsource compatibility
  • Bug 6140 -
  • Task 6201 - Bug 6140 -
  • Task 6210 - Bug 6140 -
  • Task 6240 - User Story 6238 -
  • User Story 6120 - Feature 3473 -
  • Bug 6123 - Feature 3473 -
  • Task 6131 - User Story 6120 -
  • Task 6132 - Bug 6123 -
  • Task 6197 - Bug 6123 -
  • Bug 6119 - Feature 3473 -
  • Task 6130 - Bug 6119 -
  • Task 6121 - Feature 3466 -
  • User Story 3768 - Feature 3767 -
  • Task 6118 - User Story 3768 -
  • Task 6124 - User Story 3768 -
  • User Story 6127 - Feature 3469 -
  • Task 6128 - User Story 3768 -
  • Task 6129 - User Story 3768 -
  • Task 6133 - User Story 6127 -
  • Task 6106 -
  • Task 6026 - User Story 3881 - Automated Tests
  • Task 6032 - User Story 6030 -
  • Task 6031 - User Story 6030 -
  • Task 6050 - User Story 3768 -
  • User Story 6027 - Feature 3767 -
  • Bug 5592 - User Story 5587 - Manual Tests
  • Task 5593 - Bug 5592 -
  • Task 5597 - Bug 5592 -
  • Bug 5589 - User Story 5587 - Manual Tests
  • User Story 5237 - Feature 3469 -
  • Task 5238 - User Story 5237 -
  • Task 5246 - User Story 5237 -
  • Bug 5178 - Feature 3466 -
  • Task 5086 - User Story 5085 - Implement Integration Events
  • Task 4976 - User Story 3768 -
  • Task 4975 - User Story 3768 -
  • Task 3802 - User Story 3800 -
  • Task 3884 - User Story 3881 - Automated Tests
  • Task 3362 - User Story 3318 -

Events available

Event Type Object Function Description
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_DocumentTypeMgt OnAfterIsSourceAPostedDocument(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; var IsPostedDocument: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_DocumentTypeMgt OnAfterGetOriginalDocumentTypeByPostedSource(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; var ItemQCDocumentType: Enum briQUA_ItemQCDocumentType)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_DocumentTypeMgt OnAfterGetItemQCDocumentTypeByWarehouseActivityType(WarehouseActivityType: Enum “Warehouse Activity Type”; var ItemQCDocumentType: Enum briQUA_ItemQCDocumentType)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_DocumentTypeMgt OnAfterGetItemQCDocumentTypeFromTrackingSpecification(TrackingSpecificationSourceType: Integer; TrackingSpecificationSourceSubtype: Integer; var ItemQCDocumentType: Enum briQUA_ItemQCDocumentType)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_DocumentTypeMgt OnAfterGetItemQCDocumentTypeByProdOrderStatus(ProdOrderStatus: Integer; var ItemQCDocumentType: Enum briQUA_ItemQCDocumentType)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_DocumentTypeMgt OnBeforeIsProductionOrderStatusEligibleForQualityControl(ProdOrderStatus: Enum “Production Order Status”; var Eligible: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_DocumentTypeMgt OnBeforeIsPODocumentTypeEligibleForQualityControl(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; var Eligible: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_ModuleMgt OnBeforeIsSubscriberToBeRun(var RunTrigger: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_ModuleMgt OnAfterIsSubscriberToBeRun(var RunTrigger: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QC Handling Mgt OnBeforeIsQualityControlOnItemAutomatic(ItemQCDocumentType: Enum briQUA_ItemQCDocumentType; ItemNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean; var IsAutomatic: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QC Handling Mgt OnBeforeIsQualityControlOnDocumentTypeMandatory(ItemQCDocumentType: Enum briQUA_ItemQCDocumentType; var IsHandled: Boolean; var IsMandatory: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QC Handling Mgt OnBeforeIsQualityControlOnItemMandatory(ItemQCDocumentType: Enum briQUA_ItemQCDocumentType; ItemNo: Code[20]; var Mandatory: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_Create QC Actions OnBeforeCreateQualityCheckActionForDocument(Document: Variant; IsDocumentHeader: Boolean; IsBeingCreatedByUser: Boolean; ItemQCDocumentType: Enum briQUA_ItemQCDocumentType; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; LotNo: Code[50]; SerialNo: Code[50]; var IsHandled: Boolean; var QualityCheckNo: Code[20])
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_Create QC Actions OnBeforeOpenQualityCheckCardOnCreateQualityCheckActionForDocument(Document: Variant; IsDocumentHeader: Boolean; IsBeingCreatedByUser: Boolean; ItemQCDocumentType: Enum briQUA_ItemQCDocumentType; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; LotNo: Code[50]; SerialNo: Code[50]; QualityCheckNo: Code[20])
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_Create QC Actions OnBeforeCreateQualityCheckActionForDocumentWarehouseActivityDocument(WarehouseActivityHeader: Record “Warehouse Activity Header”; IsBeingCreatedByUser: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean; var QualityCheckNo: Code[20])
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_Create QC Actions OnBeforeOpenQualityCheckCardOnCreateQualityCheckActionForDocumentWarehouseActivityDocument(WarehouseActivityHeader: Record “Warehouse Activity Header”; IsBeingCreatedByUser: Boolean; QualityCheckNo: Code[20])
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_Create QC Actions OnBeforeCreateQualityCheckActionForLotNoInformation(Document: Variant; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; LotNo: Code[50]; SerialNo: Code[50]; var IsHandled: Boolean; var QualityCheckNo: Code[20])
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_Create QC Actions OnBeforeOpenQualityCheckCardOnCreateQualityCheckActionForLotNoInformation(Document: Variant; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; LotNo: Code[50]; SerialNo: Code[50])
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_Create QC Actions OnBeforeCreateQualityCheckActionForDocumentWarehouseActivityLine(var WarehouseActivityLine: Record “Warehouse Activity Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean; var QualityCheckNo: Code[20])
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_Create QC Actions OnBeforeOpenQualityCheckCardOnCreateQualityCheckActionForDocumentWarehouseActivityLine(var WarehouseActivityLine: Record “Warehouse Activity Line”; var QualityCheckNo: Code[20])
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_Create QC Actions OnBeforeCreateQualityCheckActionForItemTrackingLine(var TrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification”; var xTrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification”; var IsHandled: Boolean; var QualityCheckNo: Code[20])
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_Create QC Actions OnBeforeOpenQualityCheckCardOnCreateQualityCheckActionForItemTrackingLine(var TrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification”; var xTrackingSpecification: Record “Tracking Specification”; IsBeingCreatedByUser: Boolean; var QualityCheckNo: Code[20])
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QualityControlFactory OnBeforeCreateQualityCheckAndDocumentQCLink(Document: Variant; IsDocumentHeader: Boolean; QCSpecificationCode: Code[20]; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; LotNo: Code[50]; SerialNo: Code[50]; var IsHandled: Boolean; var HandledQCCode: Code[20])
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QualityControlFactory OnAfterCreateQualityCheckAndDocumentQCLink(Document: Variant; var QualityCheckHeader: Record “briQUA_Quality Check Header”; var DocumentQCLink: Record “briQUA_Document-QC Link”)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QualityControlFactory OnAfterModifyLotAndSerialNoOnQualityCheckHeader(var QualityCheckHeader: Record “briQUA_Quality Check Header”)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QualityControlFactory OnAfterModifyLotAndSerialNoOnDocumentQCLink(var DocumentQCLink: Record “briQUA_Document-QC Link”)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QualityControlFactory OnBeforeDeleteQualityChecksForDocument(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QualityControlFactory OnAfterRecreateDocumentQCLinkForPostedDocument(DocumentQCLink: Record “briQUA_Document-QC Link”; var NewDocumentQCLink: Record “briQUA_Document-QC Link”)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QualityControlFactory OnBeforeModifyLotAndSerialNoOnQualityCheckHeader(QualityCheckHeaderNo: Code[20]; LotNo: Code[50]; SerialNo: Code[50]; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QualityControlFactory OnBeforeRecreateDocumentQCLinkForPostedDocument(DocumentQCLink: Record “briQUA_Document-QC Link”; PostedSourceType: Integer; PostedSourceSubtype: Integer; PostedSourceNo: Code[20]; var NewDocumentQCLink: Record “briQUA_Document-QC Link”; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QualityControlFactory OnBeforeInitResultValueFromDefaultvalue(var QualityCheckLine: Record “briQUA_Quality Check Line”; QCSpecificationLine: Record “briQUA_QC Specification Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QualityControlFactory OnAfterInitResultValueFromDefaultvalue(var QualityCheckLine: Record “briQUA_Quality Check Line”; QCSpecificationLine: Record “briQUA_QC Specification Line”)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_DocumentQCLinkMgt OnAfterCreateDocumentQCLink(var DocumentQCLink: Record “briQUA_Document-QC Link”; IsDocumentHeader: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_DocumentQCLinkMgt OnAfterGetDocumentQCLinksForDocument(var DocumentQCLink: Record “briQUA_Document-QC Link”; IsDocumentHeader: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_DocumentQCLinkMgt OnBeforeCreateDocumentQCLink(var DocumentQCLink: Record “briQUA_Document-QC Link”; Document: Variant; IsDocumentHeader: Boolean; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocumentLineNo: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; SerialNo: Code[50]; LotNo: Code[50]; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_DocumentQCLinkMgt OnBeforeGetDocumentQCLinksForDocument(var DocumentQCLink: Record “briQUA_Document-QC Link”; Document: Variant; IsDocumentHeader: Boolean; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocumentLineNo: Integer; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; SerialNo: Code[50]; LotNo: Code[50]; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_DocumentQCLinkMgt OnAfterGetFieldValuesForDocumentQCLink(Document: Variant; IsDocumentHeader: Boolean; var SourceType: Integer; var SourceSubtype: Integer; var DocumentNo: Code[20]; var DocumentLineNo: Integer; var ItemNo: Code[20]; var VariantCode: Code[10]; var SerialNo: Code[50]; var LotNo: Code[50])
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_DocumentQCLinkMgt OnAfterGetLineDataForDocumentQCLink(var RecRef: RecordRef; var FldRef: FieldRef; IsDocumentHeader: Boolean; var DocumentLineNo: Integer; var ItemNo: Code[20])
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QCLineDataValidation OnBeforeValidateIntegerValue(var QualityCheckLine: Record “briQUA_Quality Check Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QCLineDataValidation OnBeforeValidateOptionValue(var QualityCheckLine: Record “briQUA_Quality Check Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QCLineDataValidation OnBeforeValidateDecimalValue(var QualityCheckLine: Record “briQUA_Quality Check Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QCLineDataValidation OnBeforeValidateDateValue(var QualityCheckLine: Record “briQUA_Quality Check Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QCLineDataValidation OnBeforeValidateTextValue(var QualityCheckLine: Record “briQUA_Quality Check Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QCLineDataValidation OnAfterValidateIntegerValue(var QualityCheckLine: Record “briQUA_Quality Check Line”)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QCLineDataValidation OnAfterValidateOptionValue(var QualityCheckLine: Record “briQUA_Quality Check Line”)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QCLineDataValidation OnAfterValidateDecimalValue(var QualityCheckLine: Record “briQUA_Quality Check Line”)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QCLineDataValidation OnAfterValidateDateValue(var QualityCheckLine: Record “briQUA_Quality Check Line”)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QCLineDataValidation OnAfterValidateTextValue(var QualityCheckLine: Record “briQUA_Quality Check Line”)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QC Validation OnBeforeCheckStatusOnDocumentQCLinksForDocument(Document: Variant; ItemQCDocumentType: Enum briQUA_ItemQCDocumentType; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QC Validation OnAfterCheckStatusOnDocumentQCLinksForDocument(Document: Variant; ItemQCDocumentType: Enum briQUA_ItemQCDocumentType)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QC Validation OnBeforeCheckStatusOnDocumentQCLinksForLine(Document: Variant; ItemQCDocumentType: Enum briQUA_ItemQCDocumentType; ItemNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QC Validation OnAfterCheckStatusOnDocumentQCLinksForLine(Document: Variant; ItemQCDocumentType: Enum briQUA_ItemQCDocumentType)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QC Validation OnBeforeCheckQualityCheckRecordsAreClosed(var DocumentQCLink: Record “briQUA_Document-QC Link”; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QC Validation OnAfterCheckQualityCheckRecordsAreClosed(var DocumentQCLink: Record “briQUA_Document-QC Link”)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QC Validation OnBeforeCheckStatusOnDocumentQCLinks(Document: Variant; IsDocumentHeader: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QC Validation OnAfterCheckStatusOnDocumentQCLinks(DocumentQCLink: Record “briQUA_Document-QC Link”; IsDocumentHeader: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QC Validation OnBeforeCheckQualityCheckStatusOnSalesOrder(var SalesHeader: Record “Sales Header”; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QC Validation OnBeforeCheckQualityCheckStatusOnPurchaseOrder(var PurchaseHeader: Record “Purchase Header”; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QC Validation OnBeforeCheckQualityCheckStatusOnAssemblyOrder(var AssemblyHeader: Record “Assembly Header”; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QC Validation OnBeforeCheckQualityCheckStatusOnTransferOrder(var TransferHeader: Record “Transfer Header”; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QC Validation OnBeforeCheckQualityCheckStatusOnProductionOrder(var ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QC Validation OnAfterCheckQualityCheckStatusOnSalesOrder(var SalesHeader: Record “Sales Header”)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QC Validation OnAfterCheckQualityCheckStatusOnPurchaseOrder(var PurchaseHeader: Record “Purchase Header”)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QC Validation OnAfterCheckQualityCheckStatusOnAssemblyOrder(var AssemblyHeader: Record “Assembly Header”)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QC Validation OnAfterCheckQualityCheckStatusOnTransferOrder(var TransferHeader: Record “Transfer Header”)
Integration Event codeunit briQUA_QC Validation OnAfterCheckQualityCheckStatusOnProductionOrder(var ProductionOrder: Record “Production Order”)