Recipe Instructions
Notes for release 25.0.9112.61911
- Task 16230 - User Story 16229 -
- Task 16231 - User Story 16229 -
- Task 17174 - User Story 16229 -
- Task 17406 - Bug 17405 - Create a Recipe with different Routing Version Code
- Task 17190 - User Story 16229 -
- Task 17296 - Bug 17295 - Delete Version Code that is being used on Recipe
- Task 16216 - User Story 16213 - 5.8 - Production Order Lines
- Task 16227 - User Story 16226 - 7.1 Permission Sets
- Task 17365 - Bug 17364 - Read Permission set doesn't allow open Recipe List or Prod. Order Recipe Card
- Task 17113 - Bug 17112 - Changes on Prod. Order Recipe Report
- Task 17348 - Bug 17347 - Duplicated/Quadruplicated info on Routings
- Task 17185 - Bug 17184 - Field Recipe No. should be flowfield to Prod. Order Recipe Card
- Task 17257 - Bug 17256 - Open Prod. Order Recipe after changing BOM No. / Routing No. - Not Handling Recipe Versions Correctly
- Task 17318 - Bug 17317 - Unable to delete all lines on Recipe Version
- Task 17321 - Bug 17320 - Copy Recipe should be filtered
- Task 17194 - Bug 17193 - Recipe Version on Prod. Order must have in consideration the Prod. Order Date and not the Work Date
- Task 17188 - Bug 17187 - Recipe No. is not updated when changing Prod. Order Status
- Task 17254 - Bug 17253 - Confirmation message is not appearing when Updating Values on Components or Routing
- Task 16274 - User Story 16272 - 8 - Integration with Production Scenarios
- Task 17179 - Bug 17178 - Confirmation message appears even when there are no lines on Prod. Order
- Task 16215 - User Story 16213 - 5.8 - Production Order Lines
- Task 17116 - Bug 17115 - If Instruction has more than 1 Ingredient related, it's not being printed - fixed.
- Task 17075 - Bug 17074 - Changing Status on Prod. Order - fixed.
- Task 16221 - User Story 16219 - 6.1 - Prod Order Recipe
- Task 16268 - User Story 16265 - 5.7 - Instructions Review
- Task 16210 - User Story 16207 - 5.6 - Prod Order Recipe Card
- Task 17079 - User Story 16361 - 9 - Integration with Document Storage
- Task 16267 - User Story 16265 - 5.7 - Instructions Review
- Task 16992 - Bug 16991 - Bug is now fixed.
- Task 16363 - User Story 16361 - 9 - Integration with Document Storage
- Task 16209 - User Story 16207 - 5.6 - Prod Order Recipe Card
- Task 16621 - Bug 16620 - Bug is now fixed.
- Task 16606 - Bug 16605 - Bug is fixed
- Task 16204 - User Story 16201 - Recipe Version List
- Task 16198 - User Story 16195 - Recipe Version
- Task 16192 - User Story 16189 - Recipe Lines
- Task 16602 - Bug 16601 - Bug is now fixed.
- Task 16636 - Bug 16635 - Action exists on Manufacturing Menu.
- Task 16612 - Bug 16611 - Fixed.
- Task 16616 - Bug 16615 - Bug is now fixed.
- Task 16628 - Bug 16627 - Bug is fixed.
- Task 16197 - User Story 16195 - Recipe Version
- Task 16203 - User Story 16201 - Recipe Version List
- Task 16191 - User Story 16189 - Recipe Lines
- Task 16184 - User Story 16182 - Recipe Header
- Task 16185 - User Story 16182 - Recipe Header
- Task 16391 - User Story 16246 - Setup
- Task 16306 - User Story 16303 - Recipe List
- Task 16253 - User Story 16246 - Setup
- Task 16350 - User Story 16246 - Setup
Events available
Event Type | Object | Function | Description |
Integration Event | codeunit briRCP_PSCIntegrationHandler | OnBeforeProductionScenariosIsInstalled(var IsPSCInstalled: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean) | |
Integration Event | codeunit briRCP_NotificationManagement | OnBeforeShowLineCreatedNotification(var IsHandled: Boolean) | Skip/Overwrite ShowLineCreatedNotification Method |
Integration Event | codeunit briRCP_ProdOrderRecipeMgt | OnBeforeCheckExistingRecipeLineOnDeleteProdOrderComponent(ProdOrderComponent: Record “Prod. Order Component”; var IsHandled: Boolean) | Skip/Overwrite CheckExistingRecipeLineOnDeleteProdOrderComponent method |
Integration Event | codeunit briRCP_ProdOrderRecipeMgt | OnBeforeCheckExistingRecipeLineOnDeleteProdOrderRoutingLine(ProdOrderRoutingLine: Record “Prod. Order Routing Line”; var IsHandled: Boolean) | Skip/Overwrite CheckExistingRecipeLineOnDeleteProdOrderRoutingLine method |
Integration Event | page briRCP_RecipeCard | OnCopyRecipeOnBeforeLookup(var ToRecipeHeader: Record briRCP_RecipeHeader; var FromRecipeHeader: Record briRCP_RecipeHeader) | Possibility to add behaviour before Lookup the Recipe List on “Copy Recipe” action |
Integration Event | table briRCP_RecipeHeader | OnBeforeGetRecipeOrderNoSeries(RecipeHeader: Record briRCP_RecipeHeader; var NoSeriesCode: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean) | Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the method GetRecipeOrderNoSeries where the “Recipe Nos.” field from the “Manufacturing Setup” records is being retrieved. |
Integration Event | table briRCP_RecipeHeader | OnBeforeTestRecipeOrderNoSeries(RecipeHeader: Record briRCP_RecipeHeader; ManufacturingSetup: Record “Manufacturing Setup”; var IsHandled: Boolean) | Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the TestRecipeOrderNoSeries where is being checked if the “Recipe Nos.” field on the “Manufacturing Setup” record is filled. |
Integration Event | table briRCP_RecipeHeader | OnBeforeInitSeries(var RecipeHeader: Record briRCP_RecipeHeader; OldRecipeHeader: Record briRCP_RecipeHeader; var IsHandled: Boolean) | Possibility to Skip/Overwrite the InitSeries method. |
Integration Event | table briRCP_RecipeHeader | OnBeforeSetRecipeOrderInstruction(var RecipeHeader: Record briRCP_RecipeHeader; NewRecipeOrderInstruction: Text; var IsHandled: Boolean) | Possibility to Skip/Overwrite SetRecipeOrderInstruction method where the NewRecipeOrderInstruction parameter is converted in a BLOB datatype. |
Integration Event | table briRCP_RecipeHeader | OnAfterSetRecipeOrderInstruction(var RecipeHeader: Record briRCP_RecipeHeader; OldRecipeHeader: Record briRCP_RecipeHeader; NewRecipeOrderInstruction: Text) | Possibility to perform additional changes on the “Recipe Order” record after the SetRecipeOrderInstruction method. |
Integration Event | table briRCP_RecipeHeader | OnBeforeGetRecipeOrderInstructionAsText(var RecipeOrder: Record briRCP_RecipeHeader; var NewRecipeOrderInstruction: Text; var IsHandled: Boolean) | Possibility to Skip/Overwrite GetRecipeOrderInstructionAsText method where the “Recipe Order Instruction” BLOB field to a text datatype; |