Agreement Card

What is an agreement?

An agreement is a kind of commercial or incentive contract which is based on actual sold or purchased quantities. You can create agreements with your customers, vendors or employees.

Agreement card

An agreement is made of 4 parts.

1 - General

This is the header part of the agreement Card.

Field Description Mandatory
Agreement Nos Agreement Number. Defined by the number series setup. yes
Type Sales or Purchase.This defines if the agreement will be calculated on sales or purchase entries. yes
Starting date Starting date of the agreement. Only entries after or on this starting date will be populated in this agreement. yes
Ending date Starting date of the agreement. Only entries before or on this ending date will be populated in this agreement. yes
Entry Period Date Formula. This will define how entries populated in this agreement will be grouped. yes
Description General Description for the agreement. no
Salesperson/Purchaser code Informational. Defines the salesperson or purchaser that is attached (has negotiated) this agreement. no
Your reference Informational. Agreement reference for the trading partner. no
External reference Informational. External reference for the agreement. no
Companies included Displays the number of companies included in the agreement. In a multi company environment, you can create a contract that creates incentive on sales on different companies. if no company is specified, this value is defaulted to 1 (current company) when the agreement is released yes
Status Open: Agreement is being setup. Not operational yet. No evaluation can be done.
Released: Agreement can be evaluated.
Cancelled: Cancelled Agreement. No evaluation can be done.
Closed: Agreement is closed setup. No evaluation can be done.

Cancelled or Closed agreements cannot be reopened. Only released agreements can be reopened.
Sending date Informational. Date the agreement was sent to partner. no
Signing date Informational. Date the agreement was signed with partner. no

2 - Agreement Lines

Here is the place to define the target and calculation method for each target. You can define as many lines as you want. Within a line you can also define several targets.

Field Description Mandatory
Description Informational General Description for the agreement line. no
Distribution Base Defines the base on which the target/incentive is defined. Can be Amount, Quantity,Quantity (base) (in base unit), Net Weight (this one requires the net weight to be properly set on item card). yes
Distribution Base Period Defines if the target is defined per period (as previously defined on Entry Period) or cumulative (for the entier contract timeframe). yes
Computation mode Defines the way the calculation will be done. Can be:
Amount: This will result in a fixed amount when the target is reached,
Unit Amount: This will result in an amount to be multiplied by the number of unit when the target is reached,
Percentage: This will result in a percentage of the number of unit when the target is reached.
First Target Level Displays the first target level (defined in distribution base unit). You can define multiple target levels by clicking on this column. yes
First Value Displays the value to be appplied (using Computation mode) when target level is reached. yes
Detailed Values Amount Displays the current evaluation of the agreement in LCY. na
Document Entry Amount Displays the already posted amount in General Ledger (in LCY). na
Balance Ammount Detailed Values Amount - Document Entry Amount. na

3 - Included/Excluded

Here you can define which sales/purchase entries are in the scope of the agreement. You need at list one included/excluded line for the agreement evaluation to work properly.

Field Description Mandatory
Type Included: Filters Reference that should be included.
Excluded: Filters Reference that should be excluded
Reference Agreement can use Customer, Vendor, Item,Value Entry or Salesperson/Purchaser to filter sales or purchaser entries. For each of these references, all fields are available for filtering. yes
Table Filter Click on this field look up to open table filter window. This window will populate all the fields of the reference entity so you can easily build complex fields on.
If no filtering is required you just need to put a * on first displayed field. This will make the “included” filter to populate all sales or purchase entries.
optional (mandatory if Treview Level empty)
Treeview Level You can filter based on Treeview structure (see Entity treeviews Apps for more details). Not available when using Value Entry reference. optional (mandatory if Table Filter empty)

4 - Payment

Here you define how you want to achieve payment of the agreement.

Field Description Mandatory
Blocked for payments When checked, no payment can be created for this agreement. Default is uncheked na
Payment Type Can be None,Customer, Vendor, Employee. Default is None, this means that no payment can be created yes
Payment to No. Only visible when Payment Type is Customer, Vendor, Employee. To be filled with the correct reference to pay. no
Payment Period Details When checked, one payment line will be created per agreement period (per agreement line). Default is unchecked na
Payment Periodicity Date Formula. When trigering payment creation the payment periodicity field will be used to check if the payment is expected to be created. yes
Last Period Paid Automatically filled in when a payment is created. Will be used together with Payment Periodicity to evaluate next payment Period. yes
General Product Posting Group Used when creating payment for Customer or Vendor to organise General Ledger Posting. yes when Payment Type is Customer or Vendor
VAT Product Posting Group Used when creating payment for Customer or Vendor to organise VAT/Sales tax Posting. yes when Payment Type is Customer or Vendor