Creating Payments

Customer/vendor payments

When making agreements with Payment type “Customer” or “Vendor”, creating payment will result is producing invoices or credit memos populating agreement evaluation:

Payment Document matrix

Depending on the Payment Type and agreement Type, following document types will be issued.

Agreement Type Payment Type Issued Document Type for payment
Sales Customer Sales Credit memo
Sales Vendor Purchase Invoice
Purchase Customer Sales Invoice
Purchase Vendor Purchase Credit Memo

Creating payments

  1. From the agreement card, select the Create Payments action,
  1. When the Create Agreement Payments request form appears, you can handle following options:
  • Evaluate: Will trigger evaluation prior creating payment document.

  • Posting Date: Posting date to be used for the payment document. Will also be used to select the periods that will be included in the payment document.

  • Agreement Filter: To be used to extend Payment Creation for multiple agreements.

    Click on OK when you are fine with options.

  1. As following message pops-up, you can now check the created payment document.
  1. Going to the Sales Credit Memo list (please refer to the Payment Document Matrix above for the correct document list) you can see that a new document is created.
  1. Opening the Sale Credit Memo page you can check details over the output document. If OK for you, then just Post Document as usual.
If you need the issued document to provide detailled lines per period, please check the Payment Period Details checkbox on the Agreement card.
  1. Going back to the agreement you can now see that the doc. entry amount has been updated as the balance amount for the corresponding line.

  2. Last Period Posted field is also updated and will be used as base period reference when issuing next Payment Document.

  3. Using Line menu and Value Entry action you can also see detail entry lines for this agreement with payment being updated.

Creating employee payments

Basically creating employee payment is the same procedure as creating customer or vendor payments. It differs only in the output, instead of creating sales/purchase invoices/credit memo’s, the final result is an employee ledger entry.

  1. To create employee payments your agreement should be first set with Payment Type “employee”.
  1. From the agreement card, select the Create Payments action,
  1. When the Create Agreement Payments request form appears, you can handle following options:
  • Evaluate: Will trigger evaluation prior creating payment document.

  • Posting Date: Posting date to be used for the payment document. Will also be used to select the periods that will be included in the payment document.

  • Agreement Filter: To be used to extend Payment Creation for multiple agreements.

    Click on OK when you are fine with options.

  1. As following message pops-up, you can now check the created payment document.
  1. Going to the General Journal you set up in the Commission an Rebates Setup, you’ll now see a posting propoal. If OK for you, then just Post entry as usual.
In this example, the draft posting is balanced with Employee Account Type. This would result is creating Employee Ledger Entries and GL Entries. If you want to create only GL Entries please change the Commission and Rebates Setup, Employee Account Type to G/L Account (and set an Employee G/L Account to balance the posting).
If you need detailled lines per period, please check the Payment Period Details checkbox on the Agreement card.
  1. Once General Journal posted, Agreement is updated, you can click on Document Entry Amount,
  1. and can now navigate to the posted document.
