Attach/Detach Documents from/to Trading File

Attach Sales/Purchase Documents from Trading Files

In the Trading File lines there’s the possibility to attach Sales/Purchase lines.

This provides a list of Sales/Purchase lines (filtered for the same Item No. and Unit of Measure).

If the selected line (from the list) is already attached to a Trading File, a pop-up message will appear, to confirm the alteration:

The attachment will not be blocked if the selected line is partially posted (received/shipped). The already posted entries will not be updated with new Dimension/Dimension values.

Trading file No. will be saved on the Document line level. Therefore, it is possible for the same document to have one line attached to a Trading File and another one to a different Trading File.

From the Trading File line, it is possible to see all the attached documents (posted or unposted):

Detach Sales/Purchase Documents from Trading Files

There’s a function on Sales/Purchase Documents to detach the document from the Trading File:

With this action, the link between the Sales/Purchase document and the Trading File will be broken.

Attach Sales/Purchase Documents to a Trading File

On Sales/Purchase Documents exists an action called Attach Trading File - function to select a Trading file line to attach on Sales/Purchase documents (Order, Return Order, Invoice, Credit Memo, Blanket Order).

When clicking on this action, a list of Trading File Lines will appear, filtered by:

  • Document type = Trading file
  • Status = Draft
  • Type = Item
  • No. = Item no
  • Unit of Measure Code = Item Item Unit of Measure

If the line intended to be attached is partially posted (shipped or received), is not possible to attach - when clicking on function, an error message appears:
